Title: The Conspiracy

Fandom: Vampire Knight

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight © Matsuri Hino

Summary: The touch wasn't bruising now, but he was far from gentle.

Author's Notes: Sorry for the delay. School's been keeping me busy.

Tear You Apart—She Wants Revenge

I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right

When she thought back on it all now, the only thing that came to her mind was this isn't how I imagined it would be. The laughter of her classmates, the flicker of dawn rising over the gates of the school, the many hours of ignoring it all – none of it mattered here.

Yori imagined what her first kiss would be like. She thought about how it would feel – gentle, sweet, hesitant. When she wasn't busy with homework or worrying about Yuuki, she would let her mind wander. She would lay wrapped up in her blankets at night – and she would wonder.

His hands circled around her, tugging her towards him before he leaned down to breathe in her ear. "Hold still." She shivered at the words, caught up in the feel of him against her.

This wasn't the same boy. The boyshe was used to had a lighter voice, one made for pleasantries and games and Valentine's Day. This warped duplicate was harder, colder, and his eyes glowed red like a predator.

This was not how she imagined it.

"Aidou-senpai." His name slipped out into the cold night, not hindered by his hands wrapped around her wrists. "That hurts." It wasn't what she was going to say, but it's just as relevant as anything else.

"It won't hurt," he said. He pressed his mouth against her neck, not quite a kiss, but close enough. "All you need to do is hold still." He moves wisps of hair off her neck, and lets his tongue trail along it until he's at her shoulder. "Just think of this as payment for saving you."

She remembered his hand on her arm, pulling her forward and away from the wreckage of Cross Academy. She didn't scream, or try to get away, or even ask him questions. All she did was follow him. She could hear the yells of Yuuki from the other room, begging to be set free, and the beat of her own heart as a chill ran up her spine as the monsters that broke through the walls became ice.

It was a memory that stood firm even now. She felt his smile against her skin, and knew he was remembering as well.

"What's going to happen to Yuuki?"

The question seemed to startle him, because he pulled back a little and let his hands rest against her sides. The touch wasn't bruising now, but he was far from gentle. "Huh?" he asked.

"I know she's one of you now. All I want to know now is if she's safe." She turned her head slightly, slowly, so that she was looking up at him. His eyes were still red, but they were wide and trained on her as she moved her whole body to face him. "Please," she said. "Just tell me that."

The forest around them made no movement. The wind ceased to be, and he remained frozen in front of her, the violence fading away to solemn resignation. Maybe he was thinking of how to answer her, or if he should, or maybe he was reflecting on his own ghosts that haunted him. Either way, the crease of his brow and the clenching of his teeth gave away his decision.

"She's fine," he said. "You don't have to worry about her anymore."

She smiled, and didn't move away as he came closer, this time letting her face him. She wasn't prey now – this wasn't a capture, or even a result of broken will. This was acceptance. "She's my friend," she said as his teeth grazed her neck. "I have to worry."

"Yes," he said. "I guess you do."

And then he bit down.

There was a rush of breath, of skin pressed tight, of blood. She held still, and the words this won't hurt became an ululation in her mind and limbs and heart. Moved by adrenaline, Yori let it all slip away until she was gripping him by the front of his shirt and letting a hand run through his hair. Somewhere between the trees and this moment, hope turned into gratitude.

When he pulled away from her, there was the pressure of her lips meeting his. She closed her eyes and held him there, her blood caught between them as they stood together in a moment of acceptance and equality that would probably be dull and gone with the light of daybreak.

It was a kiss. A gentle, sweet, not-quite hesitant kiss.

"Thank you," she whispered against his mouth.