I do not own anything nor do I make any money from this story. All rights apply.

Set after the manga.

I am using the names that I like the sound of rather than what is considered correct.



"What happened last time you did that?" demanded Akira.

"I hadn't thought it out last time but now I have," defended Hikaru.

"You're just saying that," said Akira. "You are going to lose!"

"I am not," returned Hikaru.

"You are. How many times must I tell you – that is a bad move."

The two rivals looked up from the board for the first time.

"You tell me that all the time but most of the time you are wrong," said Hikaru pointing at the stones.

"Most of the time?" retorted Akira.

"Well, at least half," corrected Hikaru.

"You are reaching," said Akira.

"Argh!" yelled Hikaru and stood up. "I've beat you before."

"Oh sure," Akira yelled at Hikaru's retreating back, "twice out of the millions of games we've played."

Hikaru collected his bag from Ichikawa and left the Go salon without a reply. Akira clenched his fists in anger - Hikaru was so stubborn if only he would listen once in a while. Akira set about trying to finish the hand Hikaru had started but couldn't figure out what Hikaru had been thinking when he placed the stone. After a few attempts he gave up and packed the stones away. He had a match tomorrow and didn't want to be sidetracked. He gathered his things and left the salon, next time he spoke to Hikaru he was going to make him to finish that hand and prove one of them right.


Akira almost bumped into Waya as he stepped into the elevator the following morning.

"Sorry," said Waya clearly distracted.

"No problem," assured Akira.

Over the last few months Akira had developed a tentative friendship with Waya. It was mostly Hikaru's doing and while Akira managed to get along with just about everyone that Hikaru socialised with there were still awkward moments when Hikaru wasn't around to play mediator. This was one such moment.

Akira could see that Waya was upset about something but couldn't find the words to ask. He toyed with various phrases but accidentally blurted,

"You're upset." It sounded more like an accusation than anything else.

Waya looked up with a frown.

"Didn't… don't you…" he seemed to be battling.

The elevator doors opened to reveal Ogata.

"Ah, Akira," he said. "There you are. I've been looking for you."

"Why?" demanded Akira disturbed by Waya's behaviour.

Ogata didn't seem to notice Akira's tone and continued speaking.

"It's Hikaru, there was an accident, a car collision – he's at Tokyo General Hospital."

"WHAT!" yelled Akira. "When? I saw him yesterday afternoon."

Ogata looked pained and Waya stepped in.

"Outside the Go salon where you guys play," he said.

Akira took an involuntary step. His father's Go salon… that meant after they played yesterday.

Ogata was talking but Akira couldn't really hear. There was something about trying to get hold of Akira and not knowing much about Hikaru's condition other than he had broken bones and was in a coma. Akira ran from the elevator and down the stairs. In that moment the stairs seemed faster to him because he was moving, and he felt he could ran faster than the elevator. He knew where the Tokyo General Hospital was and set off on foot rather than waiting for a bus. In retrospect, Ogata would have driven him there if he had the presence of mind to ask. On the way he remembered the events of yesterday afternoon. The games he and Hikaru had attempted to play but always ended up in an arguement, Hikaru leaving… It worried Akira that the last words he said to Hikaru had been in anger and sarcasm. It also occurred to him that he had thought the street to be busy but it was a dispersing crowd that he had been walking though. His frown deepened as he ran – you had better be aright. Hikaru!


Hikaru was in a private room, nothing like the one Akira's father had used but it was quiet save for the various machine that monitored him. His right arm was in a cast up to his shoulder and bandages ran down the right side of his face and neck. Akira could see bruising around the edges of the tape and wondered why he noticed such a small detail. Mrs Shindou was sitting beside Hikaru's bed, her eyes were red rimmed and she looked exhausted. It was only when Akira called attention to himself did she look up surprised.

"Ah, Akira," she said and tried to smile but failed and turned her attention back to Hikaru.

Akira came forward and stood next to her. After a couple of attempts he asked,

"Is he going to be okay?"

"The doctors… they, they don't know yet but they think he will be okay," she said wiping her eyes.

Akira nodded and looked back at Hikaru. He couldn't help but noticed that his fingers moved occasionally – two fingers, his index and middle finger. He wondered if Hikaru was playing a game and who he was playing. He had a pretty good idea but Mrs Shindou's sudden question still threw him.

"Do you know Sai?"