Whoops. Meant for this to be released at Thanksgiving. Ehehe, curse my bad timing…

Hmmm, so the battle rages on. Krystee finally confront Alita, with Sarah and Taylor there to back her up. Will they succeed or ultimately fail?

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

(A closer look to Krystee's and Alita's conversation.)

Krystee held her breath, biting her lip nervously. This was it, the final confrontation. Or atleast she had hoped. Krystee wanted this over quickly, to put her sister back to her peaceful state, before anything bad happened. Then again, her abduction wasn't a happy thing either. Alita smirked at the young teen's discomfort.

"Alita…" Krystee tried in a soft voice. Alita's golden eyes were striking…the same as her mother's. Yet, her mother had a lighter, gentler shade, closer to amber than gold. Something hidden behind those eyes made Krystee shiver. Secrets, and a whole lot of them.

"Don't start with me, Krissy," Alita warned. Krystee glared back. She hated that nickname, something that made her sound so girly. Something she definitely wasn't.

"Alita! How…Do you see yourself!" Krystee shouted. Maybe it wasn't a smart idea to try and negotiate with the villain, but she had to try. It was her relative, maybe not very close, but still. Alita stared back, in an uncaring way.

"Oh yes, all the time. My name, my picture, my reputation. It's all over the Rocket news, something you shouldn't know about," Alita said, waving her hand around, like the whole thing was natural for her. Krystee resisted the urge to growl, a habit she picked up from the Growlithes she tended back in Professor's Oak lab, one of the only Pokemon that seemed to not want to bite her hand off. Though, the bite marks she received from a couple didn't seem to help the cause…

"…I hate to say it Alita, but you were once a real candidate for the head. Now…you're a worse disgrace than me," Krystee spat. Alita's eyes hardened, her demeanor changed from a sly snake into a rabid dog.

"DON'T you DARE mention that EVER again. I gave that up a long time ago, and NEVER compare me to the likes of YOU!" Alita stressed every word, words dripping with malice, her Golbats leaning in dangerously close. Aki sparked her cheeks warningly. Kiyoshi glared with her eyes, changing from the playful shade of cherry red to a burning maroon. Krystee wasn't about to back down now, not ever. Just as the young girl was about to shout back, Sarah interrupted, her Swampert out.

"Krystee! What in the name of Mew are you doing!" Sarah loudly asked. Having forgotten her previous conversation, Krystee turned to face the young Hoenn champion. Sarah didn't understand what was going all. The facts indicated that both girls knew each other, and that the older woman was in charge of all this…chaos.

"Not now Ms. Jones…" Krystee whispered harshly, nervously glancing back at Alita in case that wretched, insane woman did anything shady. Which she wasn't, merely standing and waiting for the conversation to end. She had the time.

"Look, we'll talk after, alright? I won't let you avoid this," Sarah warned before adding, "And I don't intend to let you go either."

"Ahahaha…Good one, little girl," Alita chuckled. As if. Even if she was the champion of Hoenn, that didn't mean anything to her. With a wave, her two Golbats rushed forward at an alarming speed, fangs glistening as they dove in for the kill. Krystee yelped, not expecting for the battle to escalate so quickly. However, Sarah was prepared.

"Jem, Psychic!" Sarah ordered. The pink, feline creature crouched low as its purple eyes narrowed in concentration. The orb on its head glowed, a mixture of different colors, before an invisible force threw the bat Pokemon back, heavily injured by the super-effective attack. Krystee regained her composure.

"A-Aki! Thunder Wave! Kiyoshi, L-Leech Seed!" Aki let out a weak, blue lightning bolt. It hits its target, temporarily paralyzing it. As the Golbat barely stayed in air, Kiyoshi shot the wave of seeds. Vines crept around the bat's body, energy being sucked out. The Golbat screeched in pain, struggling fruitlessly against its imprisonment. Krystee breathed a sigh of relief, only to watch in astonishment with Alita's counter.

"Golbat, Air Cutter, Air Slash," Alita ordered calmly. The Golbats that was once trapped, freed himself with a powerful Air Cutter. Meanwhile, the other Golbat distanced herself with a slash of her wing, Jem flinching as the attack smashed itself on his head.

"Jem, shake it off! Now, Shadow Ball and hit to them like a baseball with your Iron Tail!" Sarah ordered. The Eeveelution jumped in the air, forming a giant ball of darkness and balancing it at the tip of her forehead before jerking her head downwards towards the Pokemon and ultimately smashing a glowing white tail against the condensed sphere. It should have shattered, but instead, it hit its mark. The two Pokemon screeched in pain.

"Aki, keep them in place with another Thunder Wave! Now, Kiyoshi, Leech Seed!" With a dissatisfied sigh, Aki released another series of weak, blue electricity waves. Kiyoshi threw a couple of parasitic seeds at the flying Pokemon and the vines began to wrap around their blue body, sucking the energy from the unfortunate victims.

"…" Alita watched in growing concern for her two Pokemon. With the unpredicted interruption of the Hoenn Champion, her plans may be postponed. She had specifically told her grunts to occupy Taylor and Sarah, for they proved to be quite experienced trainers. Alita grunted, her grunts have perished as a result. A sudden arrival of another Rocket admin however, did not lift her mood up.

"Yo! How ya doing, Alita?" Kizer greeted, grinning slightly as he stood on his Weezing, who was emitting a dangerous amount of smoke. Alita sighed, not appreciating the younger's appearance.

"Kizer…" Alita started, though the Rocket merely landed next to the older woman, not paying any attention to her next few words. He eyed his opponents, Krystee who had a look of recognition and Sarah who wondered if Kizer's teeth were naturally like that. Kizer grunted before pointing a finger at Krystee.

"You…" Kizer trailed off, an undistinguished look in his eyes. Krystee blinked, before pointing at herself.

"Me?" Krystee echoed questioningly. Kizer blinked his eyes three times, rubbed them and grinned.

"You know, you're not a pretty as I remember. Hmmm…maybe I was checking out the other girl. That explains it…" Kizer gave a Cheshire grin. Alita let out a long sigh, Sarah wondering how long it'll take Krystee to blow and how much she wanted to kill the younger boy.

Oddly enough, she didn't.

"Wow, like I've never heard that before. Now, are we going to battle or what?" Krystee rolled her eyes, stubbornly crossing her arms. In truth, she had felt a little insulted, but Crys, who was obviously more prettier and well-mannered, had been the one that the boys were attracted to. She was, on the contrary, the one that they thought was one of their own. Not the she minded. Puberty hadn't even changed that.

"Oh, yeah! Look Alita, boss just called," Kizer began, thinking for a moment before resuming where he left off, "He wants to regroup, said to come back. Mission's over."

"Oh really?" Alita narrowed her eyes in suspicion. How could her fellow worker say that so casually, especially since it was a direct order from Giovanni, who was too busy doing something else…something big. Kizer frowned. As if he would let her continue her ways for her own personal revenge. Giovanni's orders were final, no question or doubt.

"Ask Yuki if you want," Kizer challenged. Alita visibly winced and shivered, as if a cold snowstorm suddenly made its way into the nearly deserted Battleon arena. Yuki, one of the less favorable Rocket admin Alita had the pleasure to meet. And, she had control over Alita, like a puppet and its master. Krystee wondered who exactly this Yuki person was, but whatever.

"Listen, whoever your boss is and what not, don't you DARE think you'll be escaping to easily," Krystee threatened. Sarah didn't say anything, trying to process the information she received. Being a league member, she needed to inform the others, about everything. Experience proved to be very useful.

"She's right," Sarah agreed, an unusual Pokemon Krystee had never seen before next to her. The Pokemon had white, silverfish fur, with black claws, face, and blade-like tail protruding from its rear. A large scythe-like thing was on its head and its red eyes looked dangerously menacing. All-in-all, it looked dangerous, "You see, Tsume and I aren't very happy with you…doings."

"Mmm…fiesty," Kizer winked. Sarah rolled her eyes. Being treated like a celebrity did this to you, attracting the hoards of fan boys(and fan girls). Sometimes, she missed the days when she only had a Mudkip and was able to relax. Ah, good times…However, a certain blonde-haired gym leader from Sinnoh couldn't help but pop into her mind, leaving her blushing with enraged mental though aiming at her.

"Am I interrupting something?" Taylor curiously asked. His Hitmonlee, exhausted but prepared, stood next to him. Krystee groaned as another person arrived to delay a battle she was dying to end. What the heck is up with that!

"Kizer, if what you say is true, then we can not leave Giovanni waiting," Alita mumbled, recalling her Golbats. Her Ditto and Arbok stayed out, waiting patiently for the signal to scram. Kizer nodded his head. He remembered the last time he skipped a meeting to check out some babes at the beach. Not the happiest memory he had, but it was worth the pain.

"Ahaha, I know right?" Kizer grinned. Alita turned towards Krystee, Taylor and Sarah, whose Pokemon instinctively crouched down low, ready to attack if needed. Alita smiled a crooked smile, and Krystee felt as if her body wasn't there at all.

"A parting gift. Let's go," and with that, Alita and Kizer left, Overlord leaving a trail of smoke behind. Krystee felt like she should smack her head hard. How could she have forgotten about Arbok! It's Glare attack was certainly a surprise. Sarah and Taylor were also annoyed with the outcome.

"Urgh, and I'm supposed to be in charge of a whole nation. Hoenn will fall due to my naïve nature," Sarah struggled. She hadn't necessarily experienced a Glare attack before, but certainly Lick. She could never look back at that time in Mt. Chimney and laugh. Taylor wasn't doing any better.

"Oh yeah? Kanto prided itself for being the toughest region out there. What will others think when they see that Kanto's strongest gym leader was outsmarted by a bunch of petty gangsters?" Taylor growled. That soon started an argument on which region was better, Kanto or Hoenn. Unfortunately, that was when Krystee finally lost her cool.

"Okay, will you both just SHUT UP! HEEEEELLLLPPPP! Someone, please HELP!" Krystee pathetically screamed. Because she didn't have a title to protect, it was perfectly fine for her to literally go on her knees and beg. Unfortunately for Taylor and Sarah, they DID have a reputation. Luckily, someone had heard their conversation.

"KRYSTEE! OH ARCEUS, KRYSTEE!" Crys ran over to her best friend, ecstatic to be reunited. Storm and Anabel soon followed, Anabel looking as if she ran a marathon and Storm grinning. She had just received her egg back, after the Rockets had left and the officials went searching. Julian and Kira soon arrived as well, the latter's Roselia's Aromatherapy releasing those exposed to Glare. Krystee fell, Crys rushing to her side.

"Crys…" Krystee stated weakly. Crys smiled, looking down softly.

"Yeah?" Crys prodded. Krystee looked up, her eye half-open. She hadn't gotten any sleep for a day, worrying too much. Just as she was about to nod off, she uttered something that made Crys silent all the way to the Pokemon Center.

"What would your parents think?"

Alita's a Rocket Admin, yes. And there will be more. Just so you know, there won't be any appearances from Butch, Cassidy, James, Jessie and them all. Why? Well, because they'll probably still be in Rocket training. Maybe they'll make a comedic cameo. Also, remember, this is Kanto. No admins from Johto and such will be making an appearance.

BUT! I'm happy to announce that the Battleon Saga is finally over. Bet you felt like it would drag on forever right(or was I the only one)? And Crys' parents will DEFINITELY make an appearance. They're not too happy with their princess…

Anywho…Character's Profile!

Name: Sarah Jones

Age: 16

Hometown: Lilycove City in Hoenn

Occupation: Champion!

Personality: sweet and kind, but she can be a little…crazy at times…loves a good battle! It's very hard to make her angry…but when she is…run for cover! She knows when to get serious. Sarah enjoys a good battle…but hasn't had one in a while, except for when she trains with the Hoenn Elite Four. She loves to pop up and scare people…maybe she can have random appearances in the story?

Appearance: long black hair, usually in a ponytail, green eyes, and she has a light tan…

Clothes: a pair of black jeans and black boots, a white t-shirt with a blue and silver dragon design on the front. She also wears a pair of white fingerless gloves.

Others: Her family runs a breeding center in Lilycove City…she visits them and calls them. She has an older brother (by a few years), who's training to take over the business after their parents retire. Sarah is also good friends with Sydney and Phoebe of the Hoenn Elite Four. She also has a gift for a certain trainer~


Kiba (Swampert (male) (her starter pokémon)), Moves: Strength, Muddy Water, Ice Beam, and Earthquake

Jem: (Espeon (female)), Moves: Psychic, Future Sight, Iron Tail, and Shadow Ball

Aqua: (Tentacruel (female)), Moves: Surf, Water Pulse, Poison Jab, and Brine

Rei (Ninetales (female)), Moves: Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Will-O-Wisp, and Dark Pulse

Kenshin (Gallade (male)), Moves: Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Teleport, Drain Punch

Tsume (Absol (male)), Moves: Night Slash, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, and Bite

Amount of Badges or Ribbons: She has all the badges for the Hoenn region and Kanto region…She also went to the Battle Frontier and is winning the symbols in her free time. Currently has 3 symbols.

Love Interest: Either Volkner or Taylor

Hope you had as much fun reading as I had writing! ;)
