Okay: Update: I will be remaking the series. I realized that this has potential. I just hated the way I was writing it. So, no worries, Ocs will still be in here. Still accepting them J

I'm surprised how many reviews I got though O_O I mean, this was one of my first stories, and it was so painfully Mary-Sueish. I've finished the chapters, so now I'm replacing them as soon as I can and hope my comp does not crash.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

It was around midnight. The sky was dark and the stars twinkled. A young girl, presumably about twelve years of age sat in her room, watching as the TV flickered on. Her mother soon, came in.

"You really should be getting to bed young lady. You don't want to be late." The young girl's mother said, closing the door. The young girl smiled before lying on her bed, dreaming of her perilous journey that she would soon embark on.

The next morning:

It was that day that she had been dreaming, for years now. The sun was barely up, lighting only some places of her hometown. She couldn't sleep, not after a night like that. She was so nervous, she couldn't help but feel a little sick. The young girl walked down the whole road, which was quite far, carrying a pink bag on her shoulders. The huge laboratory was in sight now and the girl ran up. An assistant, who opened the gate, saw her coming.

"Oh! Krystee! I never knew you were coming this early! If I had, I would have set up the Pokeballs already…" The assistant rambled on, but Krystee interrupted him.

"Oh, it's quite alright. I'm waiting for my friend anyways. I'm just here to check out the Pokemon." Krystee said, before walking in. Several book cases and cabinets filled the area, machines scattered around. Loose papers were here and there and an occasional open book.

"Sorry for the mess. Some Pokeballs got out and the Pokemon got quite rowdy." The assistant apologized. She waved it off and entered the backdoor. She was greeted by the site of many different types of Pokemon. She smiled as some ran past her, occasionally brushing her leg.

"When you're mom said you weren't home, I knew you would be here." Krystee turned around to see her long time friend, Crystal, or Crys as she prefers. She stood at the doorway, in a red tank top and blue skinny jeans. Her bag hung limply on her shoulders.

"You know me so well." Krystee smiled. They shared a small laugh.

"So, what are you doing so early? I usually get here first." Crys asked, pouting slightly at the end. Krystee giggled at her friend but then replied.

"I don't know, just nervous, you know? I still can't believe they actually let you go." Krystee said. Crys was one year older, now thirteen. Her parents refused to let her go by herself, only allowing this year seeing as she would be accompanied by Krystee. Crys shrugged her shoulders.

"Me neither, I think my parents took a liking to you." Crys grinned. Professor Oak came from behind, startled to see the conversing young girls.

"Oh! Crys, Krystee! What a surprise! I didn't know you would be coming. Please, come in. I'll be back with the selection soon." Professor Oak said, going back into the store room. He came out with a handful, Crys' and Krystee's eyes sparkled at seeing the red and white balls.

"Wow, I can't believe we're picking already." Crys whispered, itching to pick one. Krystee nodded her head in agreement, still shocked to be finally going.

"You two know the selection right? Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle, your choice." Professor Oak said formally. They nodded their heads. Crys sighed before choosing Squirtle. Krystee looked at her in astonishment.

"What? This will be great for breeding, you know? Besides, I'm not much of a plant or fire person myself." Crys said, fingering the ball for moment. Krystee only nodded her head and began to ponder. Fire or Grass? Well, Fire had the advantage, but grass was much easier. If she picked Bulbasaur, she could catch a Ninetails, but if she chose Charmander, she could catch a Oddish, turning it into a Bellosom.

"I'll choose…..Bulbasaur." Krystee decided, grabbing the pokeball. In her hand, Krystee was scared that it would all be just a dream. Yet, she knew it was real. There was no turning back now.

"Great choice. Charmander will just wait for a while then." Professor Oak said, pocketing the pokeball.

"Thank you so much Professor!" Krystee thanked.

"Yes thank-you, but we must hurry!" Crys said, dragging her friend away. Krystee yelped as Crys raced down the hill. The wind smacked their faces and tousled their hair, but they could careless. Their own journey. Sure, they would encounter many problems, but who cared? Atleast they had each other.

"Sorry Krystee, but I have to say bye to my folks. Meet me at our spot, okay? I'll see you there!" Crys said, waving goodbye as she entered her home. Krystee nodded. In fact, she needed to say goodbye to her mother. She walked down her front door steps and entered her small house. Although they could afford a bigger one, this small one seemed to suit their family just fine.

"Oh Krystee, you're back!" Her mother remarked. Krystee nodded her head, sighing as she sat down on the table. Her mother made her pancakes and eggs, which she gladly ate. The sun was rising higher now, the clock striking 9:00 as she finished.

"So, what did you choose?" Her mother asked. Krystee took out her pokeball before tossing it, releasing the green bulb creature. It cutely blinked its eyes before saying its name.

"Bulbasaur!" It growled out, looking at its new owner.

"Oh, a Bulbasaur. How nice." Her mother remarked, patting its head. It mewled softly, melting in her mother's hands. Krystee knelt down and patted the creature as well.

"Hey Bulbasaur, I'm your new master Krystee, nice to meet you!" Krystee introduced. The Bulbasaur sniffed her hand before saying its name again.


"Hmm….what should I name you? Bulbasaur sounds too generic." Krystee said disdainfully before pondering for a while.

"How about Saur?" Her mother suggested, cleaning the dishes. Krystee shook her head.

"No, it sounds way too obvious. I want a name that could surprise my opponents but at the same time, sounds like it could describe Bulbasaur." Krystee said. Bulbasaur only shrugged its tiny shoulders before laying down and looked at its surroundings.

"You know, you're really quiet. I think I'll name you Kiyoshi." Krystee said, picking up the Bulbasaur. It mewled as Krystee patted its head. She giggled as she raced out to the front.

"Bye mom! I'll call you once I get to Viridian City!" Krystee said, waving goodbye. Her mother only shook her head at her daughter's departure. She looked to her left, where a table was placed. On it was a picture of her and her husband.

"She really took after you." She whispered. She smiled, continuing to clean her house.

Krystee ran up to a clearing, which was a little close to the main road. There, she saw Crys, playing with her Squirtle in the water. Crys looked up and saw her childhood friend.

"Hey! You ready?" Crys asked. Krystee nodded her head, still carrying Kiyoshi. Crys looked at her companion.

"So, what's your Bulbasaur's name?" Crys asked curiously. Krystee looked up, alarmed.

"How did you know?" She asked.

"Just a guess." Crys shrugged. Krystee rolled her eyes.

"Right. Anyways, I named her Kiyoshi. What about you? A French name?" Krystee asked, knowing of her friend's passion for the Eastern country.

"Why yes. Quiet Child? Anyways, mine is named Gerard, meaning brave in French." Crys said, obviously proud. The Squirtle blew a bubble as a response to its name.

"It knows bubble?" Krystee asked. Crys shook her head.

"No, it just does that all the time. I think he's close though." Crys said, patting her Squirtle. They walked for a little more, until they noticed a young woman battling a man. The man was pale, with silver hair and sharp teeth. He wore a lab coat, a team Rocket uniform underneath. He gave off a menacing aura. The girl was apparently distressed about something, probably under attack, though Krystee. She wore a black sleeve top with a jean skort, black flats to top it all off.

"Do you need help?" Krystee asked. The girl turned to face her.

"No, me and Rapidash can handle this!" The girl proudly stated, before focusing her attention to the man.

"Ha! Yeah right! Overlord, poison gas!" The man sneered. The Koffing released toxic fumed, encasing Rapidash. It neighed uneasily, though waited to hear its master's command.

"Rapidash, use bounce. Now flamethrower!" The girl commanded. The Rapidash shot out from the clouds of poison before rushing its flame encased body towards Koffing at an unbelievable speed. It made contact, throwing the Koffing off. Overlord got back up, though badly burned.

"Ah! Overlord! You'll pay for that!" The man growled. Overlord suddenly released purple sludge, hitting Rapidash. It neighed, the poison entering its system. Crys closed her eyes as Krystee bit back a scream. The girl growled before once more ordering her Rapidash to attack.

"Let's end this Rapidash! Flame attract!" She said. The Rapidash threw its head back, releasing a barrage of flaming hearts. They rushed forward towards the Koffing. The team Rocket member scoffed, underestimating the attack.

"Overlord, I think it's time we make an escape for now. She already gathered the required ingredients FOR that experiment." The man said, grinning evilly as the smog covered his escape. The girl frowned, taking out a Pecha and Oran berry for her companion. The Rapidash licked her face in appreciation as it was called back. Krystee and Crys ran forward towards the girl.

"Are you alright miss?" Krystee asked.

"That looked like a hard battle! Your Rapidash was in pain, I could tell." Crys observed, hugging her Squirtle a little too hard. It squeaked in surprise, accidentally blowing Crys a face full of bubbles. The girl laughed.

"Oh, I'm quite all right. It's my Rapidash that I'm worried about, but it should be fine now. Anyways, my name is Kira, Kira Marie. That man was Kizer Zin ZigZag. He confronted me as soon as I was going deliver a package to Professor Oak!" Kira explained. Crys and Krystee introduced each other before turning towards Kira.

"So, you're heading towards Pallet Town?" Crys asked her, wiping her face free of water with her hand. Kira nodded her head.

"Yes. Actually, I was born there until I moved to Snowpoint City after I turned five. The gym leader there wanted me to give Professor Oak A group of Pokemon that newly appeared there have been causing some ruckus. You see, the package contains a Medicham. It's weird because Medichams don't appear there. It's a completely new and the Professor would like to study what is causing this. Anyways, I've stayed too long, I must get going, see you!" Kira waved goodbye, running down the path.

"Well, she seems nice." Krystee said, walking again. Crys soon followed her. The trees were getting fewer and the road was much more polished. Soon, houses and building came into view.

"Ha! Finally, we arrive in Viridian! I can't wait!" Crys said, clapping her hand together. Her Squirtle mimicked her, clapping its hand and releasing bubbles into the air. Krystee laughed at their silliness, her Bulbasaur merely observing their behavior.

"Yeah, but we never got any training. I hope we can challenge a few trainers. Anyways, we better camp out in the Pokemon Center o we can-----"Krystee was cut off, a loud voice bellowing through the streets.

"STOP THAT THEIF!" A plump merchant yelled, waving his hand in the air. A petite figure dashed away. It was an Eevee, holding an apple in its mouth. It made a run for it startling some other merchants. This started a mob, all chasing after an Eevee. The Eevee hid behind the duo who looked up to meet the hateful eyes of the merchants. The bigger one stepped up, club in hands.

"Oh thank you girls, now if you will kindly move aside." The man said, stepping another forward. The Eevee cowered even more. From the mob, anther girl emerged. She had black hair, her bangs covering one eye. The girl wore a black tank top, a pair of skinny jeans and black converse. She turned to the Eevee, who happily jumped into her arms.

"Oh Gracie! Don't run away like that again! Look at what you started." The girl scolded. The Eevee chewed innocently in the apple. The merchant let out another enraged roar.

"How dare you! How dare you!" The merchant screamed, attempting to strike the girl. A hand caught the man's hand. The man gaped as he turned to face the owner of the hand.

"I don't think hitting girls like that is allowed." The teenager said. The girl's face brightened as she saw who it was.

"Taylor!" She enthusiastically. Taylor turned, an exasperated expression on his face.

"And you, Nicole. Keep your Eevee tamed. It's caused so much trouble ever since you got it." Taylor sighed. The mob melted away and soon the market was in peace once more. Nicole nervously scratched the back of her head.

"Ha, well Gracie is just adorable like that, aren't you Gracie?" Nicole said, looking down at her feet where Gracie was. Instead, Gracie was perched on Krystee's shoulder, talking happily towards Kiyoshi. Nicole sweat dropped and sulked. Taylor rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, if you need me, I'm heading back to the gym, see you." He said, turning to enter the gym as he waved goodbye to Nicole. She nodded her head, before turning to Gracie. She scooped the Eevee in her hand and began to scold it.

"Bad Gracie! I told, don't run away from me like that." Nicole said, tapping the Eevee's nose twice before cuddling with the Eevee.

"Uhm, excuse me. Can you show us the way to the Pokemon Center?" Krystee interjected. The girl looked up, gave her a huge grin and twirled around them before going off. She turned ushering them.

"Of course, of course! Anything fro the people who helped Gracie. Follow me." Nicole called out enthusiastically. Krystee and Crystal exchanged worried glances before following the eccentric girl.

Chapter one is done. Sorry for it being a little short. Yes, the chapters are now longer and more detailed, so hopefully, you guys noticed that. Yes, I really will be resetting this. The characters are still there, don't worry.

Hopefully, I'll be able to finish the Kanto region by this year. Updates are hopefully two chapters a week. Or maybe one a week. I'm currently working on another one of my stories and school(I think my teacher hates us. The other classes have one project while my class has three things that are going on and they count for a huge portion of our grades. Not to mention, cramming for really, really huge TESTS!)

Anyways, have any suggestion for your OC? Maybe add some details? No problem, message me or review. I'll be checking, so wish me luck!

OC Guidelines:




Occupation(Breeder, Trainer, Coordinator, Ranger?):


Appearance:(Eyes, Hair, Skin color)

Clothes:(Top, Bottom, Shoes, Accessories)


Pokemon:(Name, Gender, the Pokemon itself, Moves and special trademarks(say none if it doesn't have any))

Amount of Badges or Ribbons:

Love Interest:
