Chapter 28: Epilogue-Close to perfection

Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter:

Water Droplets








Misty Vaughn

Please read important AN at the bottom:

50 years later


There had once been a time in my life when nothing mattered to me anymore. When I was close to ending my own life. Because I had lost the love of my own life. But I did hold on. For my mom. For the hope of getting to know my dad.

I did meet him when I was 17. I did meet the rest of my family back then. An d I did meet Isa, my second chance of love.

I was now 67 years old. An old man one would think. But my age didn't matter, as physically I would always remain 17. And in comparison to my family I was indeed pretty young.

Looking bac, I can't bring myself to regret anything. Even though Isa's transformation had been brutal.


This was pure torture. On the bed next to where I was sitting, laid the woman I loved. Screaming an writhing in pain. Pain I inflicted on her. I did this to her. So that she would become just like me. How could I have been so selfish?

"She wants this EJ", my father reminded me. I didn't have the strength right now to block my thought from him. I didn't even have the strength to answer. I just nodded, indicating that I had heard him. I had to keep this in mind. She wanted this. She wanted this. She wanted this. But it was so hard to believe it, when she was begging for us to kill her. And this was only the second day. One more to go.

Almost immediately after I had bitten her, Isa had started trashing around. Mom and Dad had helped me restraining her. Binding her to the bed so that she wasn't able to hurt herself in her pain. Never once had I left her side in these last two days. And never once had my parents left mine. I was very grateful for that. I would tell them so when this torture was finally over.

Right now I was so glad that I couldn't read her mind. I don't think that I would have been able to endure that kind of torture, too.

~End Flashback~

Yes, it had been hard. But I would go through it again anytime. It had been a low price to pay for what I got in return.

No one did know by then how Isa would turn out once the transformation was complete. Would she be like uncle Jasper and have a very hard time to adapt? Or would she be like Mom and just don't crave human blood at all? In the end she turned out to be more like grandpa Carlisle had been in the beginning. She craved human blood physically but she abhorred the idea of drinking it mentally. It took her ten years until she was as immune to the smell of human blood as the rest of us. She was then able to be among humans without any problems. She could go back to school with the rest of us. But before that happened we had moved again. Away from London. We had already stayed there too long.

One month after her change, I had proposed to Isa. She had accepted and uncle Emmett had married us. It had been a small wedding, only our little family, but it had been very nice. I still remember how proud it made me feel to make her my wife because the feeling was still the same and just as strong. From that day on there had been two Isabella Cullens in our family just like there were two Edward Cullens.

Isa and I had lived together happily for the last 50 years and I was sure that we would continue doing so for eternity to come.


As I looked into the mirror, I still couldn't believe that I was already 86 years old. Had I stayed human, who knows if I had even gotten this old?

I am so happy and thankful for everything I have in my life. And for the events that made this life possible.

I didn't regret going to live with Charlie when I was 17, even though I didn't really want to at that time. For if I hadn't, I would have never met Edward.

I didn't regret that Edward had left me for months, because that just made our love so much stronger in the end. It made us both see that we couldn't exist without the other.

I didn't regret marrying Edward, because it was the best decision I made in my life.

I didn't regret becoming pregnant, because I can't imagine my life without EJ.

I didn't regret leaving Edward back then, even though that was the hardest decision I made in my life. For had I decided differently we probably wouldn't be the persons we are today.

All that I loved in my life was there because I had decided to come to Forks all these years ago. Had I stayed with my mom...the thought alone pained me. All was centered around Forks and in a few years time we would be back there. We just had to wait until all the people who remembered us had died.

My parents had died years ago. It still made me sad that I never had the chance to say goodbye.

I just hoped that they knew how much I loved them. This hope had to be enough.

Two arms were wrapped around my waist from behind and I closed my eyes.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?", my love whispered in my ear.

I just smiled.

Who would have thought, back on my first day in Forks, that my life could be so close to perfection. With my husband and another guy.

I am a little sad now that this story is officially over :(

I hope you all liked it. Please tell me in a review.

Some of you asked me about a sequel about EJ and Isa. I have grown to love these characters a lot, but I don't know if I will ever write a sequel. I anyone wants to do so, I will

hand my beloved characters over to them. Just contact me. I would love to read about them, I just don't know if I want to write it.

I wanna thank all my readers for experiencing this story with me. You have been a great support :)

I have started planning a new story, totally different than this one. But I don't know when I will be able to post any of it. Nothing's written down yet :)

Bye, please review ^^

PS: Please read my one shot "Under my skin". It didn't get a lot of attention, but it is my baby. I love it. Maybe I will redo it sometime soon.