Summary: ALL HUMAN. Bella goes to a boarding school. Alice and Rosalie are her best friends and the best thing that's ever happened to her. She's shy, quiet and terrified of dating cause of a bad past. Will this new student bring her out of her shell? BXE AXJ EMXR

Chapter 1

I had been going to Coleman's academy since I was 13. I loved it there. I had friends there. Back home in Phoenix, I was a loner. I was rarely invited to birthday parties when I was a kid and never had them myself. I had always been shy and quiet. The bookworm with perfect grades. Being alone suited me fine; I didn't have to be anyone but myself. In a desperate attempt to get me some friends, my mother sent me to a boarding school in New York City. She knew I'd have at least one or two friends, my roommates. But, when I came home after my first year, she was pleasantly surprised to hear that I now had many friends. I'm still shy and quiet and my grades are still very good. My two roommates were what did it. They didn't care if I was a little geeky. They liked me, all of me. That acceptance made all the difference. My roommates, Alice Brandon and Rosalie Hale, are my best friends. Alice is around 4'11'' and has spikey short black hair. Rose and I call her our little pixie. Alice also adores shopping, which is alright because her parents are fairly well off. She and Rose liked to play Barbie Bella on me. I've learned to just let them do what they want; it's useless to argue with them. Rosalie was tall and blonde. And did I mention breathtakingly beautiful? I don't think she's ever been rejected by a guy, though she certainly has rejected a bunch of them. As for me, I've only been asked out once. I was 12. His friends dared him because they knew I liked him. I said yes and he dumped me 2 days later. Since then I've given up on guys. I know I was 12, but I've heard Alice's stories and heard what happened to girls on campus, they're all the same.

It was the start of junior year and I couldn't wait to see Alice and Rosalie again. They had been extremely busy over the summer and were unable to attend our little summer reunions. Alice lived in Florida and had a huge family. Rosalie lived in L.A.; her family was well off too. She had been catching up with old friends all summer. As previous-year students, we always had to arrive a couple days before the newcomers. This was so class presidents could gather new welcoming committees. This year as upperclassmen, we were getting a new dorm in one of the best dorm buildings on campus. I walked into the dorm building and took the elevator up to our floor. Everyone knew if I tried to take the stairs with this many bags, I'd just be on another trip to the hospital. I was extremely clumsy. I couldn't walk over a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over (a/n: from the book Twilight). I was in the hospital every other week for some crazy injury I got myself into. I reached my new dorm room and opened the door. That's when I was attacked and pushed to the floor. Apparently I was not the first one to the room.

"BELLA!" Alice screamed. Rosalie squealed and I was laughing on the floor with my two best friends piled on top of me.

"Hey guys!" I laughed, "Can I come in or am I going to have to live in the hall all year?" They got up and helped me into the room along with my bags.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Bella! That outfit is adorable! Wait… I don't remember shopping with you for that outfit! You went shopping without me!?" Alice said with a truly heartbreaking look on her face.

"You were busy all summer my little pixie!" I told her. It was true. I did go shopping this summer and bought the outfit I was wearing. I had a white tank on with ruffles down the front and dark stonewash, boot cut jeans. And on my feet, simple black flats. I wanted to see if Alice had worn off on me after all these years. She had.

"So you felt the need to break my heart?" I rolled my eyes. She was just being melodramatic now. I turned to Rosalie who smiled and ran forward to hug me.

"It's so good to see you Rose! I missed cleaning up after your beautiful big butt!" I said with a smirk on my face.

"What!? It's not that…" she ran to the mirror and examined her behind. "Okay, well… yeah you're right. It is." She said and I giggled. I can't believe how much I actually missed my two best friends over the summer. I looked around and finally got a good look at our room. There was a bunk bed on the wall to the right, but the bottom bunk had a full sized bed and the top bunk had a twin. It kind of gave the top bunk a little balcony over the bottom bed. There was a ladder on the side for the person on the top and under the bottom bunk had a bunch of little drawers for various items. The wood was painted white and was built a little differently than most. I saw that Alice had already claimed the top bunk. On the wall straight ahead of me was a very large picture window that over looked the student courtyard. It was a beautiful view. Sticking out from the wall on my left was a full bed that had a very tall and deep headboard that had drawers and baskets for various items like the bottom of the bunk bed had. Rosalie had claimed this bed. That left the bottom of the bunk bed for me. I was perfectly fine with that. I didn't ever take a top bunk being as clumsy as I had, and I didn't mind the bottom. It was a bed and that's all I was looking for. After talking for a little bit we decided to go to the cafeteria for some lunch.

"Did you hear? Mike Newton's trying to go out with every girl in our class this year, on at least one date." Said Rosalie. "I can tell you right now that that boy will be at least one short of his goal this year. Like hell I'd say yes to him!"

"Ugh, I hear you Rose," said Alice, "How about you Bells, going to try dating this year or are you going to make him three short of his goal instead of two?"

"Eww no! No dating for me. Especially not him!" I said. My palms started sweating even at the thought of dating.

"Attention juniors!" came over the loudspeaker, "Meet in the gym for the beginning of school announcements in 5 minutes" Wonderful, exactly what I wanted to do on my first day back. Now I would have to listen to Natalie, our class president, talk about stupid things we didn't need to know and didn't want to know for an hour. Wonderful.

"And last but certainly not least, I need people on our welcoming committee. We have around 15 new girls entering our grade and about 40 new boys. Signups will be outside." Natalie finished her hour long spiel. We were grateful to get out of the gym and unpack.

After unpacking, Alice made a list of the things we'd need. Ugh, great, shopping. We spent the next day shopping for nearly 12 hours. Alice and Rosalie had bought us all new comforters to match the walls of our new room, not to mention the big screen plasma TV they bought. Well off remember? Our walls were a light green. My new comforter was striped white, a couple different shades of green and one of blue, Alice's was a green zebra print, and Rose's was a light green and light blue polka dot one. In the middle of our room were a couch, a chair, and two bean bags with a small coffee table in the center all facing the TV. The TV was placed in the middle of the picture window. The window was so large; the TV didn't even make a difference in how much you could see out of it.

I was happy to find that it was now Sunday and that meant school started tomorrow. I found school interesting. Alice and Rose however, did not. They were only looking forward to seeing all the new guys in our classes. The next morning we were off to our first class, at 8 in the morning, I may not mind school, but I don't like early classes.

"Alright, class. Now I know most of you from previous years, but we have quite a few new students this year. I want all of you to stand up one by one, tell us your name, age, and something interesting about yourself," Mr. Carlo, my English teacher, said. We went around the room and stood up just like he said. Soon, the next three people to go were Alice, Rose and I.

"Hi! My name is Mary Alice Brandon, Alice for short. I'm 16—almost 17. And I love to shop!" Alice said enthusiastically and sat down.

"I'm Rosalie Hale. I'm 17. My favorite color is red," Rosalie said in a bored voice and sat down. Oh, crap. Now it was my turn. I had no idea what to say! I hated Mr. Carlo for this, he knows me. There is no need for this, I hate speaking in front of people. It's not like people care about any of this. I can't do it! You can't make me. Please don't make me go!

"Miss. Swan?" said Mr. Carlo. See! He already knew my name. No need for me to do this! I stood up and took a deep breath.

"Um… I'm Isabella Swan, Bella for short. Um… I'll be 17 in a c-couple weeks and…" oh no! I couldn't think of anything interesting to say! 'I'm a bookworm' or 'I have no friends at home' were not things I wanted to boast about. I could feel everyone's eyes boring into me as I felt my face grow hot. Great. Now I was blushing! 'Hi I'm Isabella Swan and I blush a lot' well now everyone knew that. I looked at Alice and Rose for help. Alice pointed at herself and Rose. "… and my best friends are Alice and Rosalie" I said hurriedly before dropping back down into my seat. I held my still warm face in my hands as everyone introduced themselves. What a great start to the first day of school. Everyone was almost done when I heard the most wonderful sound in the world.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen. I'm 17 and I play the piano" my head snapped around to see the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. He was around 6 feet tall and had the most beautiful green eyes. They were like emeralds and so deep. I could easily get lost in them. His hair was the most amazing color. I had never seen it before. It was a bronze color and fell perfectly messy over his already perfect face. He looked like a Greek God and I almost swooned right then and there. I didn't notice I was staring until he caught me. He gave me a crooked smile and I quickly turned back around, blushing harder than before.

When class was over Alice, Rosalie and I went our separate ways. I had math, Alice had an art class, and Rosalie had mechanics. Math passed by extremely slow. I had learned that one of my other friends, Angela, was also in my math class. Angela was really nice and a lot like me in some ways. We were both smart and reserved. After saying goodbye to Angela, I headed off to lunch. (a/n the school is set up more like a college, like you don't have every single class everyday and the classes are for longer periods of time. But class sizes are like regular high school classes) I walked into the cafeteria to find Alice and Rosalie already sitting in our usual spot.

"Hey girlies" I said as I sat down next to Alice in the booth.

"OhmygoshBellaImetthemostamazingboyeverinmyartclasstoday!" Alice said at hyperactive speed. Somehow I understood.

"Oh really? What's his name?" I asked her. She was bouncing in her seat with excitement at this point.

"Jasper Whitlock! He's absolutely gorgeous and it's weird. When I was around him, I wasn't thinking about 3 million things at once, just what I was doing at that particular moment!" Alice said at normal speed now. I just stared at her in shock. No one and I mean no one had ever gotten Alice that calm. The only person that came close was her father, who could only get her to bring it a notch or two down. Not all the way down. This kid must be something.

"Wow," was all I could say.

"Yeah, that's what I said." Said Rose. She knew Alice as well as I did, so it was no surprise that she was just as shocked as I was.

"And he talked to me and I was positive I turned like 2 shades of red" said Alice. Alice blush? Wow I thought it was only me. "Kind of like you did, Bella, when that kid was talking today in English." She finished with a tiny smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't hide anything from them, even random blushing incidents.