Ok so this might be a little off but oh well. All my stories are...


"Alice! I just had onomatopoeia!"

"Bella, that's impossible onomatopoeia is a sound…"

"Uh no I had an like an explosion of thought!"

"An epiphany?"


"Ok and what does this epiphany entail?"

"Well…you know how some chick writes books about us right?"

"You mean the Twilight series? Yea…I don't see what your getting at…"

"WELL Ms. Impatient pants I was thinking…"

"You were thinking? BAHAHAHA this should be interesting."

"Oh shud up. But back to my thought…what if instead of a book being about all of us it was just about Edward and how hot he is."


"Uh…ME and half of the world."

At that point Alice's face went blank with a vision. Bella had always thought Alice looked kind of funny when she had a vision but she never voiced those thoughts…

"NO. Nooooooo!"

"ALICE! What happened?!"

"She took your advise."

"My advice?" Bella said while almost falling off the couch laughing.

"Yes she's gonna call it Sunshine Edward."

"YAY! Well I best start saving my money!"

Alice just shook her head and walked off mumbling things about Jasper needing a book.

Well me and my friend were talking about why the series had to have drama instead of just describing how hawt Edward is. R&R please