Disclaimer/Notes: C.S. Lewis owns everything. I only own Charlotte and Alice. I apologize if these characters end up a Mary-Sue - it's not what I intended to do but sometimes it happens without me realising it. This is in third person.

Title: Through the Wardrobe

Genre: Romance/Adventure

Rating: T

Pairings: PeterxOC EdmundxOC

Summary: When the Pevensie's are sent to live with Professor Kirke, they didn't expect to meet the outgoing and beautiful granddaughters of his: Alice and Charlotte. The journey begins here …

Chapter one: Meeting the Pevensie's

Today was the day the Pevensie family, well the children, were coming to stay at Professor Digory Kirke's house. His granddaughters, Alice and Charlotte Kirke, had been staying at the house since the war started and they were both excited that there was going to be more children to talk with them. In fact, they were so excited Digory referred to them as kangeroos, with an amused smile on his face.

When Mrs. Macready had left to pick the children up, Alice and Charlotte had sat on the stairs and waited for her return with their guests …

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie climbed off the wooden, horse-drawn wagon and stared in amazement at the area around them, but mostly the old house that towered above them. Half dazed with awe, the four followed the housekeeper up the cobbled dirt path. They were in a trance as they glanced around the building and it took Mrs. Macready shouting to snap them out of it.

"Girls!" she snapped loudly, "What are you doing sitting there? Don't you have anything better to do?"

The Pevensie's turned to the stairs to see two young girls, shot upwards, their faces flushed red. The tallest of the girls couldn't have been older than 15, with waist length dark brown curls falling down her body and olive green eyes. The other was about slightly younger, but not by much, with shoulder length auburn-red locks curling around her face and matching eyes, though they were slightly wider.

"W-we were waiting for the guests. Grandfather said we should be welcoming..." The taller one said shifting uncomfortably on the step, though she kept her head raised and watched the housekeeper closely. The second girl nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling. Mrs. Macready just sighed, knowing better than to yell at the granddaughters of the person that writes her checks.

"Very well," she said in a calm voice. "You two can show the children around the house and give them the rules. The real rules and not your own Miss. Alice."

The red head blushed a deep red. "Of course, Mrs. Macready."

With that, the housekeeper walked off, her shoes clicking against the hard wooden floor.

The dark haired girl took a step down the stairs. "Hi, I'm Charlotte and this is my sister, Alice."

"I'm Peter," the older Pevensie child introduced himself to her. "And this is my brother, Edmund, and my sisters, Susan and Lucy."

Alice grinned. "It's nice to meet you. How was your journey here?"

She noticed the faces that the family pulled and laughed. "I know the feeling. When we first came here, I had to spend the first four hours in the bathroom."

"You don't live here?" Susan asked, curiously, a smile on her lips.

Charlotte shook her head. "No, we live in Hasting with our mum and dad. When our father went away for war, mum sent us to our grandfather's, that would be Professor Kirke."

The family nodded. Alice gestured up the stairs and the Pevensie's passed her a confused look.

"Follow me, I'll show you were you can put your bags, then we'll show you around the grounds before dinner. Trust me, you'll be grateful for the tour - We've come here every summer since I was four and I still don't know where I'm going half the time." She explained smiling, "But lucky for you, Charlotte has a photographic memory."

Said sister looked embarrassed at being pointed out but remained silent. Alice and Charlotte lead Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy up the stairs and down the corridor. They pointed out rooms as they went, along with explaining what they called 'The Macready Laws'.

"There is to be no shouting," Charlotte explained, putting on her best Macready voice. "Or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter, no touching of the historical artifacts, and above all, there is to be no disturbing of the professor."

Her ending was finished with a chorus of laughs. She turned and grinned at them, catching the eye of a certain Pevensie. Dazzling blue eyes met sparkling green before Charlotte pulled away, blushing, and pointed out the drawing room. As she carried on, she could feel familiar eyes burning an intense look on the back of her neck.

Alice stopped at a room and pushed the door open. It had an antique interior and had four single beds placed around the walls. Two doors went off into the next rooms at the back of the room.

"You'll be staying in here. I thought you might like to stay together in this house, so I requested you share a room." Alice explained, before her face changed into an expression of worry, "I hope that's okay?"

"It's fine, thanks Alice." Edmund reassured, making Alice's face light up again. This family members gave him a confused look at something that was completely out of character for their brother.

"That door there -" Charlotte pointed towards the door on the left "-is mine and Alice's room. You can come in anytime if you need us, and that one there -" she pointed to door on the right "-leads to the bathroom."

Lucy dropped her bag and ran over to the two Kirke sisters, grinning happily. She took their hands in hers and gave them puppy dog looks.

"Can you show us the stables now?" she asked sweetly.

Charlotte giggled. "How did you know we had stables, sweetie?"

"I noticed them when we came in," Lucy answered. "So can we? Please?"

Alice gestured towards Peter, Susan and Edmund. "Ask your family."

Lucy turned and gave them the same look, knowing that they wouldn't say no. "Can we please?"

Susan, although tempted, was still unsure. "I'm not sure Lucy. We have had a long journey..."

"How about we show you guys the horses and then we'll bring you up for a sleep before dinner. Is that okay?" Charlotte suggested.

Peter shrugged. "Okay. Lead the way."

Lucy smiled brightly before pulling on Alice and Charlotte's hands and dragging them down the hall. The two laughed.

"Lucy, if your going to drag us, keep going straight and out the door." Charlotte told her. Lucy nodded excitedly and pulled them faster.

Alice could hear the sounds of running footsteps behind them, and tried to slow down only resulting in Lucy pulling her more.

But Charlotte wasn't complaining. She was glad that she could make Lucy that happy so fast. She was kind of like Alice when they where younger.

Alice and Charlotte lent back against one of the pillars in the stable as they watched Lucy brush Buttercup, the white pony Alice had had since she was about six.

"I never knew Lucy could run that fast." The two turned to see three out of breath older siblings, all trying to regain the lost oxygen.

"I know," Susan gasped. "She never does that at home."

Alice grinned weakly. "Well maybe it's just us."

"Sorry about that." Peter apologized finally catching his breath.

Charlotte shook her head. "It's no problem. That was a good way to stay fit."

All of them laughed and Lucy, still grinning happily, brought Buttercup over to Peter, Susan and Edmund.

"Look guys, this is Buttercup - Alice's pony since she was a child. Isn't she beautiful?" she introduced, stroking the mare's long face. "Her sister is the horse that pulled us here!"

For the next few hours, the Pevensie's and their two new friends spent time around the Stables. Lucy got at least six rides on five different horses (she insisted to ride Buttercup more than once) while Charlotte behind her on the horse and Peter pulling the reins, while Alice had taught Edmund and Susan to ride horseback without falling off.

At last Charlotte looking up at the sky and saw the sun was just about to set.

"It's time to go in, if we wait any longer it'll be dark." she told them.

"Oh, but I want to stay here." Lucy argued.

"Lucy, enough. Just come on." Susan told her, causing Lucy to pout.

"How about this?" Alice suggested, "You come with us for dinner now and then tomorrow we can come back here ... if it's not raining."

After some persuding, Lucy finally agreed and the six kids ran upstairs to get washed and changed before coming now stairs for dinner. Mrs. Macready had set the table out for six saying that Professor Kirke was busy and couldn't attend dinner. The feast was filled with small food fights and, on the most part, talking about each others likes and dislikes. Though the two families had only known each other for a short amount of time, they truely enjoyed each other's company. Maybe it was because of all that was happening in the world around them, the war and all that, but they seemed to understand each other. Being seperated from their families made them want to make the most of what they had here, despite the fact they didn't want to think that these friendship may be all they have.

Too soon for the new friends liking, it was time for bed. Alice and Charlotte sat in the Pevensie's bedroom, waiting to say goodnight. Alice was spread out on Edmund's bed, forcing him to sit on Peter's bed and Charlotte was sitting on Lucy's bed with said girl laying comfortably on her lap.

Lucy looked innocently up at Peter. "The sheets feel scratchy."

Peter and Susan got up from their seats in front the window and sat at the end of Lucy's bed.

"Wars don't last forever Lucy." Susan assured her sister, smiling slightly. "We'll be home soon."

Charlotte nodded encouragingly, brushing some strands of Lucy's hair from her face gently.

"If homes still there." Edmund said negatively. Alice reached over and flicked at the back of his head, glaring at him slightly. Edmund mouthed 'ouch' rubbing the back of his head, returning Alice's glare.

Charlotte shot him a warning look. "Be quiet, ye of little faith."

Susan turned to face her brother. "Isn't it time you were in bed?"

Edmund scoffed. "Yes mum."

"Ed!" Peter snapped, angrily.

"This is why, at this moment in time, you should be silent." Charlotte pointed out.

Peter turned back to Lucy, his voice softening instantly. "You saw outside. This place is huge. We'll be able to anything we want. Tomorrow will be great. Really."

The first chapter is done! Thank you for reading! Read and review - I can only make my stories good for my readers if they tell me what they think!