~Only You~

Disclaimer: I don't own DragonballZ nor do I own Sailor Moon BLAH BLAH.. yada yada...

Author's Note: The main character's in my story are Makoto, Gokou, Ami, and Trunks and maybe a few others on the way. It doesn't go by any story lines of the shows. Just think of it like... they are acting in a movie. :] WITH MY PLOTS... So, if ya guys don't like Ami/Trunks pairings ya don't haveta read (cuz I know allota people don't really like them). But I just wanna say that the story doesn't focus on them. I think they make a cute pair and I needed an extra couple in here to get my story going. Let me just explain a few things here. Makoto is kind of well.. she dates ALLOT of guys and Ami is the conservative.. one man sorta girl. Makoto just falls in love easily. I mean she falls for a guy and THINKS she's in love but never works out. Gokou is just well.. He is not quite what he is in the show so if ya don't like that ya don't have to read. And I made Michiru slutty and NOT Makoto nor Ami's friends. blah blah... I think I've blabbed enough soooooo here ya go....hope you enjoy my story :] Thanks! Ciao!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Prologue~~~

Makoto's heels clicked down the long hallways as she fidgeted nervously with her purse. She brushed back a piece of mahogany hair from her emerald eyes and anxiously stared down at the bright lights from the restaurant. Tonight was the night. It had to be. Kaji was finally going to propose to her. He had told her earlier that he had to get something off his mind. Her heart began beating faster and faster until finally she met the end of the hall.

Makoto's eyes shifted to her reserved to table to find Kaji awaiting her return from the restroom. He looked nervous as well. Then this was it! She just couldn't wait to tell Ami.

Who was that next to him though? She walked a little further past a pole blocking her view. Another man? Why was he there? Maybe Kaji's older brother checking Makoto out to see if she was a fit bride for his little brother? Yes! It had to be. She straightened her tight fitting dress and marched straight for the table, plastering her ever so sweet smile upon her face.

"I'm back," Makoto smiled kindly towards Kaji and his "brother."

"Welcome back, Makoto." Kaji's mouth slightly twitched into a smile and fell back into a worried expression. His dark eyes darted to the other man and back to Makoto. "Makoto, my dear, I have something to tell you."

"Yes?" Excitement sparkled within her eyes.

"Well, first let me introduce my friend, Lance." Lance grinned towards her. His eyes appeared to be... laughing at her?

"Hello Lance." She acknowledged. Friend? She arched an eyebrow. Well, then, maybe like a brother just a really close friend. Yes, that's it. A best friend. Oh how cute. She sighed inwardly.

"Well, Lance.... and I..... are..." he paused in hesitation. Kaji grabbed Lance's hand and gazed Makoto fully in the eye.

What the hell?! Shock filled Makoto's eyes. Why are they.... holding hands?!

"Lance and I... are... soul mates. We believe that we are life partners which is why.. I can't act anymore Mako-chan. I just don't think we should see each other anymore." Kaji spoke softly. Lance "comforted" him but gently brushing back a strand of hair.(AN: ugh.. that even makes ME sick to my stomach.. I hate yaois.. blech!)

The words hit Makoto like a thousand swords. Her heart felt like he reached into her chest and ripped it out with his bare hands. Angry tears brimmed her once sparkling emerald eyes.

"You are leaving me for another MAN!" Makoto spat in disgust. The whole situation made her sick to her stomach. It wasn't supposed to be this way! He was supposed to propose! He wasn't supposed to be gay! "I can't believe you're gay!"

"We prefer the term... homosexual..." Lance rolled his eyes.

"Ugh!" Makoto flung her purse at him with full force knocking him to the floor.

"LANCE! Love!" Kaji fell to the floor sobbing next to Lance's unconscious body.

"Good thing I brought my extra thick wallet...." she muttered under her breath as she stomped out of the restaurant, heading for her apartment.


"I just don't know Trunks.. Makoto easily falls in love and gets her heart broken. I've lost track of how many fiances she's had in the past year." Ami flopped on her small bed clothed neatly in her powder blue pj's. Her azure hair glinted in the dim light of her small lamp.

"Ami-chan, I'm sure she'll be fine. Who knows, maybe this guy, Kaji is it?" Trunks echoed through the phone. He brushed back a piece of lavender hair from his end of the line and reclined comfortably on his couch.

"Yeah," She sighed softly.

"Maybe Kaji is the one then."

Ami's sapphire lit up with enthusiasm. "Oh! I hope you're right, Trunks-kun." To Ami's surprise, she could hear the slight clicking of Makoto's heels coming quickly down the hallway. She gasped slightly and panicked.

"What? What is it?" Trunks questioned worriedly.

"I gotta go, Trunks-kun!" Ami murmured into the phone. "I think Makoto's home from her date. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you."

"Ah, alright, love ya Ami-chan."

Ami hastily pressed the off button on the phone pad and hurled herself under the covers. She dimmed the lamp and shut her sapphire eyes.

The door flung open as Makoto stalked for her bed. Irritably, she ripped the covers from Ami's body and flicked the light switch on. Ami's eyes shot open to see Makoto's mascara stained cheeks.

"Ami! I knew you were awake! You were on the phone with Trunks weren't you?!" Makoto sank to the floor. "It's just not fair! You have a boyfriend to talk on the phone for hours with.. while I sit there in a restaurant discovering my soon to be fiance is....... is......... gay!" She began sobbing uncontrollably in her hands.

"Gay?!" Ami's eyes brimmed with astonishment. "Kaji is gay?!"

"Yes! Not to mention he's dating a guy named Lance!" Makoto bellowed loudly as Ami placed her fragile arms around her friend's shoulders.

"What did you do?"

"I knocked him out...." she muttered hoping Ami didn't hear.

"You knocked him out?! Makoto! That's not the answer to everything!"

"The man is gay Ami-chan.. what was I supposed to do?!"

"True... true..." Ami rubbed Makoto's back gently and began wiping away the mascara from her cheek. "Why don't you get some sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning, alright?"

"Fine." She grumbled. Makoto stripped out of her clothes and hopped in bed in her bra and undies.

"Mako-chan! Really! Could you please put some pajamas on!" Ami pulled the covers over Makoto.

Mumbling through the pillow she responded, "Far too lazy."

Ami rolled her eyes as she turned off the lights.


Trunks reluctantly hung up the phone and let out a long sigh.

"It is about time you got off the phone." Gokou grumbled as his face was contentedly buried into a soft wool blanket.

"Hey, I have the right to be on the phone with Ami. She's my girlfriend." Trunks frowned down at Gokou's large frame sprawled across the floor.

"Blah blah. I don't want to hear it. Not to mention I was expecting a phone call from Michiru." Gokou supported himself with his well built arms. As he rose he revealed a rather good looking complexion. He had green eyes brighter than any gem and golden blonde hair that spiked and set off his tan skin.

"Why do you bother going out with her when you know she sleeps with basically every guy in the city?"

"The girl is hot, Trunks-kun. Ya can't blame me. Plus, what girl could resist me?" He rolled his eyes in annoyance and ambled onto his bed.

"Son-kun, one day you will meet a girl that you are going to fall head over heels for and she won't be interested... I guarantee." Trunks chuckled as he hopped into his own bed.

"Riiight. Like that'll ever happen." Gokou yawned as his eyes felt heavy and his mind was captured by dreams.


AN: Hey what'd you guys think? please r/r! Hope you guys liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :]
