I don't own the Matrix.


Neo, wake up…

Wake up, Neo…

Neo awoke from his peaceful slumber to find himself staring at his computer screen.

Neo, you need cereal… eat cereal…

The green text kept sending him messages about eating.
But Neo didn't like cereal.

Neo, you need to eat some cereal… Or I'll die.

"Who the f… why do I care if you…"

Neo, I'm a hot woman… don't question me…

Being a victim of several fake-gendered cyberers he was weary of trusting this supposed 'hot woman', but decided to eat cereal anyway.

"Listening to a computer… why is this happening to me… what did I do… why am I here… why is my dick constantly erect…" he mumbled off to himself stupidly as he climbed out his window into oncoming traffic.

Wielding his extra awesome sunglasses he hopped into his supa cool ride. The '97 Nissan Shitbag took a few extra turns in the ignition before it started up with a rumble.

"What is… what is going on…" he talked loudly to himself, and then flipped on the radio as he rolled down the street to the grocery store. A hxc 90s song (think Rob Zombie or KoRn) played in the background as he avoided the gaze of a few black people walking down the street.

Pulling into the lot of the mini mart he realized he'd forgotten to put on some more clothes. Shrugging, he decided he do what he want, and strode into the store wearing only his boxers.

After about an hour searching and questioning his existence he finally found the cereal aisle… But then he realized, HE DOESN'T LIKE CEREAL. Not any kind of cereal perked his interest.

"Hmmm… maybe I could… make my own…"

A middle-aged woman with three children running in circles around her cart was next to him, picking out food for her chillinz.

"It could be… great… and creamy...Mmmmm… milk…"

Slowly she turned her head towards him and saw his lack of clothing. D wtfux she thought, quickly walking away and covering her children's eyes.

"They will be called… NE-OHS."


Just wait.


It gets better. This is the boring short introduction chapter.

Hate it? Like it? Review. Or don't. -shrug-

And yes, I was very inspired by the ED article about Hackers. Hence the 'Ne-Ohs' cereal.