-Transcending Hearts-
Spiritshipping & Junkshipping, "onesided" Soulshipping
Hmm, well this isn't exactly the first time I posted a fanfic here (I have another FF Account so yea) But this is the first time posting a GX fanfic. More of a GX & 5D fanfic actually. Yay! ;3
Let's see. This is an interesting story with a strong Triangle love thingy. (Guess who they are! lol) Think of this as somewhere after the Fourth Season of GX and the Beginning of 5D (for those who watch it like I do!) So yea, I hope you stay with me through this. :3
I'm giving a BIG thanks to Tails (my oh-so-great-real-life-Judai) for editing this! Yay!
Disclaimer: I, hereby, do not own Yu-Gi-Oh GX nor Yu-Gi-Oh 5D. If I did, I'd be rich, fat, and satisfied with the -tons- of Yaoi crossover goodness of GX and 5D I would provide for the masses, including myself! ;D
"A duel cannot be won with monsters alone nor with spells and traps neither, rather only with them all joining together will you see their true meaning...And what you need to grasp victory...is right here...in your heart." -Yusei Fudo-
-- Prologue --
Five years earlier...
"Judai is like the wind, he comes blowing a storm then goes just as fast." She whispered softly. A blonde girl, dressed in what appears to be a princess outfit, stood beside a lake, her figure reflected off the distorted surface. Her long hair blowing softly in the wind as she looked far off with her honey-colored eyes, searching for a face she knew she would no longer see. Shimmer of tears bounced off from her eyes as she stood tall and proud; as a Tenjoin should be. Asuka Tenjoin simply stared at the small red-colored roof from the distance, knowing he would no longer be there.
A pause. "Yes, you're right, but Judai will be Judai." The voice beside her said just as softly. She smiled softly at this before glancing toward her left to stare at her companion. His smiling figure, so very opposite of her, seemed to blend in with the scenery around them. His short tresses of aquamarine hair flowing to and fro with the soft breeze. His arms, clad in both the frilly blouse and crisp blue vest, laid on both his sides; hands brushing against his royal blue khakis along the purple strip running down his pants. His white/ruby red boots softly pleding the grass below them as the moon's ray seem to simply bathe him in a bask of bluish-white light.
Asuka's smile widen as she saw his emerald eyes gaze at the same red house far off the trail; his bright smile still in place. She closed her eyes then nodded, agreeing with him. "Yes, he is." She finally said, re-opening her eyes as she watched him turn his attention toward her. She turned as well before brushing the front of her dress. "Well, I must go and see if nii-san didn't destroy the school yet." She teased, earning laughs from the both of them. Silence came seconds later as they merely stood there, silent as the night itself. Both gazing at one another with a mutual understanding. They were able to communicate so much at that moment as they smiled at one another.
Without any words spoken.
She nodded at him before slowly turning around and walking toward the large blue castle-like building to the side. Before she disappeared from view, however, she slightly turned her head to see him turn his attention back toward the red house. She smiled sadly, knowing, along with him, there would be no one there. "Sayonara, I hope to see you again."
He smiled, without turning back. "You know we will Asuka." He glanced down at his reflection. "We will."
She tightened the hold of her hands as her smile grew. "Yes, we will. So long, Johan." With those last words Asuka Tenjoin, the Queen of the Obelisk Girls Blue Dorm, brisked off, her blonde hair flowing behind her as she raised her chin high, soft small tears trickling down her cheeks.
Johan sighed softly at his watery reflection, hearing her soft footsteps fading from the distance as he raised his head back straight in front of him. His green-eyes trailed off from the tile red roof to the baise colored door that once housed his precious friend.
Another sigh and a soft shake of a head.
A small purple cat-like creature materialized beside his boots as it shook its head, from the long sleep it had. It stared at the water in wonder before averting its ruby eyes up toward her master who still remained silent of its appearnce.
Rubi Rubi
He smiled. "Hai, it seems it's done now. Everything is back to the way it should be."
Ruby tilted her head. Rubi?
"Yes, Fujiwara is no longer held by the darkness...he is free now." He replied, peering down at her.
Ruby nodded her head before glancing off at the distance. Rubi...Rubi
Johan smiled before turning his head back up, his hands now resting in the folds of his pockets. He closed his eyes from the world as he nodded his head. "It seems so Ruby. It looks like he's gone..."
Rubi Rubi! She stood on all fours as she rubbed her cheek against his pantleg, gazing up at him sadly. Johan cooed softly as he kneeled down to softly pet her furry transparent head.
"It's ok, you'll see Hane Kuriboh one day. Don't worry." He whispered as he caressed her ears, seeing her red eyes close before she nodded.
"Ah." He paused as he turned his head down at his reflection, seeing as the water rippled and distorted his calm face. "Saying good bye...would mean..." He trailed off, his voice growing soft and quiet as he placed his hands on his knees. "When you say good bye...it would mean...you'll see each other again." He glanced up at the full blue pale moon as his eyes glismed with understanding. "Not saying it...means...we will never meet again." He sighed softly, crestfallen by his words. He slowly stood up then, brushing back invisible dust before glancing down at Ruby. His smile in place as he extended his hand out. "Lets go girl, we have to head home tomorrow and...we have a long way to go." Ruby cooed in glee before jumping in his arms. He chuckled at her before glancing back up straight in front of him. "Even though you didn't say goodbye...I still believe we will meet again." His voice wavering for a split second before he continued, "Until then...farewell...my nakama." He whispered silently, closing his eyes as he felt his heart swell softly. Re-opening his eyes, he smiled brightly as he turned and headed off the opposite direction of the Slifer Dorm. Ruby resting in his arms quietly, glanced to the side and saw, for a split second, a figure from afar. The small floating spirit beast, beside the figure, waving at her as his brownish form blended with the forest behind him.
She mewled softly to herself as she blinked her ruby red eyes in surprise before craning her head up toward Johan. His face appearing as calm as ever as he walked their way toward the Obelisk Dorm. She closed her eyes as she softly cooed and rubbed her face against his chest to comfort him. Ruby knew Johan. Just as Johan knew her and the rest of the Gem Beasts. She mewled once more as she glanced up at the full moon, seeing the bright bluish-white light beam down on the two as he continued on his way.
And the light of the moon masking the wet tear stains that ran down Johan Andersen's brokenhearted face.
'He's all right...that's good.' The brunette sighed in relief as he watched the blunette's retreating back. He allowed a smile on his lips as he watched Hane Kuriboh wave at Ruby from the distance. "Let's go Hane Kuriboh...to where ever you wanted to take me." Judai said, his eyes still following the small blue figure.
Kuri Kuri
Judai lowered his head down. "I know I should have but..." He trailed off, his eyes closed as he clasp his hands into fists. A figure appeared beside him as it gazed at Johan's figure indifferently.
"Judai. You did what you thought was right. You are after all, The Prince of Darkness." Yubel calmly replied.
The brunette grunted before reluctantly nodding. His eyes snapping turqouise-amber for a split second before reverting back to his normal hazel. "Ah." Was all he could say as he watched Johan's figure disappearing from view, a part of him wishing he could have at least said farewell to him before leaving. 'But it's better this way...It's best if I go alone...with no one worrying over me.' He sighed once more, turned around, and headed off toward Hane Kuriboh's last direction. Yubel smiled at his determination before vanishing as Hane Kuriboh floated up beside him, cooing at the challenger he will soon face.
Kuri Kuri
Judai nodded absentmindedly as he trailed his hand through his hair in thought. 'I wonder who Hane Kuriboh is talking about?' He pursed his lips together as he slowly lifted his head up toward the pale blue moon. Its brilliance magnificant, just like the dearest friend he left behind. He shut his eyes painfully as his heart ached. 'Forgive me Johan.' Standing by a metal door in front of him, he snapped his eyes open as he felt a vague but familiar presence from within. His eyes determined and heart in place, he watched the doors silently open and stepped in for the duel he knew was awaiting him.
'Johan...I'm sorry.'