The last chapter is here. There's a lime and an implied lemon if you squint and turn your head to the right about two inches. Let me know if you think I should lower the rating. I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist.
"I…feel the same," Ed finally said. "I wasn't happy in Risembool and I didn't know why. It was because…you weren't there. I don't even know why though! I've never liked you at all before so why would I want to be around you now!"
"I can't answer that Ed. I wish I could, but I can't. I can tell you this though. I enjoyed waking up this morning and realizing that I wasn't alone. I don't want to be alone anymore. I want you to stay with me," Roy said quietly. "I don't know if this is love or just longing. I can't answer that either."
"Dammit Mustang! What do you want me to say?" Ed demanded, glaring angrily down at the table.
"I don't want to tell you to say anything. Just say what you need to say."
Ed clenched his auto mail hand tight. He didn't know what he wanted. He wanted to stay here, badly, but he didn't want to at the same time. He didn't want to admit that he might actually be in love with a man he had thought had had hated since they had met. But he didn't know for sure. His feelings were in a turmoil that spun around inside his mind, making him confused and uncertain.
"I…want to stay here too. I want to stay with you. Here," he finally said.
Roy let out a breath that he didn't realize he had been holding. "You have no idea how I much I wished you would say that."
Ed didn't say anything in response for several minutes. The air between them was thick with tension and Ed felt a blush creeping up his neck as a thought drifted into his mind.
"Roy?" he muttered, startled at how easily he was able to call him by his first name.
Roy swallowed anxiously. "Yes, Edward?"
"Can you…kiss me?" Ed asked in a strained whispered.
Roy didn't say anything s he stood up, walking over to Ed's side, gently slipping a warm hand beneath his chin and tilting his head up. Ed's eyes slipped close as Roy's soft warm lips touched his and he felt something click inside of him. This was right. This was what he had been missing. He needed this.
Roy didn't deepen the kiss, perfectly content with the gentle touching of lips, his other hand wandering to gently cradle the back of Edward's head. Ed broke away then, standing up and nuzzling Roy's chest lovingly.
"I think I could grow to love you, Roy," Ed said quietly, his arms wrapping around Roy's waist.
Roy let his hands drop to Ed's hips and tugged him closer. "I think I could too. Are you willing to give it a shot?"
"Yes. I have a feeling it's been you I've been wanting all along. Just you."
Ed's voice was muffled by Roy's chest and Roy chuckled inwardly, knowing that Ed was trying to hide a blush that he was positive had engulfed his face. He raised a hand to comb through golden locks, pulling out the tie when he reached it and letting Ed's hair tumble around his shoulders.
"Keep your hair down from now on. I like it that way," Roy told him.
"Okay," Ed agreed. "Anything for you."
"Edward…is something wrong?" Winry asked as she opened the door to her house. Alphonse appeared at the stairs before thudding down the rest of the way and coming to stand behind Winry.
After a week of getting used to each other, Roy had finally convinced Ed to come home and tell Winry and Alphonse.
"I think you guys should sit down for this," Ed said quietly, motioning in the direction of the table.
Winry nodded worriedly, opening the door the rest of the way and leading them to the table. She and Al sat on one side, Roy and Ed on the other.
"I guess I should cut straight to the chase. Winry, I'm dumping you and have been dating Roy for about a week now," Ed said quickly, blushing as he did so.
Roy squeezed his leg reassuringly under the table. Winry's expression didn't change for several moments, almost as though she were contemplating something.
"Are you happy?" she asked.
"Yes," Ed answered.
She nodded. "Alright. Just as long as you're happy Edward. And if he ever gives you trouble, I'll help you out," she said, smiling.
Ed breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Winry. Al?"
Al was still staring at him in slight shock. "I…don't really know what to say, brother. But if you're happy, I don't care who you date."
"Thank you, Al."
"So where are you guys even staying?" Winry asked.
"Roy's house in Central," Ed answered.
"He's eating all of my food, the pig," Roy teased.
"Shut up, Roy. You told me that the food was only around for a shrimp like me," Ed countered.
"I was being sarcastic," Roy said, eyes narrowed.
Winry laughed. "Just promise to visit Ed."
"Of course. I would never just ditch you guys forever," Ed told them.
"Good. And remember, you can always come home," Winry said.
"Geez, you're acting like a worried mother," Ed sighed.
Winry smiled. "I'm just letting you know."
Two Weeks Later
"I missed you," Ed mumbled.
"I was only gone for a week, Ed. It wasn't even that big of a deal. We were just checking out a situation, I was in no real danger," Roy sighed as he wrapped his arms around Ed's small frame.
He hadn't even made it in two steps before Ed was suddenly hugging him.
"I was cold without you," Ed added. "God, I sound like a mushy teenage girl."
Roy nuzzled the golden locks. "I understand."
He tipped Edward's head up and fixed his lips gently on Ed's. Ed wrapped his arms tightly around his neck, pulling him down so he could further explore Roy's mouth. Roy grabbed Ed's hips and pulled a way an inch.
"Jump up," he ordered.
Ed obeyed without question, locking both legs around Roy's waist before putting their lips together again, unable to identify the feeling that was bubbling up in his chest and making warmth spread through his limbs in sweeping hot waves of fire. He whimpered when Roy left his lips to kiss his neck, vaguely aware that Roy was leading them in the direction of the couch.
Roy laid him down on the cushions, straddling his waist and nipping at his neck, working his hand around the tie that held Ed's hair together. Moments after he let it down Ed jerked away, eyes bright.
"Roy…I have to tell you something," he whispered.
"What is it?" Roy asked, feeling anxious though he didn't know why.
"I love you Roy. I
love you dammit," Ed hissed, wrapped his arms tightly around Roy's
neck and pulling himself up to hug him tightly. "I love you. So
Roy nuzzled his neck lovingly, sighing as he heard the
words. "I love you too Edward. Don't leave me alone."
"I won't. I promise."
I've found my purpose, Ed thought as Roy laid him back again on the couch and once again began to lavish his neck. It's to be with Roy…forever. Thank you, Roy.