hello this is my first fanfic so do not be too harsh though any idea you have would be great :o)

disclaimer: I really do not own anything. It's just not fair!...runs off in tears

"Tell me."


"Tell me"


"What's all the ruckus about this time?"

Kel and Neal both jumped when they heard this. Neither of them had realized that Roald had entered the room."

"Roald what are you doings here?"

"I came to see what you two were fighting about now. I could hear you all the way down by the stables."

"Oh, I was just asking my dear Keladry who she was out with so late last night." At this Kel looked away and Roald blushed.

"And I know he has to be somebody I know because our Kel here is refusing to answer my question. "Neal stated obviously not paying any attention to Roald's blush.

"Nealan, bug off and leave now. "said Kel.

Neal realized that Kel was feeling quite with him at that moment and decided to say, "Fine, but I'll get it out of you later." he said and walked out of the room.

"That was close. "muttered Roald

"I'll say. Listen Roald we need to talk."

"I figured as much.

"No seriously what if he had recognized you last night. You know Neal for the life of him couldn't keep a secret. Remember when Yuki found out she was pregnant and told Neal not to say anything. By the next day the whole court knew.

"Yes I know, but it was quite funny to see Yuki chasing Neal around with that fan of hers."

"Yes it was, but that's not the point."

"What is the point then."

"Roald I really like you. I...I think I may even love you, but I don't want the world to know."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I think I do. But I don't want Meathead to know that."

"Well in that case we'll just have to be more careful. Kel do you remember what tonight is?"

"Is it umm... Princess Lianne's birthday?"

Roald chuckled, "No that isn't till next month. Kel it's our one year anniversary."

"I knew that." she said with a slight blush. In all truth she had completely forgotten, what with them being at war and then King Magarr being killed and the war ending and all.

"I wanted to take you somewhere special but Neal is such an annoying snoop so I'm not sure how this is going to work."

"Wait a minute I have an idea!" exclaimed Kel


"First you go out to the dancing dove, then when Neal's not around I'll sneak out and meet you there and you can me wherever you want."

"You know how to fix everything. What would I do without you?" he said before leaning forward giving he a kiss.

ahh wasn't that sweet :o) tell weather love it hate and or have any ideas what I should do or weather I should stop altogether. P.S. I will not update until I have at least 5 reviews. toodaloo
