Let's see...

This is first shot at a real song fic, so let me know if you think it works.

I (sadly) own nothing. Neither the song (Existentialism on Prom Night) nor the anime/characters are mine.

This takes place during the show before pasts are uncovered, but there a few are un-detailed spoilers. There's also boy/boy stuff, but if you don't like that then why are you reading Sukisho stories?

"Sing like you think no one's listening"

Sora wanted nothing more than a soundproof room he could lock himself in and scream and no one would hear him. He was so sick of everything. He was sick of Yoru and Ran. He was sick of Matsuri and his stupid "Do-It-All Team." He was sick of his classes and homework. He was sick of watching Nanami andShinichirou's seemingly perfect relationship. He was sick of hearing Gaku constantly carrying on about Nagase. He was sick of Fujimori being such a jerk to him, of Fujimori never wanting to talk to him, of Fujimori getting out of doing stuff for Matsuri, of everything about his pink-haired, moronic, infuriating, beautiful roommate. More than anything though, he was sick of himself and his stupid, stupid feelings for Fujimori.

There was a knock on the door of his room.

"Yeah," Sora called dully.

"You dressed, Hashiba?" Nao asked through the door.

"Does it matter?" Sora replied without energy or caring. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked."

It was true. Yoru and Ran, their alternate personalities who just happened to be lovers, had done a lot more than just be naked together.

"I'll take that as a "yes"," Fujimori said coldly as he pushed the door open. "You don't have to bring that up like I wanted it or something. It was Yoru and Ran."

Sora carefully hid the fact that Nao's words sliced his heart apart and spoke coolly.


"Well, if you're done with your work, I'd like to go to bed." Nao was clearly extremely pissed off about something, but Sora could not think of what he might have done to annoy his roommate so much.

"It's Friday, Fujimori," said the blue-haired boy, rolling his eyes. "I can be done whenever I want to be done."

"Well, do you want to be done now?" he asked icily.

"If it makes you happy," muttered Sora without thinking.


"Well obviously you're hacked off about something and if sleeping will brighten your mood I'm all for it. I have to live with you after all," Sora said trying not to speak too quickly and silently thanking whatever gods might be out there that he'd thought of a good, cold cover-up for his blunder.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Sora tried not to watch as Nao undressed and changed into his pajamas, but his eyes kept straying across the room even as he changed his own clothes.

Nao turned off the lights and the two boys climbed into their respective beds.

They lay in the dark for a few minutes before Sora spoke.

"Fujimori?" he asked cautiously.

"What, Hashiba?" came the knife-sharp reply.

"What are you so mad about?"

"Is it any of your business?" Nao snapped back.

"It is ff I'm the one who made you mad," said Sora trying (and failing) to sooth his roommate.

"You know, I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave me alone!" Nao exploded, sitting up in bed to glare across the room at the dark place were Sora lay.

"Fujimori, I-!"

"I get quite enough of you as Ran, thank you very much. I don't need any more." With that Nao threw himself down onto his pillow and rolled over to face the wall.

Sora sighed and also turned to the wall. He wished Fujimori would look at him another way.

On his own bed, Nao bit his lip, trying to hold back the tears. He shouldn't take out his furry on Sora. He was going to hurt him enough as it was.