Author's Note: Warning, I'm slightly more graphic in the descriptive elements of sexual encounters, but share an affinity with Tiffany F in that I refuse to write Het/Sex Scenes. I actually thanked the Gods that she wasn't one to write those because no matter how good the scene, I tend to always skip those when reading, blame Daniel Steele and Harlequin in my teen years.
Please enjoy the next chapter in this weird little jaunt that I've launched myself into.
Lil Nezumi
Chapter Four
Elliot had chased them out of the Doctor's apartment because he was slowly feeling the need to bond with his Human mate. Mac waited for his Human to come back from discussing the same things in the living room.
Once the door was locked and both men were in the Master Bedroom it didn't take long for their clothes to be discarded. Elliot had always been a kind and considerate lover to his wife, but this time he was primal. All hands, lips, mouth, teeth nipping and marking his new lover.
George, not one to be outdone did the same. His own hands couldn't stop their exploration of the fine male specimen before him. His hands found the muscle tone of his Dragon's chest fascinating. Even the 'ripped' stomach and huge arms held their own form of appeal. He leaned forward to lick and taste the beautiful man before him.
Elliot leaned in closer, petting, stroking, licking, nipping, and tasting. His hand found his Human's erect readiness and he felt the 'otherness' in his mind pushing forward, seeking the connection desperately. "Open yourself to me," he said the words on some instinct that he never knew he had. "Don't hold back any part of yourself."
The doctor knew just what to do. His mind and soul bared itself to the being in front of him. "Lube," he gasped as Elliot leaned down to taste his leaking member. "In... the," he stuttered. Never once did he think that this man would ever swallow him. He was pleasantly surprised by this turn of events.
The detective was now sucking firmly on the erection. He was fondling the roundness of the balls just below the jutting shaft. He did hear his mate's request and with his other hand he fumbled for the promised tube. It was a familiar one that some men bought in order to ease their fantasies and prevent a bit of chafing when they were in the mood for a night without company.
One quick glance and he knew he had the right stuff. Personally he hated using lotion, so he was glad to see that the Doc was prepared. He slicked a couple of fingers and slipped both into his Human. He needed to know that this 'magic' that they were all talking about worked. He did trust other cops, but in this case he questioned it because it was fanciful thinking. However, the evidence was there.
"Oh wow," he said releasing the head of his mate's erection with a slurpy popping sound.
"What?" George asked and then he groaned deeply. "Do that again and I might just come."
"Not without me inside you," the larger man said taking hold of the base of his mate's erection, preventing him from releasing his seed. He took a last taste of his mate before moving into position.
The doctor let out a laugh and said, "What are you waiting for? Get inside me now. I need to feel you. The bond is growing. Can't you sense it?"
Elliot smiled down, looking into the eyes of the man he was about to take. He was slicked and the head of his own throbbing penis was at the lovely entrance. He pushed gently, but firmly. He was shocked at how easily he slid into the body below him. He eyes widened and he looked at the shock that had registered on George's face.
"They said that you can't hurt me," the Doc said. "Oh... I feel so… oh, wow."
Elliot had to stop moving because he was overwhelmed by the intense sensations coming from just being connected like this. He was so overwhelmed that he had tears in his glowing eyes.
George looked up at him and saw these tears. He tried to lean forward to kiss him, but there was just enough difference in their heights that it was near impossible. He ran his hands up to cup the detective's face instead. "Elliot," he said getting the other man's attention. "I... I love you."
The detective looked down at their connected bodies and then he leaned forward, aiming to kiss the dark haired man. "I love you too," he said. "Hang on because this will be intense."
"Always," George gasped out as he felt the thrust hit his prostate. He groaned out, "More."
The Dragon mind pushed forward. He complied and began thrusting faster and deeper. He obeyed when his demanding Human shouted, "Harder."
Elliot finally was able to completely let go. He was no longer afraid of hurting his bed partner. He had always been afraid of that and so part of the lovemaking with his ex-wife had been considered a bit too tame for her. It might have been just another reason that their marriage didn't work out in the end.
Mac had told him that a Dragon couldn't hurt his Human. The others in the room confirmed it and Elliot could now feel it. He needed to claim his Human. He leaned forward, still thrusting, but now kissing possessively. He sought out the neck of his Human and began to suck and kiss it, marking him as his own.
"I'm so close," the deeper voice of his Human told him. Elliot took hold of the leaking penis and stroked it time with his thrusting claim.
"Take me over the edge with you," he growled out. "Come for me."
George was all sensations. He was close enough that his Dragon's request sparked off his explosive orgasm. Spurt upon spurt of semi-white beads landed on his stomach. His entire body was spasming with the force of this union.
Elliot was squeezed by the internal muscles of his little Human and he was jerked over the edge by it. His body too was seized, but he couldn't stop moving until his penis was milked completely by his mate. He fell forward and rested his entire weight on the slighter man below him.
The detective sighed and pulled out reluctantly from the hotness that had surrounded him. He heard the whimper and grew concerned until he heard, "Don't go. Please stay."
Elliot smiled and said, "I'm just going to get something to clean us up and then I'll be back to sleep."
He kissed the semi-responsive lips and got up to fetch a warm wash cloth in the master bathroom. He cleaned himself up first when he felt the mild panic from his Human. Running back into the bedroom with the damp cloth in hand, he saw him sitting up and looking around in desperation.
"Hey there," he said walking forward. "George?"
The man looked up and saw him. "You're still here?"
"Of course I'm still here," he said. He took the cloth that he had brought back and gently cleaned up his Human. "I told you that I was going to get something to clean us up." He tossed the cloth into the direction of the bathroom and then he got back into bed with his mate.
George was confused because most men that he slept with always left during the night or even just after the sex was done. He hadn't taken a partner to bed in long while because of it, but it looked like Elliot was planning to stay.
"I guess it hasn't sunk in yet," he told the man looking at him with concern and love.
The detective smiled and pulled the doctor to him. "It's real and it's for life," Elliot said. "You're the one that I Changed for... Even if I don't know much about this Dragon stuff, I do know that it's real and it's permanent. I'll want no one else for the rest of my life, but you."
"Good," George said leaning in and wrapping himself around the other man. "I don't want you to ever leave me."
They kissed again with gentle strokes to back, arms, head, face... It was like trying to map with their hands the fact that they were with another person. Still stroking and petting one another, they fell into a deep contented sleep.
Fin watched the emotions dance on his work partner's face, as they drove. "Somethin' wrong," he asked.
"No," Munch said. "I don't think so, but you want to know something, I think that I'm going to miss Elliot."
"He goin' somewhere?" Fin asked. "I didn't get that impression."
Munch sighed and said, "A Dragon can't work in a job that will see too many children get hurt. It'll be worse with Elliot because I believe that he'll see his children as some of our younger victims."
"What makes you think that he hasn't already done that?" Fin asked in a moment of insightful wisdom.
That comment made John Munch return to concentrating on his driving and to thinking about what was just said. There was truth to that statement. "It will be even worse now," he stated. "Dragons are like that. They value life and the lives of children all the more."
Fin waited until they were at Munch's house before continuing the conversation. They occasionally stayed at one another's place and kept changes of clothes for such times. He knew that Munch needed to talk about this to someone who wasn't going to judge.
'Besides,' he thought. 'I need to talk about this too because it's still unbelievable.'
The men walked into the small brownstone and settled in for the night with pseudo beers in their hands. Munch never liked drinking too much, but he liked the pseudo stuff and on other occasions he liked his wine. (…i…)
John was looking at Fin waiting for the details of what occurred today. "Well don't leave me suspense," he said. "Tell me everything that happened today."
Fin started by explaining a bit about why he needed to be there for back up and then…
"I'm not sure just what it was that triggered Elliot's Change, but all I saw was the other man move forward like a lunge," Fin said. "He might have had something in his hand, but it wasn't even a minute later until there was this long lizard, dinosaur like beast in the warehouse. It let out a blast of hot, steaming air and the Doc was tucked under one of the creature's wings for a bit."
John nodded, "An attack on the mate of a Dragon will trigger the change." He paused to look at his partner. "What's the matter Fin?"
"It seems like a tripped up dream," Fin said. "If you know what I mean? Dragons being hidden in the world and real, I sometimes think that I'm still dreaming."
"You're not dreaming," Munch told him. "The documentation exists for them, but most of what I have are journals, diaries and village logs from the scribes of the times."
"Yah," Fin said. "That's another thing, why didn't I know this about you? That you have some hidden away, mysterious library or something."
"Not a lot a people know about it," Much explained. "Most of the members of my family don't remember the library, but there are some that know of its existence and would do about near anything to destroy it or sell most of its contents. They don't know where it is so they can't do anything about it until I die."
Fin snorted and said, "Are they all waiting for you to pass on?"
John chuckled, "Some days it feels like that especially when I have to attend family reunions."
"I can imagine," Fin said. "Look can you tell me what's going to happen to us?"
"Yeah," Fin said. "You know, SVU, the current unit?"
"Oh," John said. "Elliot will have to figure out his next step. As members of the Community, even if we're not always going to be in contact with them, our job will be to keep an eye on him."
"He's going to be sensitive about where his Human is and he's going to have to re-connect with the Doc every four to six hours," Munch explained.
"Re-connect?" Fin thought about that and then he flushed slightly as an image floated into his mind of the two men kissing passionately in the warehouse. "Like that?"
Munch chuckled again, "Yes, exactly like that. They're going to need a safe place to re-connect or else meet every day for lunch."
Fin shook his head. "We're living in interesting times, now."
"You got that right," Munch said. He stood up and stretched his limbs. "I'm turning in."
"I'll be right behind you," Fin said. These two particular partners were more than just working partners, but no one in their unit ever suspected a thing. They had an understanding and with the difficulties of their job, they needed to re-connect humanly like any other person.
They both needed someone that they could talk to about their day and to have someone there to fully understand the stresses that they were under. On this night they just cuddled together, holding on and wondering just what the next path was for Elliot and his Doctor.
(…i…) I know nothing about the Jewish faith, but have always had the impression that they do not drink all that much alcohol. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, so just enjoy the rest of the story.
Author's Note: Watch for the Sequel "Dragon Inheritance"