
Part 1


A/N: Funny, I think.


Bella and Edward had already left. About two hours and fifty-seven minutes ago if one were to be exact. But nobody watched the time; not really anyway. It was just that somehow, someway the ticking of some distant clock seemed more enduring - more important. Somehow... someway. So nobody was really watching, or really caring, but the ticking of the clock... counted. Just counted. But nobody paid attention - at least not really. Not to that clock that kept in time the moments of Edward and Bella's abscence. Since they had left the wedding decorations and the guests. Moved to hide away from werewolves and vampires. Gone to a place where it was only going to be them. Gone on their honeymoon.

Emmett amused himself with the idea. 'Honeymoon.' Or at least with the idea of what type of honeymoon Bella and Edward could have. Normally something like this would be amusing and he snorted as he tried to convince himself of that, but something about it did not feel right. Something about it did not seem funny. Something about it seemed suddenly too real or maybe it just did not feel... actual. Or perhaps just down right absurd.

Yes, Bella and Edward were actually on their honeymoon. Or at least going to. Emmett had to clarify this fact with himself. He had only been trying to wrap his mind around it for the last two hours and fifty-eight minutes. It was such a strange thought - a really strange thought. Strange because well... his sexless little brother was about to introduced into the world of sex. (Whatever sex with a human meant. More specifically, Bella Swan Cullen.) It was almost good that Edward was too far away to hear Emmett's thoughts. The 'strangeness' about his thoughts, if heard by Edward, was enough provokation for one hell of a fight. Probaly because Emmett was having a hell of a time picturing Edward naked but having a harder time picturing a naked Bella right beside him. Maybe he was not imaginitive enough.

It may have been good for him that he could not imagine all of this. Emmett had few memories from being a human. But there was one that never really went away. He lost his virginity when he was thirteen...and the memory sort of lingered... painfully. It was not actually a pleasant memory; a life altering memory, no doubt (at least to a teenaged boy); it was actually one of the most disturbing memories of his entire existence. Emmett furrowed his forehead. There was nothing in the world more graceless than two virgins trying to have sex.

Edward's nonexistent sex life was always a running joke. He knew soon enough that his 'little' brother would 'become a man.' Turning his nonexistent sex life into existence. But all the amusement this thought gave him in the past (even last night this was hilarious) did not come to him tonight. He could never picuture it before and even tonight he still could not see it. It was strange to feel so somber. It just was not him. He disliked feeling this way. He felt a little ridiculous, actually. It was not like Emmett to worry.

For a man that was always so carefree, this worry felt brutal. He was not sure if it was worry exactly; but close. Even though he felt it, Emmett would never admit to anybody what he really felt was terror. Emmett was terrified for his new 'baby' sister; for fragile, human Bella. It was stupid to feel so damn apprehensive. Emmett would have been ashamed to admit the exact nature of his emotions to anybody. But then again, he did not have to.

"Would you like to go hunting?"

Emmett was surprised but did not glance up at Jasper. It was not rare to catch Emmett by surprise but Emmett knew that Jasper must have been watching him for a while. He must have really been distracted. Even Emmett was a better predator than that.

Emmett rose from the couch he was sitting stiffly upon as if in confirmation. He glanced fleeting over into Jasper's golden eyes, which were no doubt the same color as his own.

"Parched." Emmett replied dryly.

Jasper gave Emmett a smile that could have been a grimace. Jasper's eyes darted to the top of the stairs where Alice stood silently. The fluorescent giddiness that had radiated off of Alice all week seemed to suddenly be missing. Her golden eyes were not twinkling but glinted under her furrowed eyebrows.

Emmett smiled at his sister as if ignorant to the atmosphere of the room; as if unaware of his own emotions. "You look just about as dehydrated as us."

Alice moved fluidly down the stairs not really bothering to say anything. She tilted her head upwards to look into Emmett's face. The left corner of her lip twitched briefly. "Just about."

They moved swiftly out of the house and through the forest. They did not even bother to speak. Even though Emmett was not exactly willing to admit it to himself just yet, he knew that this trip had nothing to do with hunting. It was easy enough to lie to himself and he moved forward effortlessly; his brother and sister by his side. Their bodies were tensed as if in hunt but they moved past many animals. Emmett could smell a grizzly about three miles to the east and a black bear a mile and a half to the northwest. He felt his throat burn dimly but, for once, he was not interested.

Hell, the herd of moose to the north was more than tempting; unfairly mouthwatering. Somehow hunting did not seem right tonight.

When Alice stopped, Jasper and Emmett stopped as well.

Alice turned and looked directly into Emmett's face. "It's strange, isn't it?"

Emmett quit lieing to himself. He knew exactly what she was talking about; Edward and Bella and their arrival to Isle Esme. Emmett tried to smile and even to raise his eyebrows in amusement. It was not fooling anybody. He let out a rough grunt abandoning his facade. "Doesn't seem… I don't know… safe… them trying to have… sex."

Jasper folded his arms and leaned against a tree. "I know what you mean."

For a second Emmett felt relief, which was not aided by Jasper's gift but his words. Suddenly his fears did not seem so ridiculous. Then realization set in. This was a conclusion that only gave Emmett more dread.

Alice flitted over to a rather large rock and sat gracefully down upon it. Her forehead was furrowed. "You talked to Edward about," she paused, uncomfortable with the word, " 'it'… last night, didn't you?"

Emmett chuckled in memory of their sex talk. Which was so awkward; so unbelievably funny - at least at the time - because it seemed like a damn joke. "Yeah."

He remember well enough. When Edward asked them about sex, Emmett tried to be...understanding. But damn! It was hard! It was like one of your parents asking you for sex advice. Emmett would have actually been more comfortable if it was Carlisle asking questions about sex than Edward. It was always easier assuming that Edward was as mute to sex as a deaf man is to sound. But those questions - they had been so awkward.

"How does it feel? - You know," Edward actually looked flustered. (Which seemed funny as hell at the time.) "what is it like?"

Thinking about it now, Edward must have had a deeper meaning behind his questions. Last night, Emmett found himself wondering again if Edward had ever masturbated. When that thought ran through Emmett's head last night, it looked like Edward was going to kill him. Tonight, Emmett found himself pondering this with more sincerity. It distrubed Emmett that Edward had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Emmett became suddenly serious again, dropping the memory and looking back up at Alice; questioning. Alice could be unbelievably nosy if she wanted to be. "Didn't you check on us?"

Alice shook her head to the side once. "No. It never occurred to me that I would be so… worried. Besides, I figured it was a boy's night out."

Emmett glanced up into the sky and noted the stars. It was strange to have such a clear night. If only all things could be so clear. "Did you see anything, Alice? You know, about their honeymoon?"

"Nothing concrete." Alice allowed with the smallest amount of frustration. Frustration was far too normal to Alice for Emmett's liking. He had never seen Alice like this before; at least not to this degree. "Edward keeps changing his mind."

The smallest flitter of a smile made its way onto Jasper's lips. "Typical."

Emmett looked back to his sister and away from the skies. "What is his decision now?"

Alice shrugged. Her eyes glittered with the faintest traces of amusement. "Edward is hell bent on protecting Bella…" she trailed off.

"You were going to say something else." Emmett prompted.

"But Bella," she added with some amount of… what was that… pride? "seems just as determined to have Edward keep to his end of their bargain."

Emmett was confused. "They had a bargain?"

Alice sighed out. She glanced at Jasper giving him a guarded look and then one of defeat before looking back to Emmett. "I don't suppose that Edward would want me to repeat anything, but nearly everybody else knows." She said the last part as if it was some sort of justification. But Emmett was not really here to judge or justify morals.

"So they had a bargain?" Emmett paused carefully, casually. "About what?"

Jasper rolled his eyes at his brother. "Bella is very human."

"And very much a teenager." Alice added helpfully.

"And very much hormonal." Jasper concluded dryly.

Emmett understood immediately. No matter his mood, nothing could have stopped him from smiling at that. "Horny then, hmm. I knew I've always liked her."

It was always an interesting contradiction; a confusing puzzle – which of the two, Bella or Edward, who was the predator and who was the prey.

"Well," Alice continued almost bitterly, "she is… stubborn. And Edward… you know how easily he sways to her."

"Really?" Emmett asked, doubtful.

"Well," Alice started out ruefully, "maybe not always right away. But Bella has a way of getting what she wants. You must have noticed?"

"Particularily from Edward." Jasper added darkly.

Emmett did not really consider things like this too often but Alice's point seemed valid. "Fair enough. So our horny little sister is going to seduce our sexless little brother?"

Before Alice could answer, Jasper glanced at his wife. "I thought you said Edward was hell bent on protecting her."

"He is." Alice said gradually. "It is just that protection is up for interpretation."

"What exactly are we interpreting?" Jasper asked warily.

Alice seemed hesitant. "Interpretation on what they decide to do. If they have sex or not."

Jasper reasoned confidently. "Well, the most effective protection would be for Edward not to touch Bella at all."

Good God. It sounded like they were discussing condoms and STDs.

"I like that idea best." Emmett said decisively.

Both Alice and Jasper looked at Emmett in surprise.

"What?" Emmett exclaimed indignantly.

Jasper concentrated on his brother almost as if sensing the sincerity of the emotion behind his words. "For somebody who gives Edward so much hell about being a virgin, I would think you would being cheering for him to finally get laid."

It took a moment for Emmett to realize that it was anger that tightened in his chest. "It would be a hell of a lot different if Bella was a vampire."

Jasper blinked in surprise at the suddenness of Emmett's emotions. Then sending a wave of calm, Jasper nodded. "I agree."

"But," Alice cut in bitterly… or was it defensively? She still seemed so frustrated it was difficult to tell her emotions. "she isn't. She's human."

"They're not going to actually 'try' are they?" Emmett's question had more disgust in it that he had realized. His emotion actually surprised him. What surpised him more, despite all of Edward's questions, was that Edward might be really having sex... soon. It had never occurred to him that it might actually happen. Emmett tried to picture it again and only got a very distrubing image of Edward breaking one of Bella's knees.

Alice did not really answer him. But her lack of answer seemed to be enough. "That leads us to the other form of… protection. Or our interpretation of it."

Emmett's mouth turned indignant, disbelieving. This time he pictured a broken arm. "He thinks he can control himself?"

"He has done an exceptional job so far." Jasper offered. Even Emmett could sense the doubt in Jasper's voice; that damn reluctance in supporting Edward's control.

Emmett folded his arms across his chest thinking of just how small Bella was. Just how easy it would be to break one of her bones; to tear her delicate skin; to drain her body absolutely dry. Emmett growled. "But Edward isn't a saint. We all know from experience that everybody has a breaking point. Even him."

"He thinks he can control himself." Alice said dully as if reminding herself of another's words.

Emmett snorted. "Do you think Edward will be able to 'control' himself?"

"The future seems solid enough."

"But not for certain." Emmett allowed.

"No," Alice admitted, "nothing is for certain."

Emmett breathed in carefully, considering things over he rather not think of.

Edward had never even had sex before. He thought he could control himself? That thought alone was proof enough to Emmett that Edward really was clueless. Edward did not even know what he was getting himself into. Short of drinking blood, there was nothing else like sex; nothing so primal, so unforgiving, so uncontrollable, so powerful. And Edward was going to experience this power with another body that could be broken with a flick of his fingertip. Breakable Bella.

Emmett ran his fingers through his hair. "Edward is a god-damned one-hundred year old virgin. How can he possible know what he can control? I bet about right now those medical textbooks are coming in handy. The penis goes into the vagina. So simple. What could go wrong?"

Alice bit her lip trying not to laugh. She managed to give Emmett a stern look. Emmett did not care.

Jasper chose to ignore his last commett and promptly answered Emmett's first. "We all know that the blood lust is a greater desire than that of sex. Perhaps control of the one will help him with control of the other."

"But both together?" Emmett countered.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked carefully.

Emmett looked to Alice for this one. "Bella is a virgin, right?"

Alice nodded her head.

"Virgins bleed. That is fresh blood. No matter how controlled a vampire is, that has the potential to send even the most controlled over the edge."

Jasper looked over to Alice.

She scowled. "Don't ask me for details."

Jasper sighed. "Emmett has a point. How would Edward work around that? I know he acts like he can stand her blood, but we all know it still has an effect on him. It affects us all."

Alice folded her dainty arms over her chest. "Edward has figured it out."

Emmett scoffed. "Really? Because last time I checked, I have seen Edward naked enough times in the locker room to know that he isn't a lightweight. He isn't exactly small. She will bleed."

Alice glared at Emmett. "Do you even have a filter?"

Emmett was not amused. "It is just standard truth. His body is like a rock compared to hers. His size won't help matters. And Bella... she is just so small. I'm sure that includes just about everything else about her."

"I don't like the direction this conversation is going in." Alice said grudgingly.

"But he's right, Alice." Jasper said quietly. "There is no way around it."

Alice was getting exasperated. "Edward has figured it out."

"And how is that?" Emmett pushed.

"Edward wouldn't like it if I told you."

Emmett scowled. "Right now, I don't give a damn what Edward thinks. If he is putting our sister in danger I will go down there and bring her back, myself. I need reassurance that Bella will be okay."

Alice glanced at Jasper before looking back at Emmett. She sighed in defeat. "Water, Emmett."

Emmett raised an eyebrow.

Alice expanded the concept. "Water will wash away the blood. Not all sex has to start on a bed."

For a moment Emmett felt embarrassment because Emmett had swam at that beach. He knew exactly was Alice was talking about. Damn, this was really going to make it hard to look at it the same way again. "Oh."

"Besides," Alice smiled lightly at Emmett's embarrassment, "It is not like he has to breathe."

Emmett wasn't listening. "Wait. Hold-up. Water washes away lubrication. Bella is a virgin. That is really going to hurt her."

Alice rested her fingertips and her forehead and closed her eyes shaking her head. "Emmett, you are really thinking too far into this. There is more than one way to do something. Just believe me when I say he has considered and figured it out, okay."

This did not consolidate Emmett. "Edward is still and idiot and a virgin who has no idea what he is doing. And Bella is just going to follow him like a stupid lamb. He is going to kill her."

"He is doing everything he can not to."

"Then, he probably shouldn't have sex with her then. Obviously he isn't do everything he can to protect Bella."

Alice let out a frustrated sigh. "Emmett..."

Emmett ignored Alice's exasperation and was already focusing on something else she said. "Suppose he can handle the blood-lust. But what about Bella's strength compared to his."

"He has had to deal with Bella's weakness for nearly a year and a half now." Jasper answered slowly. "He knows better than any of us just how much she can take."

"He doesn't even know what his body will be able to handle! How can he anticipate the reaction of hers? Besides, I don't know if you remember, Jasper, but it is almost too easy to kill a human."

"There is only one way that they can find out if they can handle it... together." Alice said insistently.

"Yes," said Emmett sarcastically, "I can't wait for the phone call from Edward telling Carlisle that he has broke Bella's pelvic bone. There is no better way to find out if their body's can handle sex than that."

"Don't be so damn crude, Emmett." Alice scolded.

"He could seriously hurt Bella."

"We don't know that." Alice pleaded.

"Don't we?" Emmett raised an eyebrow. "Not only do virgins bleed, Alice. I know for Bella that it is probaly going to hurt like hell when he enters..." Emmett stopped seeing the look on Alice's face.

Jasper was talking again. "That pain would be present whether Edward was a human or not."

"Yes," Emmett allowed, "But humans are made of flesh. Edward, at least in comparrison to Bella, is made of stone. Material difference, at least I imagine, will have an effect."

Alice's face furrowed as if not really willing it accept Emmett's observation but not having a choice but to go with it.

"Also," Emmett continued, "I can't speak for you Alice, but I know well enough for you women, that sex can hurt no matter how well... practiced you are at it or not."

Alice shrugged. "Fine. I'll give you that. But these things are standard with humans too."

Emmett was actually becoming frustrated at Alice for her defense of Edward. "Edward is also about five thousand times stronger than Bella."

"Edward is use to controlling his strength." Jasper stated smoothly.

"What about the strength of things he can't control?"

"What things?" Jasper asked.

"Suppose that Edward manages not to tear her skin, drink her blood, or break any of her bones, do you actually think the muscles of her body will actually be able to handle his ejaculation?"


Emmett did not even consider that he was going too far with this conversation; that there was a line that he should not cross -that he had already crossed that line.

Emmett snorted. "Don't be so coy, Alice. Everything about our bodies is stronger. That includes our ejaculations. Is there any possible way that Bella's body can handle that? Will the force tear right through her?"

"Emmett," Jasper said calmly, "You need to relax."

"Then there is the temperature. Don't humans get frostbite? Or at least a cold burn?"

Something about the thought behind Emmett's words distrubed Alice. She twitched. "I don't want to think about that."

Judging by the look on Alice's face, Emmett could see what bothered her. Or at least he think he could. The thought running through Emmett's mind was where Bella would get frostbite. In truth, the possible places were places that Emmett had never wanted to think about on Bella. Then, of course, nobody seemed willing to consider anything about the sex. The ejaculation sounded silly. But Emmett knew damn well that it was unavoidable. Even if it did not tear through Bella, it was going to be cold. Probaly like ice water. Emmett was not a doctor but somehow did not think that could be very healthy for a woman's body.

Emmett was still frustrated. "I can't believe that Edward is going to put Bella in that type of danger. Why can't he just change her first?"

"Because," Alice answered stiffly, "she wants a physical relationship before she becomes a young vampire. You remember being young, Emmett. The blood lust was so strong there was hardly any room in your body for any other types of desires."

"Edward was right." Emmett shook his head. "Bella has no concept of self-preservation. None at all. She is willing to toy with death just to find out what sex is like. I hate to admit it, but that really isn't worth the risk. Edward just might accidentally drain her dry. But then again, he is the idiot that encourages her."

"Ultimately," Alice said with finality, "It is their decision. There is not really anything we can do about it."

Emmett groaned. "I can't see the future, Alice. But I know enough about Edward to know what will happen if something does go wrong. If something doesn't go to plan. There is nothing more miserable than a miserable Edward. And we have to deal with it."

"What do you suggest we do then, hmm? Beat Edward and Bella to Isle Esme? Ruin their vacation? Call Edward and tell him not to have sex? We don't even know how this will turn out. We don't have the right to stop them from doing what they want."

Emmett's massive shoulders tensed. "We have a responsibility to our sister. To protect her."

"You're right." Said Alice decidedly. "We have a responsibility to Bella. We are protecting her right in making her own choices even if they do not seem wise to us. They are her decisions and not ours."

Emmett turned his head away from his siblings. "I don't like this."

"But it isn't our choice." Alice soothed.

Emmett knew Alice's words were right. He knew that he could not protect his baby sister from her husband. Knew that the lion would do everything he could to become the docile lamb. He feared that it would never be enough.


A/N: This story was annoying and I just wanted to get it written and done with. You know the standard read and review plea.