Summary: Bella is a mermaid

Helloo people! Read and tell me if you like or not!

Summary: Bella is a mermaid! She is sick of life underwater. She wants to walk! In order to get away from her admirer, Damien, Bella swims to the surface. There, she dries out and grows her legs! Who finds her? Will Bella's secret stay hidden? What happens when she meets Edward? All human/mermaid. No Vampires or Werewolves


WHAT DOES HE WANT NOW?! Oh my jellyfish! Damien just won't quit! He follows me around like a lovesick dolphin and never leaves!

"Isabella? Where are you?" I heard him call. I was hiding behind a boulder, wishing him away with shear will power.

"Your father wants you, Isabella. He sent me to get you." YEAH RIGHT! He used that excuse last week! Grr… I hate how he calls me Isabella. IT'S BELLA FOR KELP'S SAKE!

"Your father doesn't like to be kept waiting," he was sounding more desperate. I have got to get out of here. He'll be the death of me!

My father was the King of these lands, so if he wanted to reach me, he would have sent a messenger, seeing as he knows that I loathe Damien Sands.

"Please, Bella? Come out. King Swan wants you!" and he actually thinks he sounds convincing? Poor boy.

I don't understand why he wont leave me alone! I mean, I'm as plain as a strand of seaweed; I have dull brown eyes and horrible brown hair. The only thing that I like about my appearance is my tail. It was like nothing anyone had ever seen. It was a magnificent blue, almost a midnight blue. In the moonlight, it would shine like a neon light, though not bright enough to light up a room, it glowed. (pic of colour in moonlight on my profile, ignore the person in it) All the mermaids were jealous, and the mermen admired it, but my tail was no reason to follow me around like Damien does!

I was holding my breath as he swam past, trying to stay as still as possible. If there was any way I could ditch the stalker, I would.

There was one way, but I was scared, to say the least. It would involve me, swimming to the surface, drying off in the sun to accumulate the use of legs, and then going into the human world of land.

I was scared, because if I got wet in the view of people, I would have to concentrate very hard to not grow my tail again. It was a new project I was working on, and almost had mastered it. I wanted to be able to control my turning into a mermaid. I wanted to be able to go for a swim with people with my legs, but it was a hard thing to do, seeing as our bodies love water and love to adapt to it. But I was going great. I could keep the legs it I got splashed, but I haven't mastered swimming with legs yet…

It could be risky, I know, but worth it…?


Looking around the rock, I saw that Damien had his back to me, so without another second to spare, I took off diagonally towards the surface, weaving and dodging around so that Damien couldn't follow. I was the fastest mermaid in my city, a fact to which I'm proud.

When my head broke the surface, I looked around, making sure no one, mermaid, merman, or human alike, I swan to the shore.

The great thing about being a mermaid is that you have a certain control over water. I can freeze it, manipulate it and also heat it up to a point where it evaporates, so I didn't have to rely on just the sun to dry me off.

As soon as I was dry a bikini appeared in place of my tail. I had always had the bikini top, and now I had the navy blue pants to go.

I got up, and then fell back down. Ugh, how was I supposed to be able to do this?

I grabbed hold of the rock beside me and slowly got up, pulling myself up. Yes! Now to stay up right…

"Hey, what up?" I gasped in surprise as the voice came from behind me. I spun around on instinct but lost my balance and fell. The stranger caught me and steadied me.

"I didn't know my effect on pretty ladies was that strong," the cocky teenager said, running a hand through his blonde spikes. "Name's Michael Newton, but you can call me Mike." This boy's attempts at seduction were pitiful, I found it hard not to laugh.

I had always made it a hobby of mine, studying the interaction of humans on this beach. In doing so, I found that the males use horrid pick up lines that don't work on the honourable girls, only the easy ones.

"I'm sorry, Michael. I didn't mean to fall on you." I also saw that humans were not as polite and formal as the people under the sea.

"Uh, its cool. So you wanna hang with me and my friends?" Hm, tempting. I did want to see the humans up close, but if they were all as irritating as this Michael, then I would have to excuse myself.

"That sounds fun," I said. I would have to tone down my formality to fit in with these people.

He took my hand, much to my displeasure, and led me over to a group of people that were all sitting around a big flickering light. It was amazing. I hadn't seen anything like it before, and I wanted to touch it.

"Michael, what is that?" I asked in awe. I was walking slowly towards it.

"Whoa, careful. You don't want to touch the fire. Do you want to get burned?" he asked sarcastically. Fire, this beautiful creation ws fire, and it burned. What was burned?

"Burned?" I asked, looking at Michael this time. Was getting burned good or bad?

"You know, when you put your hand in hot stuff and it hurts like a bitch?" Ok, I knew it was a bad thing now, though I didn't know who or what a bitch was.

"Oh," was all I said.

It was getting boring, so I told the guys that I had to go. It was about mid afternoon, and all Michael, Lauren, Jessica, Eric, Katie and Tyler did was talk and eat. The fire entranced me for an hour but after that it as plain boring.

Now I was walking off to see if I could get some clothes or something. I didn't normally sink this low, but I needed money, so I took ten dollars from everyone's wallet when they all went to swim and do stuff around the beach. I felt really bad, but when I got a job, I would pay them back.

I bought two pairs of jeans, three shirts and a skirt. For shoes I bought two pairs of flats. I got dressed, still in my bikini in case I had to go back immediately. I then heard the ocean as I was walking back outside. I looked down, it was my holler-shell ringing. I sighed, went around the corner of the building and answered it by opening it and staring at it. it was a scallop shell that was still intact, able to open and close. The top was a magic mirror type thing that could project your face and voice into the other persons holler-shell and vice versa.

It was my dad.

"Hey Bella, where are you?" oh, this is good. He is not angry at me, just wondering where I am.

"I am on the surface. I wanted to-"


"I'm not coming home. I want to be here! You can't make me!"

"And where will you live? How will you eat?" dang, he caught me there.

"I… well, I… I don't know dad, I just really want to try this out. Please give me a chance," I was begging, hoping that he would have an answer.

He sighed. "If you do this and don't like it, will you come home immediately?"

"Yes, I promise," this was good!

"I have a house up there. There is money in a jar in one of the cupboards. If you are having trouble call me and I will help you ok?" I couldn't believe this! I was actually getting a chance!

"No problem dad, thank you!"

He told me the address then hung up, wishing me luck. I walked there, seeing as I didn't have any other means of transport, and inspected my new place. (You all know what Charlie's house looks like so no need to go into it)

Once I got settled, I went to put my few things in some draws in the room that I was claiming for my own. There were clothes in there that looked my size. This was great!

It was late, so I went to inspect the fridge, which was empty, great. I saw a number stuck up on the fridge with a picture of food on it. I called, and asked for a delivery. The food was called… pizza?

"Peeza? What kind of a name is that?" I asked myself after I hung up.

Later, after having the pizza arrive, I found out how to really pronounce it.

"Here's your pizza miss," said the guy.

"Oh! Pizza! That's how you say it!" I giggled, gave the man his money, and walked inside. I closed the door on his shocked face and then went to eat.

It was delicious! I've never tasted anything like it!

After that I went to bed, wondering what the next day would bring. Dad had told me something about school, which I thought would be fascinating, learning how the humans do.

This should be an interesting experience…

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! SHOULD I CONTINUE? I know it starts out slow but it will get interesting! XD

Luv Ash!