First Gorillaz fan fiction! Woot! I might change the name of the story, since I really don't know if "Decisions" is the perfect one to use yet. Anyway, I'm new to speaking with the British accent, so bear with me, if some of the things Murdoc and 2D say are incorrect.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it, you Gorillaz-fans you! :D

Chapter Title: Fallin' For 'Er
Chapter Rating: T

"2D-san!" Noodle exclaimed.

"Yes, little luv?" he asked from outside of the door.

"Can you bring me a towel? I forgot to grab one!"

"One secon'," he said.

She stepped out of the shower and closed the curtain behind her. Noodle held herself, as she started feeling colder.

Noodle heard the door open and 2D stepped in, but facing the other way. He handed her the towel over his shoulder. She giggled, grabbing it. His other arm was raised over his eyes. She covered herself.

"Covered?" he asked, still having his arm over his eyes.

"Hai," she laughed, "I am."

He turned around, opening his dark eyes. He smiled, showing his broken teeth. She smiled back.

"Thank you," she murmured.

"It was nuffin'. Not like I 'ave anythin' betta to do anyway," he smiled.

"And thanks for covering your eyes."

"Oh." He laughed loudly. "I was jus' bein' polite."

She smiled warmly and pulled him into a hug. His eyes went wide. He didn't know if he should hug her back or not. He did. He wrapped his long arms around her small body and smiled slight.

"See you later, Stu!" She pulled away from him and skipped away, humming their song DARE.

He smiled at himself. He liked her. A lot. He had been feeling like this a while. But, he didn't want to like her like he had liked – Paula. He couldn't. But, at the same time, he did. He covered his face. "No, I can't like her," he thought.

He walked over to the sinks in the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and flinched. "Even if I do want her, how would she like me back?" He narrowed his completely black eyes. 2D watched his reflection angrily.

2D turned away from the mirror. He collapsed on the ground and he leaned heavily against the counter.

"Yew're too old, 2D. You can't be finkin' 'bout gettin' Noodle," he moaned to himself. "I can't 'ave 'er."

"'Ey, 'D."

He looked up from the floor at his bassist that had stepped into the washroom.

"What the 'ell are you doin' down there?" he asked gruffly.

"I is jus' finking, Muds," 2D replied.

"Mmm..." He walked past 2D and walked into a stall. 2D sighed and stood up. "We're practicin' today, eh, 'D?"

"I know," he said quietly. He looked at the mirror one last time. He scowled. "Damn, Murdoc made me one ugly bastard..." he thought wryly.

"2D?" Murdoc called. His hand was on the singer's shoulder. "You awright?"

"Yeah, I jus' –"

"Take your meds?"


Murdoc laughed. "Then why are you so outta it today?"

"I told yew, I was jus' finking," he hissed at Murdoc.

"Whoa. Sorry."

"S' okay." 2D shook his head. "I jus' need a little rest. Then I'd be okay..." He pulled away from Murdoc. "See ya later, Muds."

"See ya?" Murdoc replied, in an unsure way. 2D sauntered out of the bathroom. He needed to lie down.


Kong Studios. One big place. Even the Gorillaz got lost in there, once in a while.

2D looked at the map of Kong to help him find his room. He chuckled at himself. He'd been here the longer and he forgot where his own room was. He found it on the map and followed those directions.

He looked at Murdoc's Winnebago and he laughed. It wasn't moving for once. No moaning – it was quiet. He smiled and opened his white bedroom door. He walked into the messy room.

"I need ta clean this damn place up," he laughed at himself. He stepped over the random things scattered on the floor. 2D jumped onto his bed and rested his head on his pillow. He turned on his side and looked at his bedside table.

He glared angrily at the small bottle that sat beside his clock. His meds. He didn't want to take them today. He didn't want to feel 'out of it'.

2D had been getting less and less migraines. Maybe he could take a break, for just one day? He sighed, lying on his back again.

He knew for a fact, that Murdoc and Russel had seen Noodle naked. Murdoc could have had sex with her, for all he knew! 2D was the only one polite enough to try and not see her unclothed. 2D also believed he was the only one that cared for her. Not that Muds and Russel don't, but for her body's sake. 2D knew that she didn't trust Russel and Muds as well as she had trusted him. And 2D wanted to keep it that way. He wanted them to stay close. So he never tried anything funny with her. And besides, he was too old for her.

He sighed, rolling on his side again. He felt lonely. He wanted someone. Why did Paula have to betray him...?

"Why did she say yes to 'im?" he asked quietly, closing his eyes.

2D didn't even know why he had forgiven Murdoc. But, he couldn't hate on Muds anyway. If they argued, the Gorillaz would be out of a bassist!

He didn't even need Paula anyway. Noodle is a better guitarist. Better than Paula could have ever been.

Noodle Noodle Noodle. What could he do with her? He probably didn't even love her. Maybe it was just a temporary feeling. It was just something that would last a while and then – leave. He only hoped...

"2D! 2D!"

He sat straight up in bed and smacked his head off of something really hard.

"Ow. Oh sweet Satan!"

2D listened to the person moan in pain and he kept his eyes closed. He stayed lying down, holding his head. "Please don't bring on a migraine... Please don't bring on a migraine..." he thought slowly, holding his forehead painfully.

He slowly opened his dark eyes. It was Murdoc, sitting over top of him.

"Wot the 'ell is wrong wif you, mate?!" he murmured, holding his head tightly. He looked really mad.

"I didn' mean it! I 'eard ya callin' an' I jumped up quickly!"

"You are so outta it today!" Murdoc growled.

"Sorry," 2D said quietly.

"We haveta go to practice now. Git yer ass up," Murdoc muttered, slowly making his way off of 2D's bed. He stood at the bed side, watching 2D carefully. "2D."

2D didn't look up at Murdoc. He sat up, still holding his head. He closed his eyes again.

"2D," Murdoc said a little bit firmer this time.

"Yeah?" 2D asked warily.


"Nah. It jus' 'urts..."

"From us bumpin'?"

2D nodded.

"Did ya take yer meds yet?"

2D shook his head.

"Take 'em, then we'll go."

2D shook his head. "I can't. I don't wanna."


"Nah. I don't 'ave a migraine right now. I'm not takin' 'em if I don' got one."

" Awright. Let's go then."

Murdoc pulled 2D up out of his bed. 2D opened his eyes slowly and Muds was right in his face.

"Stuart Pot. Wake up."

"I'm up," 2D smiled slightly, "An' yew called me Stu."

"I did. Now let's go, face-ache."

2D laughed. He knew that would only last for a second. The bassist and the singer slowly made their way to the studio room.

Russel and Noodle were already waiting for them.

"'Ello Russ. 'Ey Noods," 2D said quietly. He smiled at them but, he didn't look at Noodle. Well – not straight in the eye.

"Took a long time 'cos the lazy dullard wouldn't get up," Murdoc muttered, grabbing his bass guitar. "Bin really outta it."

2D sighed, walking up to the microphone.

"Wot song are we doin' first?" Stu mumbled. No one answered. "Muds? Russ?" He turned around, looking at the three of them. "Anyone?"

"Any song, 'D! Let's get to it!" Russel exclaimed.

2D held his head. "Maybe I should have taken my meds..." he thought slowly. He opened his mouth, "Uh – wot song?"

"19/2000 first, awright?" Murdoc growled.

"Sure, why not?" 2D smiled.

He turned to the mic.

The song started out good. 2D's foot went to the beat of the music. He started singing when it was his turn to start. His voice flowed softly. Then it was Noodle's turn to join in. "Oh God..." he thought, "...I completely forgot she sang in this!" His voice cracked. He shoved the mic to the ground. He held his head tightly. The music stopped.

"Wot the 'ell, face-ache!?" Murdoc swore. "We was doin' jus' fine!"

"I know! S' jus' – my head hurts. I need a break."

"We jus' started!" Murdoc yelled.

"M' sorry," 2D mumbled, closing his eyes tightly. A migraine had come. "I need my meds." He looked at the three of them. Noodle looked most worried. He closed his eyes quickly, as he noticed Noodle's worried face.

"2D, want me to grab your pills?" Noodle asked.

He nodded quickly, covering his face with his blue hair. He had blushed. Stu heard her run out of the room.

"Why didn't ya take your meds, like I told ya to, ya stupid dullard!"

"I told ya Muds, I'm not takin' 'em unless I got a migraine."

"Ya got one now!"

"I know, but I thought that they'd stop."

He cringed. The pain was intensifying. "The only reason I got one was because of Noodle. If I didn't like her, it wouldn't have happened! Why is this happening...?!" he thought. 2D yelped.

"S' okay, 'D. She'll be back soon," Russel whispered.

2D smiled. Russ was being quiet because of Stu's migraine. 2D was sensitive to loud noises when his migraines got to him.

"Shoulda taken 'em, face-ache," Muds murmured. "I told ya."

"I know," 2D moaned.

He fell to the floor, still holding his head tightly. "Please, Noods, come soon..." he thought slowly.

"Stu, you okay?" Russel asked worriedly. He felt Russ' hand on his shoulder.

"I'm awright. I jus' need my meds –"

They all heard Noodle burst through the door. Stu was handed two bottles of pills. He smiled. Even though he couldn't see too well, he knew these were the right bottles. How did Noodle know?

He took two pills from one bottle and one from another. He popped them in his mouth. He swallowed them without any water.

"One for pain, two for migraine," he murmured to the floor. The pain eased. His vision grew more cloudy. He smiled. Stu had felt better.

He stood shakily, still holding his head with one hand.

"I'm sorry," he said to them.

"S' fine," Murdoc muttered, "We'll practice 'nother time, okay?"

2D nodded.

Murdoc removed his guitar strap from his shoulders and set his guitar on his stand. He stormed out of the room.

"Wot's up wif 'im?" Stu asked Russel.

"Dunno. He's always been a little off though, ight?" Russel laughed.

2D smiled. "Yeah."

Russel smiled at him again and left the room. 2D and Noodle were left in the room alone. 2D felt a little bit uncomfortable.

2D bit his bottom lip hard. "What should I say...?"

"Is there something wrong, 2D-san?" she asked.

He looked up at her quickly. He wouldn't blush! He couldn't!


"Something wrong?"

"N-no, I jus' – I don't feel too good... Jus' a little off."

"If you need anything, let me know 2D."

She ran her hand along his arm as she passed him. As he watched her leave the room, his arm raised after her. She hadn't looked back to see his act.

He sighed, his arm dropping at his side again.

"Why can't I jus' tell yew?" he asked out loud. "Is it 'cos I don' know?"

He frowned and walked over to the fallen microphone. He picked it back up and stood it up again. He held the mic in his hand. He ran a hand through his hair. His breathing was quick, as the microphone made it sound louder. He flicked the switch to off.

"Yew're so stupid, Stu..." he growled at himself. He walked over to the door way and he flicked the lights off. "Yew can't be fallin' fer one of yer own band members! Wot would Muds and Russl fink? Would it break up the band?"

As he walked down the corridors, he mumbled angrily at himself. This wasn't supposed to be working how it was. This isn't how it was supposed to end up! If anyone found out, this might break up their friendships. It could even break up the Gorillaz!

e.e ... First chapter. Yay. Complete. Uh - anyway, leave me a review. Or don't. -.-