This idea just came to me when I was reading some funny Emmett being crazy fanfics. I thought to myself: What if Emmett, Jasper, Edward, Alice, Rosalie, and Bella all went on a road trip, touring different famous tourist sites from around the U.S.(for now anyway) in good old fashioned road trip style—with an RV! Let's admit it, we need more Emmett sillyness in our lives and Edward wants Bella to have more human experiences before she changes. So here it is! Also, if you want something more serious, check out my first fanfic, Breaking Dawn Spin which is my own version of BD. The POVs in this story are not set in stone. It's just whoever I think will add more comedy to it who owns the next chapter. Enjoy!!


As I looked through my closet and started picking out clothes to pack, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for our upcoming trip. A couple of days ago, Emmett had gotten it into his head that he wanted to go and tour the U.S. with an RV. Of course I had dismissed his thoughts and not taken them seriously…until he came home the next day at the wheel of a luxury RV.

Everybody else had agreed that now that high school was over with, it would be fun to do something different. Since Carlisle still had to work at the hospital and Esme would never dream of leaving his side, it was just us "kids."

When Bella had told Charlie of the trip, he hadn't approved of the fact that no adults would be present on this trip but knowing that we were engaged changed his viewpoint to one of reluctant admittance.

As I packed, I thought of how Bella and I would get to have so much fun together at all these different places we planned on going to. I smiled as I thought of being with Bella uninterrupted for the 3 months before we had to start at Dartmouth.

As I packed my clothes with inhuman speed, I was just about finished when I heard someone knock on the door and then walk in. Seeing as I couldn't read their mind, I knew it was my Bella. Before I could get all the way down the stairs, I saw Emmett flash by me in glee.

"Bella! Aren't you so excited? I'm SO excited!" He bellowed as he gave Bella a huge bear hug than put her back down. Bella staggered to regain her footing as she smiled at Emmett.

"Of course I'm excited. But I can't help thinking you had some hand in this plan to delay my change." She nudged me gently with her elbow and it felt like a feather. I tried to look like she had actually done some damage before slipping my arm around her waist.

"Nope. This was all Emmett." As I said this, we both looked at Emmett who seemed nearly about to explode with excitement for the upcoming trip.

To my utter surprise, he started skipping around the house and singing, "We're goin on a road tip! We're goin on a road tip! La la la la la la!" He stopped once he came face to face with Rosalie who looked bored yet bemused.

"Hey Rose, guess what." He started jumping up and down in place, nearly shaking the delicate house.

"What?" She asked wearily. As I listened in on her mind, I was disgusted to hear her wondering if 12 pairs of bikinis would be enough. I tuned out as I turned my attention back to Emmett's sillyness.

He quickly tapped her nose with a finger as he stopped jumping and said, "We're goin on a road trip!" He yelled in her face before starting to skip upstairs, thankfully, to bug Alice and Jasper, no doubt.

I glanced back at Rosalie to see her roll her eyes and walk outside. I shook my head lightly at Emmett's reaction to the trip and Bella giggled delightedly at his immature little display. As I reveled in her musical laugh, I heard Jasper almost screaming his thoughts upstairs.

WHAT THE HELL?! This is surely the doing of Emmett, that fiend!

As I glanced to the stairs curiously, I saw Emmett running down the stairs, still singing that infernal song. I smiled as I thought of the trouble he was about to get into and hoped it might shut him up.

A second after he came down, Jasper was standing in front of him with a white shirt held in his hands.

"Emmett! What is the meaning of this?!" He screamed at Emmett while holding up the shirt for all of us to read. On it, written in sharpie, was a list of all our names with hearts in between. It might be funny at first but it made us all mad at the end. It went:

Bella Hearts Jasper

Jasper Hearts Rose

Rose Hearts Carlisle

Carlisle Hearts Alice

Alice Hearts Edward

Edward Hearts Jasper


As Bella saw it, she giggled and then turned a deep scarlet as her blush tendency acted up. I had also laughed, until I got to my name.

"You made me gay?!" I asked incredulously. I didn't have much of a chance to do any real damage on Emmett since Rose, seeing the shirt, went up behind him and with a good WHACK!, smacked him upside the head.

"This was my favorite shirt Emmett. Alice gave it to me on our 50th anniversary. I can't believe you. On second thought, it is you we're talking about so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised you would do such a thing. Inconsiderate buffoon." He mumbled the whole way back upstairs and we all heard an audible crash upstairs as Jasper let out some of his frustration.

"I thought it was funny…" Bella mumbled quietly beside me before wiping the laugher induced tears from her face. I rolled my eyes and sighed at her reaction. As I looked around, I noticed we were missing a family member.

"Bella, where's Alice?" Alice had gone to pick Bella up so that she would not have to leave her truck here.

"Loading my stuff into the RV," she answered. She scrunched up her face and looked out the window to the RV at that moment. "Though I wonder what's taking her so long…" she mused quietly.

Just then, Alice reappeared with a mischievous smile on her face. Before I could ask Alice what she was up to, I heard her thinking towards me: No chance Edward. You're just going to have to wait to find out. She then shrugged and skipped lithely upstairs.

As we all packed the necessities and filed outside onto the porch, I couldn't help but notice everyone had CDs in their grasp, along with me. I looked at them all curiously and wondered what that was all about. Alice, noticing my gaze, sighed lightly as she stood in front of the RV and in front of us all.

"Here's the deal; whoever drives, gets to pick the music. No discussion. That's it. Also, the one room with a door belongs to the human. Now let's hit the road!"

I know it's not that funny now but they're just getting started! Give it time. Also, do you think this is a good idea? I don't think it's ever been done before so it's original but do you guys like it? Would you read it if I kept writing?