Chapter 41

She found it amazing at just how much her life could change in such a short amount of time. In the six months since Lizzie had been born, Brooke and Lucas' lives had been flipped upside down in the best way possible. She couldn't lie— being a mom wasn't easy. Much of the time it was hard and tiresome, but at the end of the day it all paid off and it turned out to be better than she could have ever imagined.

Lizzie Scott was a bundle of energy. Lucas said she got that from her mother and Brooke knew that was probably true. She cried a lot, something Karen said had been a rare occurrence for Lucas when he was a baby, and she also seemed to thrive on the attention from everyone around, especially Lucas. She was a daddy's girl; she had been since the day she was born.

Lucas loved his daughter, though, and Brooke was pretty sure that he had to be one of the most amazing fathers out there. He claimed to have had plenty of practice with Lily and Angie, but Brooke knew it was all natural for him. He said the same to her, but like most new parents, there had been plenty of times where Brooke struggled. But Lucas just seemed so perfect with Lizzie and that was one thing Brooke was extremely grateful for. The way he handled her and interacted with her— it was like he had been doing it for years.

And now things had changed even more because, only a month ago, she had officially become a Scott. She and Lucas were finally married. And, aside from the day Lizzie was born, it had been the most magical day of her life. After the wedding had come the honeymoon. She hadn't wanted to go far from Lizzie and she also hadn't wanted to be gone for long and so she and Lucas had gone to Rachel's family cabin for a short, four day trip. It hadn't been the most luxurious of places but it had been the perfect place for her and Lucas to simply relax and enjoy their first few days of married life.

Now, a few weeks after she and Lucas returned, they were settled back into their normal routine. It was later in the evening and Lizzie was nearing her bedtime. Brooke rested on the couch with Lizzie in her arms. Her daughter's eyes were drooping and she was obviously ready to sleep.

Lizzie's fingers clasped onto Brooke's. This was something she had found Lizzie was particularily fond of. She loved touching things, but most of all, she loved holding onto things with her tiny little hands. A smile rested on her lips as she watched Lizzie's eyes finally close. Hopefully she would sleep most of the night tonight.

The distant sound of a car door slamming sounded in her ears and she looked outside to see Peyton walking up the driveway. Setting Lizzie down in the small cot that she kept in the living room, Brooke quickly walked over to the door, opening it before Peyton got the chance to knock or ring the door bell. .

"Hey, P. Sawyer," she said in both a quiet and cheerful voice. "What are you doing here?"

Peyton grinned. "Hey, B. Scott. I just thought I'd stop by and say hi. Is Lizzie awake?"

"Actually she just went to sleep. Wait, didn't you say you were supposed to be recording in your studio with Jake tonight?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Then why are you here? I mean, not that I'm not happy to see you, but shouldn't you be with Jake?"

Peyton just chuckled. "I'm meeting him at the studio in an hour, Brooke. Don't worry, I'm not missing anything. So can I come in?"

Brooke nodded and led Peyton inside.

"Where's Lucas?" Peyton asked as they settled onto the couch.

"I sent him to the store about a half hour ago. He'll be home soon."

"Hey, I thought you said Lizzie was asleep."

Her eyes followed Peyton over to where Lizzie was sitting in her cot, her blue eyes staring at them both. Brooke let out a soft laugh and bent down to pick up her daughter.

"Did Aunt Peyton wake you up?"

"Hey!" Peyton said, playfully swatting Brooke's arm. "I was quiet!"

Brooke situated Lizzie in her arms. "Yeah, but you're not being quiet now, that's for sure."

Peyton arched an eyebrow. "Fine, fine, but you're not exactly the queen of silence, either. Anyway, at least she doesn't seem to be angry at being woken up since she's not crying."

She looked down at Lizzie, who was distracted by Peyton. "She must just be happy to see her Aunt Peyton."

"That's got to be it."

Lizzie's eyes were locked on to Peyton, so much so that it was almost amusing. Peyton made funny faces down at her, but Lizzie's mouth remained in a firm line; she seemed to be concentrating on something.

"She really can't take her eyes off you, Peyton."

And then Lizzie reached out towards Peyton, her hands trying desperately to reach Peyton's. Brooke's eyes widened when she saw what Lizzie was so enamored by.

"Oh my God! P. Sawyer, is that an engagement ring on your finger?"

Peyton pretended to look innocent. "Hmm, oh this?" She lifted her left hand, examining the big diamond ring that hadn't been there a few days before. "Maybe," she sly said.

Brooke practically bounced in excitement. "I can't believe it! When did he propose?"

Peyton smiled. "Last night. I would have told you sooner, but we had a lot of celebrating to do."

"Oh, Peyton, I'm so happy for you. You and Jake deserve this so much."

"Thanks, Brooke. This just feels so right, you know? It's like there's no doubt in my mind about this. I know that Jake's the one I'm going to spend the rest of my life with."

"You have to let me make your dress, Peyton."

"Of course you're gonna make it. You'd kill me if you didn't."

Brooke laughed and handed Lizzie over to Peyton. The little girl's fingers immediately clung onto Peyton's ring, but Peyton didn't seem to mind. Brooke really couldn't have been happier for Peyton. Everything had finally come into place. She and Lucas were married, Nathan and Haley were still going strong after all these years, and Jake and Peyton were engaged. This was how things were supposed to be.

"Isn't crazy how things worked out?" Brooke asked.

Peyton looked up from Lizzie thoughtfully. "I wouldn't say crazy. It was probably a little crazy at how long it took for us to get to this point, but I'd say things worked out just perfect. We all found our way back to the people we were meant to be with."

"We lost our way for a little while, didn't we?"

"Yeah," Peyton said, "we definitely did. But what matters is that we found our way back again."

"You know what?" Brooke asked, sitting up a little. "I think it's a good thing you and Lucas got engaged last year."

Peyton looked at her curiously. "Really?"

"Yeah. You and him needed to be together to realize if you really worked together or not. And I know that you had high school and the year after that, but over the years you both had changed so much and so did your relationship. So if you hadn't gotten engaged there would have always been the question of 'what if' in your mind and you never would have fully been able to move on."

Peyton nodded slowly, taking in her words. "That's the way I always looked at it, to be honest. Lucas and I never had any closure after our first breakup and we really needed it in order for us to figure out our lives. So, yeah, even though it hurt a lot at first after it ended, I don't regret it at all. The only thing I do regret is that we didn't get the closure sooner. Maybe then, you and Lucas could have gotten a bigger jump start on this family of yours."

"And you and Jake could have found your way back to each other sooner."

"Maybe…" Peyton's eyes misted over with a look of pure happiness. "How awesome is it that after over five years of almost no communication with each other, Jake somehow ended up back here? And he turned up when I needed him most."

"He did have perfect timing," Brooke agreed.

"I just can't believe that we're actually getting married, after all these years."

Brooke grinned. "Now that's what I call a kick-ass love story. You and Lucas can't even compare."

"What can't Peyton and I compare to?"

Brooke and Peyton turned to look at Lucas, who was standing at the front door, his arms full of grocery bags. Setting them down, he made his way over to them, sitting in between them both.

"Oh, I was just saying how Leyton could never compare to Jeyton."

"Or Brucas for that matter," Peyton said. "We just suck together, Luke."

"Yeah, we kind of do," Lucas said, chucking softly as he took Lizzie from Peyton's arms. Lizzie's eyes immedietly lit up at the sight of her father. He sprinkled kisses all over her face and Lizzie let out a tiny laugh. As much as she cried, Lizzie laughed just as much, something else Lucas claimed came from Brooke.

"Well, I gotta go meet Jake at the studio," Peyton said, standing up. "Catch you later."

"Bye, Peyton. And congratulations!"

"Congratulations for what?" Lucas asked as Peyton walked out the door.

"Peyton and Jake are engaged!" Brooke exclaimed.

"Really? That's awesome. I knew Jake would take good care of her."

"I know. They're perfect together…"

Lucas' arm wrapped around her shoulders. Lizzie had settled down a bit and was now snuggled in his free arm, her eyes drooping once again as she neared sleep. Brooke leaned against him, her hand gently stroking her daughter's peaceful face.

"So," Brooke said after a few minutes of comfortable silence, "Haley wants us to come over tomorrow so Lizzie and Michael can have their first play date."

Lucas cocked an eyebrow. "Play date? How can they even play? Michael's like a month old and Lizzie's not that much farther ahead."

"They might not be able to do much, but they'll look so adorable together. It's too bad Lizzie and Michael are cousins, because they sure would make one good looking couple."

Lucas laughed. "Once again, Brooke, they're babies. Put their ages together, and they're not even seven months. And like you said, they're cousins. That'd be gross."

"Lucas, you're ruining all my fun."

He smiled as he moved his face towards hers. "Sorry," he said, lightly kissing her nose.

"It's okay," she mumbled as his lips moved down to hers.

"Mmm, kid in the room," Brooke said, pulling away as the kiss deepened. He groaned, but let out a soft smile as he looked down at Lizzie.

"She's sleeping."

"Yeah, I know, but would you want your parents doing that to you while you were sleeping peacefully in their arms? No, I don't think you would." He simply laughed and she rested contently against him once again. His hand ran up and down her bare arm.

"So, I talked to Lindsay today."

Brooke perked up at this. "Any news on the book?"

He grinned. "It'll be out six months from tomorrow."

"Lucas, that's great!"

"I know. I can't believe it's going to be out so soon."

She thought of Lucas' newest book. Lindsay had been in love with it from the moment Lucas had sent her the first manuscript, which was a bit of a surprise to Brooke because the story revolved around her and Lucas' love story. But Lindsay and her bosses had been hugely impressed with book and immediately pushed for the publication.

Brooke had read almost the whole thing. It had been amazing to look back at some of the most important aspects of her and Lucas' relationship and remember how much had happened since then. The story, unlike his first novel, was told in more of a memoir style, covering the most important events that happened between him and Brooke, starting with their first meeting with her practically naked in the backseat of their car and ending with their wedding day—a scene he had only wrote three weeks ago, during their honeymoon, and he had sent to Lindsay a few weeks ago to finish up the manuscript. It was the only part Brooke hadn't read yet.

Picking up Lizzie and setting her down in her cot, Lucas pulled a familiar stack of papers out from the computer bag that was situated near the couch. He handed it to her with a grin.

"Read the last page."

A smile immediately lit up her face as she grabbed the manuscript from him and her eyes scanned the newest addition to his book.

She looks so amazingly beautiful. It's impossible for my eyes to leave her beautiful face as she slowly walks up the aisle, her arm linked with her fathers. She's looking at me too. Our eyes are completely locked. Nothing can distract us from each other.

Today is just about us. Today is the day that I will finally settle down. It has taken me years to find my way back to her—back to the woman who had changed my life more than anyone else.

She is my world. She means everything to me and I'm so incredibly lucky to have her. I cannot possibly stress that enough.

And, as we say our vows and I commit myself to her for the rest of my life, there is not one inkling of doubt in my mind. I just know that this is how it supposed to be.

Brooke Davis once said, "People who are meant to be always find their way in the end."

There has never been a statement more true. She and I have been through so much, together and apart, but still, six years after we first met, we are back together again— joined as one, forever and for always, until death and eternity afterwards.

As the minister pronounces us man and wife and she and I share our first kiss as husband and wife, I know that everything was worth it. Brooke Scott is my past, my present, and my future.

And my love for her will forever reign triumphant.

Her eyes were tearing up, but the tears that fell down her face were happy ones. He looked at her with a small smile, patiently awaiting her reaction. His hand cupped her face and his thumb wiped away the tears.

"It's perfect, Luke."

And it was. It summed up his book—their relationship and all that they had gone through—perfectly. Because they had been through so much together—good and bad—and yet they were here today, tied together in the most sacred way possible. Despite all odds, they had made it. Even though they had both suffered over the years, at the end of the day, the love they shared had remained the same. And that was all the mattered.

A/N: Okay, please don't kill me, but I've decided that this was the last chapter. I had planned on an epilogue, but this chapter pretty much wrote itself and basically a lot of the stuff that I had planned for the epilogue ended up being in this chapter. So really, this basically is the epilogue. But don't worry—I will probably post a few one-shots from this universe that are set in the future, so there's still a little more to come. But, as of right now, this story is complete.

Thank you so much for reading. I can't express how much it means to know that so many people have enjoyed this story. I've had so much fun writing it and it's really an honor to get to share it with all of you. And to everyone who has reviewed— it's because of you all that I've been able to write so fast. You all have been so encouraging and really are my inspiration to write. So thank you so much. Every single review means the world to me, it really does!