Chapter I: The Best-Laid Plans

Greetings, GX fans and welcome to a prequel of sheer insanity by Peach Wookiee and 15animefreak15. For those of you who have really enjoyed "A Guy's Worst Nightmare" and its sequel, "Summer Love, Summer Fears," we bring you a prequel which was born from a request by AlexieJayFan also known as RGZ Archer, a reviewer who seems to enjoy our tales. This tale is about what happens when a bunch of teen boys get together and do insane things. It's also about…insanity. There are elements of a crack-fic, teasing Mary Sues (all in good fun- there are elements of Mary Sues in every character ever written, OC and canon), questioning certain pairings (all in good fun, as well—15animefreak15 likes yaoi) and slapstick comedy. So sit back, relax and enjoy this madcap story! We know panty raids are nothing new, but we hope you enjoy our prequel twist on this!

Disclaimer: Peach and 15animefreak15 don't own the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise. We do however own our OCs and this idea.

Authors' note: This story begins at the start of Season 2 after Hassleberry has started to really be friends with Jaden and Sy has beaten Missy. It's well before the events of The Path to Redemption, A Guy's Worst Nightmare and Summer Love, Summer Fears. Thank you.

It was the beginning of the second year at Kaiba Corporation's Duel Academy Central and everyone was excited. It was the first Saturday of the school year and the boys were trying to figure out something to do. They were sitting around Chazz's living room, and none had thought of anything yet. Until...

"Hey! I know!!" exclaimed Atticus Rhodes, breaking the silence. Half the boys nearly fell out of their seats.

"What is it, Atticus?" Jaden Yuki asked curiously.

"Yeah, this ought to be good," Chazz Princeton added in his slightly sarcastic tone.

Atticus didn't catch the slight sarcasm in Chazz's tone, grinning broadly. "Let's have a bonfire party," he stated excitedly.

"Is that allowed?" asked Syrus Truesdale, frowning.

Bastion Misawa, a Ra Yellow boy well known for his brilliant mathematical mind and ability to memorize things like the school rules, nodded thoughtfully. "As long as it's a big group and we have some adult supervision, it's acceptable. The question is...which adult can we get? If Chancellor Shepherd were here..."

"I wonder where he went," Jaden wondered.

"Man, we can't have Crowler be our 'adult supervision'! He'd ruin all the fun," replied Atticus, thinking of the current chancellor of Duel Academy who bore more than a passing resemblance to Tim Curry in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

"Too bad Professor Banner isn't around anymore..." added Syrus.

"Yeah..." Jaden sighed. He missed Professor Banner a lot. "He would've supervised us and let us have fun..."

"Sam Hill," Tyranno Hassleberry growled, "in Texas, we could have bonfires any time we wanted! Heck, I burned the brush my daddy collected in Crawford!"

"That doesn't leave many options. There's the Ra proctor, Miss Fontaine, Bonaparte, Dorothy, or the Duel Monsters History teacher," Syrus said, listing off the only adults he could think of.

"Miss Dorothy would help us!" Jaden said happily. "She likes us!"

"Yeah, I wonder why," Chazz muttered. "She likes you, Slacker."

"Yeah...she's nice," Jaden said, smiling his signature goofy grin.

"That's mostly 'cause you always helped her push her delivery truck, Jay," reminded Syrus.

"DOROTHY IT IS!! So, who's in?!" shouted Atticus, jumping to his feet.

"I'm game as always," Bastion said eagerly.

"I'm in too!" Jaden Yuki added happily.

"That means I'm in too, Sarge!" Hassleberry added.

"Sure, I'll go," replied Syrus, smiling. Everyone looked expectantly at Chazz.

"Well, Chazzy?" Atticus asked, grinning.

Chazz sighed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah...I guess I'm in. Not like I have anything better to do."

Atticus already had some events planned for the night, and so grabbed the phone. "I'll let Lexi know that it's a guys-only party," he stated, dialing the number.

On the other side of the island, Alexis Rhodes answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Lexi! Guess who!!" Alexis groaned and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want, Atty?"

Atticus pouted, but none the less continued. "I just wanted to let you know that us GUYS are having an all-guy bonfire tonight. No girls allowed! That means no Obelisk girls, including you, Mindy, Jasmine, Violet, Rosa and Annie. Guys only."

Alexis rolled her eyes again and sighed. "Is that it?"

"Yup! Remember, no girls allowed…" Alexis abruptly hung up on him.

As it happened, Alexis's fellow Obelisk friends, Mindy Carrington and Jasmine Fairbanks came into her room at that moment. "Alexis, what's up?" Mindy asked.

"Yeah, you look kind of mad," Jasmine added.

Indeed, Alexis was busy strangling her pillow, having been sitting on her bed. "Oh, nothing much. Just my annoying brother calling to tell me about a 'special guys-only' bonfire," she growled, glaring at the wall.

"A guys-only night? Why?" Mindy wondered.

"It's a ritual that guys must do to reconnect with their more primitive roots," Jasmine explained. Mindy looked at her blankly. "They need to think like cavemen," Jasmine added.

"Oh," Mindy said. "They act like Fred Flintstone?"

Alexis groaned again and inwardly rolled her eyes, sometimes wondering how these two were her friends. That's when it hit her. "I know what we can do!" she exclaimed, interrupting their "caveman" talk.

"What?" the girls asked at the same time.

She blinked, sweat-dropping. "Well, why don't we have an all-girls sleepover?"

"Oooh! That'd be fun!" Jasmine said. "I could bring my Quantum Mechanics textbook!"

"I could bring my list of cute boys!" Mindy countered. Alexis sighed and grabbed the phone, dialing Annie's number as they talked. She'd have to invite her other female friends if this was going to be interesting at all.

In another part of the girls' dorms, Annie Hanson, a large girl with big blue eyes and dark brown hair was sitting, staring out the window. And then the phone rang. "Um...hello?"

"Hi, Annie. It's Alexis. Are you doing anything later?" Alexis greeted, smiling.

Annie was surprised. "I...uh...hadn't planned anything, Alexis...Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking we could have a sleepover in my dorm. I was going to invite Violet and Rosa, too."

"Oh! Really, Alexis? That's great. Is anyone else going to be there?"

"Well, Mindy and Jasmine." 'Unfortunately...' she thought.

"Oh, okay. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Just a sleeping bag and pillow. You can probably come in your pajamas. Oh! And if you have any fun board games or something like that."

"Oh, all right! I have a couple of games, and I know Violet does...Hey, Alexis?"


Annie took a deep breath. "I...wanted to apologize again for being grumpy with you after what happened with Syrus..."

Alexis smiled. "It's okay, Annie. I was a little harsh," she replied. 'I did have a good reason, though...' she thought.

"Yeah...well, I shouldn't have been so grumpy, especially since you and Jaden made up; you guys are all friends."

"You're our friend, too, Annie." Alexis reminded thoughtfully.

"Really?" Annie asked shyly.

"Of course! What made you think you weren't?"

"I just...have never really had friends before. I guess I wasn't sure if you were going to ditch me by now..."

Alexis frowned a little. "We're friends, Annie. And friends stick together. I thought that was made pretty clear after all that happened last year."

" and the guys were Academy heroes..."

"Maybe...but you guys helped. You cheered Sy up when Zane's soul was taken, and Violet helped Bastion get out of his slump after he lost to Taniya."

"Jaden did more than I did for Sy...Violet did more than I did...she actually threatened him..."

Alexis sighed, "Annie, Sy never would have fully been able to get through that without you..."

"I didn't do much, though. I just brought him tea when he was with Jaden and I didn't stay very long..."

"Trust me, Annie. You helped him more than you may think..."

Annie twirled a lock of her hair in a nervous gesture. " really think so?"

Alexis smiled. "Yep. I really think so."

"Th-that's good..." Annie was happy at that. She liked the student that was now a Ra Yellow and hoped maybe he'd notice her. "Well...okay, Alexis. So...are you going to call Violet and Rosa or do you want me to talk to them?"

By now Mindy and Jasmine's conversation had taken a turn for the worst, and Alexis felt it would be best to stop it. "Uh, could you? I kind of have to do something...important."

"Sure! Okay...See you later, Alexis!" Annie said cheerfully.

"Bye, Annie!" The other Obelisk girl could hear a few annoyed words from Alexis before she hung up.

"Oh my..." Annie said.

Mindy and Jasmine were now discussing movies. "'Maid in Manhattan' ruled!"

"No, 'Old School' did!"

Alexis groaned, rubbing her temples. "Guys, can you stop arguing already?? It's just a sleepover!" The girls sweat-dropped and shut up.

Meanwhile, Annie picked up her phone and dialed her best friend's dorm extension. "Hello, Violet?" Violet was in the midst of doodling in her notebook, mostly drawings of Bastion or poems about her and Bastion or… RING!!

"Ah!" she gasped, falling off her bed. Violet groaned and sat-up, answering the phone. "Hello...?"

"Hey, Violet. It's Annie!"

"Oh! Hiya, Annie!! What's up?" She greeted, climbing back onto her bed happily.

"Uh...we've been invited to a sleepover!"

Violet blinked. "We have? May I ask by whom??" she replied, going back to her doodles.

"Alexis Rhodes," Annie said happily, "and I have to call Rosa, too!"

"Sounds great! I'll wear my Watapon pajamas and bring some games!!" Violet replied excitedly. She glanced down at her free-roaming doodle hand and blushed, seeing what she'd written. 'Bastion + Violet Random Genius'

"Alexis said we could just wear our PJs up to her room, and she'd love it if we'd bring games. I think I'll get a bag of potato chips and some treats from my candy stash!"

Violet grinned excitedly at the thought. "I'll see if I have any snacks left and bring some, too! I'll also be sure to set my booby traps..."

"Yeah...oh, and Mindy and Jasmine are going to be there, too."

Violet's grin fell slightly. "Joy..."she replied, twirling her pencil. By now, her hand had gone ahead and drawn chibi versions of herself and Bastion under the equation.

"It'll be fine...Jasmine's smart...I just wish Mindy wasn't so boy-crazy..."

She glanced down at the doodle again, her blush returning. "Yeah, boy-crazy...heh."

"Mindy likes a different boy every second," Annie sighed.

"Hey, as long as it's not Bastion," Violet blurted, instantly going crimson. 'Stupid habit of talking first, thinking second!' she thought.

"Or...uh..." Annie stuttered nervously.

"Syrus?" Violet asked, smirking. 'Sorry, Annie but it's every girl for herself in this case.'

"M...maybe..." Annie admitted shyly. "Alexis said we helped them last year...I think you helped Bastion more than I did Syrus; you threatened Bastion with potential use of your bazooka..."

Violet sweat-dropped at the memory. "Oh yeah...forgot about that. But, Annie, you did help Sy."

"I really didn't do that much...Jaden did the most...he always seems to..."

"But Annie, Sy really appreciated the help. I remember overhearing him talk about it with Jay..."

"Wh-what?" Annie asked, shocked.

"Well, uh, yeah. In one of Crowler's classes last year..."

"Yeah? He said that?" Annie was glad that Violet couldn't see her right now because she was blushing Slifer red.

"Yup. You can take my word for it, Annie!" Violet grinned happily, glad she could cheer her best friend up.

"W-wow," Annie said. "Thanks, Violet. Well, Bastion was glad that you threatened him..."

Now it was her turn to blush the color of Slifer's scales. "H-He was? I thought he was mad..."

"No...he was startled. He told me what you did was just what he needed after Taniya. He told me the other night when we watched Deep Space Nine."

Violet smirked a little at the thought, but silenced any threat of laughter. She remembered the look on his face when she'd confronted him, upset at how he was ruining his life. "I guess I did get a little carried away, huh?"

"Well, he said, and I quote...'She gave me a much needed kick to the bum,'" Annie grinned. "He wasn't mad at you...he just felt like he'd ruined his life."

She couldn't stop herself from laughing this time, as Annie did a rather funny impression of her crush. "Well, looks like we were both able to help our crushes in some way."

"Uh...yeah...I think we might've...So do you want to come?"

"Of course! Even if the MJ Terror will be there, there's no way I'm missing a sleepover with my best buds!!"

Annie giggled. "Okay, Violet! I'll see you in a bit! Bye!"

"Buh-bye!" Violet hung-up, and dared to glance once more at her notebook before getting ready. "Oh, geez, hand. What a strange mind you have..."she mumbled. Beneath the equation and chibis was her trademark bazooka, shooting heart-shaped missiles at Bastion.

Annie hung up and then dialed another extension number; that of her friend, Rosa Jimenez. Loud Hispanic music was blasting in the Spanish girl's room, as she practiced some new dance steps. At first, the students in the surrounding rooms had angrily told her to turn down the music. But after some fiery glares and Spanish curses, they forced themselves to deal with it. Somehow, Rosa heard the phone ringing over the noise and answered it. "¡Hola!"

"Hello, Rosa?!" Annie called out, hearing the loud music and not sure that Rosa could hear her over the music.

Rosa winced, deciding to turn down the music. "Oy, oy. No necessitas to yell, chica. I can hear tú just fine." She was still getting a handle on English, so parts of her first language crept up in her second language.

"Oh, sorry!" Annie apologized. "How are you doing, Rosa?"

"Bien, gracias. Y tú?" she replied, smiling as she laid down on her bed.

"Muy bien, gracias," Annie returned, as she had some Spanish language background. "Rosa, I was wondering if you'd like to come to a sleepover later."

Rosa blinked. "A 'sleepover'? What's that?" she asked. Being the only daughter in a family of six children didn't exactly give Rosa much of a feminine role model. She never really made any female friends, either, since they all considered her to be too much like the boys.

"A sleepover is where you go and have a party with your friends and you're in your pajamas. I've...never really been to one," Annie said shyly. She'd never had friends to do this with.

"Ah, I see. I haven't had one before, either. I suppose yo could go..." She didn't exactly have anything else planned for the evening.

"All right! Alexis Rhodes invited us to it!"

"All right. Is anyone else coming?"

"Yeah! Violet is and so are Mindy and Jasmine."

Rosa rolled her eyes at the mention of the other two, finding their behavior a little annoying. "Right. I will bring some musicá."

"Okay! And if you have any board games, that'd be great, too! And bring a sleeping bag and pillow!"

"Alright, I will be sure to. Gracias, Senorita Annie!"

"No problem and thank Alexis! This is going to be great! Bye, Rosa!"

"¡Adios!" And so began a night of sheer unadulterated insanity.

And so we conclude chapter 1. Shall we continue the insanity, everyone? Read and review!