Author's Note: Hope you like this new chapter! Please review!
As I pulled into the garage, I saw Alice perched on Rosalie's BMW. Her mind was full of a storm of questions that she was anticipating to release on me.
"Hello Alice," I said as I stepped out of the car.
"Hello Edward. I'm glad to see you back."
"Yes, well I had to return Carlisle's car sometime."
She smiled as she hopped off the car and gracefully leaned against it. Her mind was filled with Bella. She must have been checking into her future. She was showing me scenes that displayed her and Bella as close friends.
"Can we talk?" she asked.
"Not if it is about what's in your head. You should really stop looking into her future."
"Edward, I can't help it. These visions just keep coming at me. I think it's because I play a role in that future now."
"Wait – hear me out," she said as she cut me off, "You've been alone for over 100 years, don't you think its time to opening yourself up to the possibility?"
"The possibility of what?"
"Of falling in love."
I sighed, "Its not a possibility. I don't think I can even be around her without putting her life in jeopardy."
"Well you could always have Carli-"
"Absolutly not! Alice, seriously, what are you thinking? You want her to turn into a vampire just so you can have a new best friend? You think we should condemn her to this life just so that I'm not alone? Do you really think of me that selfish?"
"Of course not! I just think you should see how it goes. Give her that choice. I mean, really Edward, where are you going to go from here? Avoid her till she graduates?"
"That's exactly what I'm going to do"
"That's your decision?"
Alice closed her eyes and touched her temples. Her tiny eyebrows pinched together.
"Yep, still the same," she said as she opened her eyes, "Bella is still a vampire."
I started to turn to walk out of the garage.
"Edward- wait."
I stopped.
"I want you to be happy," she said as she put her hand on my shoulder, "I just feel that there is more in this life for you."
"Alice, I just don't think its in the cards. She can't love this," I said as I pointed to myself, "She is just a human. Humans can't love the way we do. It doesn't affect them the same way."
"What makes you so sure?"
"This isn't going to be a fairy tale. I'm not the prince to sweep her off her feet. I'm the bad guy. I highly doubt Prince Charming ever thought of multiple ways to kill his true love."
There was silence. Alice looked at me with her lips tight together.
"So your really just going to ignore her?"
I didn't say anything.
"Well I think you should at the very least say something to her. I'm sure you heard her thoughts. She thinks you hate her. You don't want to give her a complex. Plus, she looks at our table everyday hoping to see you. Its really quite sad how your absence already effects her."
"Actually, I can read her thoughts. But don't worry I'll smooth things over."
"Really? You can't read her thoughts?"
"Kind of ironic isn't it? The one person you could be falling for and you are unable to know how she feels about you. So you really don't know what Bella Swan is capable of."
With that said she walked out of the garage, leaving me to contemplate her last statement. I couldn't know what Bella Swan was thinking, so I there was no way to see if she was capable of those feelings that I've now all of a sudden desired. No, I thought to myself. She needs to keep her innocence. She can't be part of this world. I would be a selfish monster to do so.
I swiftly ran up the stairs and walked into my room. I was glad to see that most of my family was not in the house, probably off hunting. I was fortunate for them not to hear the conversation in the garage. I wasn't in the mood to converse with any of my other family members. I went to my desk as I saw that someone left something for me.
Count Chocula cereal with a post it note on the box. Saw these and immediately thought of you. The resemblance is striking! Glad your home.
I smirked. Defiantly Emmet.
There was a gentle knock at the door. It was Esme.
"Edward, I'm so glad you decided to come back home," She said as she put her arms around me.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken off like that. I guess I just needed to clear my head."
"I know, I talked to Alice."
I lifted my eyebrow to her. There was something more in that statement.
"Don't worry," she said, "She only spoke of the details to me. No one else knows about what she saw."
I really wished Alice had not shared any information.
"Have you decided what you are going to do?" she asked.
I just looked at her. She would already knew my answer. She really had that mother instinct down pact.
"Edward, what's life without finding someone to share it with?"
I looked down to the floor. I didn't want to answer.
She sighed.
"Will you be going to school tomorrow?" she asked.
"I'll probably go on Monday. I'd like to spend some time at home and maybe go out further to hunt this weekend."
I was not yet ready to return to school to face Bella Swan. I was going to need the rest of the week as well as the weekend to prepare for that.
"Okay," she said as she kissed the side of my head, "I missed you."
With that she walked out of the door and closed it behind her. I turned to look out the windows seeing trees move erratically. The rest of my family was coming home.