Chapter 1 : Back to reality

This is my first time posting a story please read and tell me what you think.

In Kagomes' Dream

"Looks like we have a little human on our hand my brothers" The rat looking demon said.

"Brothers what shall we do with this weak lonely human?" He continued.

"HAVE OUR WAY WITH HER!" they all said in unison.

"Hey Im not weak" Kagome yelled, but the demons didn't say a word, heck they didn't even acknowledge her. It was like she was invisible.

"Hey you stupid rats!" Nothing. "What am I going to do? They cant hear me but they can very well see me. What the heck is going on?" She asked herself.

"Kagome!" Yelled a familiar voice. "I know that's not Inuyasha, but who could it be?" She thought and that's when she a rapidly moving figure coming towards her. "Are you okay miko?" The man asked. She didn't reply and then he said... "Miko... Did you not hear me? Are you okay?"

"I know that voice, who is it?" She asked herself. "Wait, did he just call me miko?"

"Miko this Sesshomaru does not wish to ask you again" "OMG, Sesshomaru,w-what?"

"Are you okay miko?" He asked again.

"Y-yeah I'm okay" Kagome replied.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" The rat looking demon asked. "Wait I know who are, you're Lord Sesshomaru" The demon said smiling.

"That's correct, now tell me, why are you here?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Because we plan to have our way with the little human ONE by ONE you see" He said while pointing at himself and his buddies.

"Wait, hold up, you guys plan to do what with me?" Kagome shrieked.

"We plan to have our way with you, now come here" He said as he reached his hand, claw, paw what ever it was Kagome was not going to take it no matter what. She hid behind Sesshomaru and said...

"You cant let them get me, please don't, Lord Sesshomaru" She begged.

Sesshomaru smirked and said "If any of you lay a finger on her you'll die instantly."

"LET'S GET HIM" They roared.

"Kagome, I will protect you" WHAATTT. Did he? No he couldn't have said it. And that's when he said it again

"Kagome, I'll protect you" Sesshomaru said drawing his sword. "...Now stay back." He ordered.

'Okay no I know that I heared him call me by my name. Oh come on Kagome, he said it' She thought. 'I know but... it's kinda hard to believe dont cha' think?' She asked herself. She finished her internal conversation and looked up at Sesshomaru when he asked "Are you okay Kagome?"

I nodded and next thing I knew he was fighting the rats and he really did slay them instantaneously. He turned toward Kagome and said something that she couldn't understand and then next thing she knew, she was in a room by herself. Then, she woke up.

Just Waking Up

"Aw man I cant believe it" Kagome whispered to herself.

"I just had a dream about Sesshomaru. He was killing demons back and forth announcing that if any of them lay a finger on me they'll be DEAD! But why would i have a dream about him and I barely know him? Man maybe being in full view of Inuyasha and Kikyo holding each other and him saying that I'm nothing to him just a loudmouth jewel shard seeking WENCH. Could you believe it? He called me a wench, of all names in the world he could have called me, he chose wench. That's what he called me and I am so going to get him for that. She thought. MaybeI should just stay here in my own time and finally have a normal life. WAIT, what am I saying, I shaddered the Shikon Jewel and besides I cant just leave what about Sango, Miroku and Shippo, I cant just leave em'." Kagome what will you do now?" She asked herself. Kagome got up to get her diary and began to write about her dream from that night and then phone began to ring.


Kagome closed her diary and she got up out her bed and ran to the phone. "Hello" She asked.

"Kagome, hi" Hojo said through the phone.

"Uh, hi Hojo. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine Kagome. Are you feeling any better?" And then he continued on "Um...your grandpa said you caught something contagious so I guess thats why you havent been able to show up at school huh."

'Man grandpa can really amuse people' She thought.

"Um... Kagome are you there?" Hojo asked.

"Yeah Hojo Im here, I was just about thinking about something" She replied.

'And it wasnt you' she thought about saying because that would sound really really rude to someone like Hojo. Hojo was a really a nice guy an I mean a really nice guy, he's always thinking about me when grandpa tells some ridiculous tale about me being sick. Geez why cant he just tell them I got a cold, of fever or something.

"Kagome, I was wondering if you aren't busy this weekend...maybe we could um.." He began.

She cut him off "Hojo Im sorry but I cant..." "Hojo...Hojo...are you there?"

"Yeah Kagome Im here, well sorry to bother you" He said and you could hear how sad he was, but Kagome didn't pay attention to it.

"Bye" Before he hung up, feeling guilty Kagome said "Hey Hojo maybe we could go to the movies today, I mean Im not doing anything why not?"

"Sure Kagome I'll pick you up at 4:30!"

"Okay, bye Hojo" "Bye Kagome"

"Man Kagome is really something" He thought to himself.