Romantic Getaway

It was a Saturday night and Maureen and Joanne just finished their fourth round of expressing their love for one another in the physical way. Now they were both currently molded into one another, still trying to calm down from that blissful high.

"So I was thinking…" Maureen softly said, her green, sparkling eyes, focused on Joanne's. "We should go on vacation, just the two of us."

Joanne smiled at the thought, her hand gently combing through Maureen's wild tresses. "What did you have in mind?"

Maureen brilliantly grinned. She had been planning this for awhile now and knew Joanne would love what her creative mind had come up with. "Well…remember when we first started dating, and we went up to that lodge by the river?"

Joanne's face sort of fell, her mind scanning through her time spent with Maureen, no lodge registering in her mind, "Uh no…"

Maureen's eyebrows shifted up, "Pookie? Come on. You have to remember, it was the most romantic thing I have ever done for you. It's only been four years, you have to remember."

Joanne's hand stilled in Maureen's hair, moving to rest on her bareback, "Honeybear, you and I have never been to a lodge. Sure we have been on vacation, but always hotels…"

Maureen's grin had faded from her mouth, a pure look of confusion hitting her now, "Seriously? You don't remember. We took my motorcycle because you said it would be romantic to ride on the back with your arms wrapped around my waist."

A smile soon found Joanne's lips, "Are you sure you didn't make this up in your head? Because you and I have never done anything like that. I actually think I've only ever been on your motorcycle one time, and we stayed in a parking lot because you were teaching me how to drive it."

Maureen sat up detangling from Joanne's arms, a hand running through her hair, "Joanne, you have to remember. We cuddled in front of the fireplace, walked along the beach, had tons and tons of sex, ate breakfast in bed everyday! It was the best time ever! And you kept praising me about how romantic I was. And then you would thank me with even more sex. How could you not remember such a great time like that?"

"Honeybear…are you sure you didn't make this up?" Joanne asked, cupping the drama queen's cheek, "You love sex, maybe it was a wishful vacation you wished you and I took together. And if you want I'll take you up on that offer. I could use a good weekend getaway."

Maureen pouted, "Yeah let's do it…" She trailed, and then her face lit up, "Yeah let's do it! And then once you get there you'll remember the trip. Just you wait and see Joanne."

"I'm sure I will babe." Joanne said, lying back down. "And babe, why don't you do romantic stuff like that for me in real life?"

Maureen huffed, "Hey, I am so romantic. I've done tons of things. Remember for our third anniversary I filled the apartment with candles and rose petals. And for your birthdays I kick ass with that romantic stuff."

Joanne nodded, "Actually yeah…you are pretty good at stuff like that." She let a memory play out in her mind, "Remember that time I came home from work and you were covered in whipped cream?"

"That was romantic and kinky." Maureen smiled snuggling back into Joanne.

"Hey Honeybear, how did you afford this so called vacation we went on four years ago?" Joanne asked smirking, still not remembering any lodge.

"I don't remember. I made some extra money. I saved for months." Maureen said, "I can't believe you don't remember. It was like one of the most selfless things I had ever done in my life."

"Well I can't wait to see this place." Joanne said.

"Me either." Maureen smiled, tracing her fingers around Joanne's stomach, "If you call ahead, the people at the lodge will cover your bed with rose petals, light candles, and leave a bottle of champagne. It's probably the ultimate romantic getaway I have ever been on."

Joanne lay back, pulling Maureen closer, letting her eyes close as she tried to remember such a wonderful place Maureen was describing. Still nothing had come to mind. But the lawyer had to give Maureen credit; she could be really romantic when she wanted too. Not only for special occasions either. The diva could turn anything she wanted into romance, which was part of her softer side. The side of Maureen only Joanne had the privilege of seeing.

A week later, the two stood in the parking garage of their building trying to load everything onto Maureen's bike.

"Are you sure everything will fit?" Joanne asked, standing back watching as Maureen struggled with loading their luggage.

"Yes." Maureen said a hint of frustration in her voice, "Everything fit last time. So I'm going to make everything fit this time."

Joanne rolled her eyes, as romantic as this weekend getaway sounded, she was beginning to get annoyed every time Maureen mentioned, 'the last time'. The lawyer still had no memory of this adventure.

"Okay!" Maureen happily said pointing to her bike, "Everything fit, just like I said it would. Ready?"

"Yeah." Joanne nodded watching Maureen climb on. She handed Joanne a helmet, put one on herself, and then started the engine up, motioning for Joanne to hop on the back.

"Hold on." Maureen smirked, her smile only getting wider when she felt Joanne's arms wrap around her waist, holding on to her firmly.

"Just…don't go fast." Joanne said tightening her grip on the diva as she began to slowly drive out of the parking garage.

"Once we are out of the city just…close your eyes." Maureen said, telling Joanne that she was definitely going to kick the sped up a notch once she was free from traffic. "Just like last time…"

All Joanne could do was shake her head, hold on tight, and pray Maureen got them there safely.


New MoJo Chapter story! Yay! It's going to be a short one though. Some romance, which means MoJo fluff. and small drama...cuz dun, dun, dun, why does Maureen remember this trip and Joanne doesn't?

I Don't Own Anything!

I hope you enjoy!