Chapter II: Rendevous!

It was getting evening in Tremorton and a shadow was running trough the city!

It was Sheldon, on his way to his first official date with Jenny. He was running at his limit, when he fall over his own feeds.

He fast gets up, cheket his new Dresscode and runs forward right to Jenny's home.

Befor he rings the bell, he just checked up his outfit one last time, he looks perfectly (like he looks in: Agend 00Sheldon)!

Mrs Wakeman openes the door with a happy smile; "Welcome Sheldon, please come in!" befor she calls her daughter; "Jenny, I think here is a little gentleman, who just can't wait to see you!"

Hen she comes downstairs, in an amazingly blue dress, that fits perfectly, she looked like an angel (even more then ever) to Sheldon.

"My fair lady" said sheldon, as he offers her one hand to guide her to their rondevous.

They travel trough the city, even Sheldon knowing where to go to.

As they arrived at Tony's Vista Bella (seen in: The Price of Love) a waiter walked up and asked; "And what would this lovely couple like to eat?" after he guides them to a table with candle light. Sheldon hands Jenny her chair as she sits down.

"I would like a Fried Pickle Anchovie Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich and this beautyful girl would like to have some salat with extra, extra olive oil in a bowl please." Sheldon ordered.

"Your orders will be here soon!" the waiter said while he was walking off.

"So what do you have in mind for this whole evening Sheldy?" Jenny asked.

"It's a surprise, just trust me!" Sheldon said after he blinked to her and smiled his typical goofy smile.

Autors note: Yes, what does Sheldon have in mind for the whole evening? Find out in the next chapters!