Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Summary: Her past lurks with unforgivable, unforgettable things. Now her mind is drowning in murky water. He was another person that contributed to her pain... Will she forgive him in the end? SasukexOC Side/minor pairings: NaruHina, ShikaTema, GaaSaku, and others later on.
Genre: Romance, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friendship, Humour, Dark, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural, etc.
Rating: M

Hurt to Remember? Or to Forget and Live?

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Hey mummy, I'm going now!" She called out cheerfully.

"Ok dear, but come here first."

"Aw, why? I need to get there soon!" She asked as she walked over to where she heard her mother's voice drift from.

She stood in front a beautiful woman with a pout on her little face. The woman graciously walked over to the small, impatient child and crouched down. "Because, hunny, mummy will miss her daughter dearly if she doesn't get a hug." The woman pretended to look sad. "You don't mummy to cry now, do you?"

The child gasped then quickly ran into her mother's loving, protective arms. "No! Of course not!" She said, snuggling into her mother's chest. She looked up with a childish smile. "So, can I go now?" She asked with her arms still wrapped tightly around her mother's petit waist.

Her mother looked down to her. "Hold on sweetie, one last thing." The child pouted again, wondering what now? She was very anxious. Her mother gave her one last squeeze and a quick peck on the cheek, and then walked her outside. Her child smiled brightly when she waved her goodbye from the verandas door. "Be back soon! Father will be home early today!"

"Ok I will! Love ya mummy!" She said as she trotted off.

I did mean those words, and I probably would have heard her reply if I had waited just long enough to listen, instead of hurriedly rushing off to get something that was worth nothing in the end.

She walked the streets alone, but not fully alone; people were busily keeping the town alive. Some were happy, some were sad, some were neutral... People were just going on with their lives like any other day. Birds chirped a sweet melody to the warm, risen sun. Lush, green leaves lightly rustled in the small, fresh breeze it was a stunning day. Her green-blue eyes sparkled with delight as she took in her surroundings while walking to the designated shop.

I always did wonder what happened to that girl; her spirit ran away to sleep with the others...

She joyfully skipped into a shop that held beautiful, sparkly things. She was going to buy one that, she thought, would suite the person she was going to bare it to; a gift from her heart.

"Here you are, darling."

She smiled thankfully up to the shop keeper and politely bid goodbye. Her gift was a dainty necklace. She had bought it out of the savings mother and father gave to her for pocket money. The necklace also showed and symbolized her friendship with the person she was going to give it to, her best friend Ruby whom she came to loving like a sister. Ruby was the only person that truly knew her the best. They did everything together and shared everything together.

Sometimes I wish I never went there, that I was never that naive.

The sky was turning. Clouds were swelling soft blue becoming ridden and the sun was disappearing behind the thick overcoat of darkness. Her eyes looked with confusion. No more warm light shun within them anymore, the darkened light made her joyful eyes look dusky – almost mysterious.

Her eyes became etched with mystic as she surveyed her surroundings in wonder as she walked. 'Why is the sky like this? It was warm and sunny today but when I got outside the shop it's like this?' She asked herself edgily. Fright was slowly consuming her, waiting to devour her. She held the necklace close as she hurried home to where she was going to wrap the gift in cute golden, little package for her friend.

Heh. It's like when life gives you a box chocolates; instead of eating them you throw them away, letting them rot with the rats!

It was so quiet. Not a breath, not a word, not an animal could be heard. Only the faint sound of rain drizzling. Her shallow breathing, her heart, is all that rang in her ears. She jumped when thunder erupted; her breath hitched. She hugged herself as the iciness finally kicked in. The shop was a far distance from home; it was more secluded, further from the main street of town. She quickened her pace to get where everybody should be; right now the thought of her being alone didn't sound so good anymore.

She finally reached the corner for civilisation where, at least, someone from her clan would still be roaming the streets, even with this drastic change of weather. She sharply turned the corner and screamed. Flesh, blood, bones. Dead, mangled bodies – chunks of pieces and blood splatters were everywhere! Mental scarring ripped at her heart as she ran from the gruesome scene to her house as fast as her feet would take her.

Till this day my heart still painfully skips a beat remembering the scene. The images, their faces, the blood... It all haunts me when I sleep.

Her heart was pulsing from the sharpened scrapes of ache. Raw terror was travelling to her very core. 'Quickly! Run! Run! Faster!' Her thoughts were yelling, shouting; they were becoming so loud, so frantic and so sacred. She didn't want to see anymore. She fought her way through the heavy rain; her sight fixed on her house. 'Almost there! Just a bit further, just a bit further,' she wept to herself.

She finally stepped inside, trying to get away, trying to get safe from the village she lived in; safe from the outside world. But, her parents were sitting there, tied up, waiting on her arrival. "Mum? Dad?" she shakily whispered, tears coming to her eyes.

Their words were unspoken, unidentifiable. A dirty cloth kept them locked away, muffling them; forbidding them from becoming heard. Their faces held fright and terror, as well as other emotions that she couldn't understand; emotions that were well beyond her age.

Her best friend came from around the corner. She had blood splatters on her. Her face was twisted and harsh, and in her right hand she held a sharp, bloody knife.

The green-blue eyed girl backed away from her, backing up to the front door, while dropping the present onto the ground, forgetting about it. "R-r-ruuubbbyyy?" She sacredly whispered to her closes, dearest friend as her body froze on the spot.

Ruby looked at her, a smile started to form as she went up to her friends parents. When she was standing behind them, a malicious smile became plastered upon her face as she looked at her friend, and then she slowly slit their throats like they were a piece of trash.

Petrified, the young girl watched her parents slowly die; their blood trickled down onto their clothes, staining them – as well as staining her life; staining her to never be able to trust easily again. She heard her friend giggle like crazy when she started to walk over to her, moving away from her dead parents. 'Move, move!' The frantic voice yelled at her again 'RUN!' It screeched as she watched her once precious friend prowl towards her like she was her long awaiting prey.

Her mind finally started to work again as she watched the knife sway in Ruby's hand it was like it was taunting her... a deadly sign making her body move; she finally listened to the frantic, scared voice in her mind for she ran back outside into the world where her village laid on the cold floor, ridden from existence. Her breath quickened and an agonising pain came across her face as she ran into the rainforest that lived behind.

For a child aged of six having to see all of her home village dead, revoltingly dead, and her parents killed right in front of her childish innocence; scars would be left on her heart and pain would sit in her chest as she grew older... was all done by her childhood best friend.

Huh. And that child was me...

She sat with her back slumped against the tree. Wind whisked her dark hair away from her face, showing a pair of dazzling, dark blue eyes. The moons sliver rays sparkled against their moistness, making them seem less dull.

She lay on a tree branch, watching him. His body moved fluently as he practiced. Perspiration slickly slid down his skin as he kept going. All of his concentration was focused on what he was doing; nothing else mattered to him at this point of time.

He finally stopped, letting out a deep sigh. He slowly walked to her. Green-blue eyes followed him.

"You know you're over doing it, right?" She asked as she slid to hanging upside down on the branch, her eyes in-level with his; green-blue ones looking into smouldering black ones. Wind blew pass them. Their hair followed its lost trail.

He didn't reply. He breathed evenly as he searched her wild, piercing eyes. His face was devoid of any emotion. He became impassive as he watched her, instead, this time. She raised an eyebrow in confusion before flipping off her branch. She leaned against a tree with her eyes closed. "You know it's not healthy to overwork yourself... Why?" She opened an eye to look at him, to figure him out.

He walked over to her and leaned on the tree next to her. "Jade, you know you're my best friend."

Her eyes opened to look at him. Her brow furrowed in confusion. "Yeah... But what does that have to do with this, Sasuke?" She replied even though what he said was more a statement then a question.

He pushed himself away from the tree and stood in front of her. His fingertips brushed away her dark, silky hair. He paused; slowly his icy fingers ran down her cheek, making her breath catch. He slowly moved forward. Soft, cold lips pressed against her warm, delicate skin. Her breathing became irregular. He lingered close to her warmth as his hot breath lightly tickled her skin. He moved to her ear. "I'll miss you..." He whispered.

Her eyes looked up to the moon. A tear streak glistened in the moonlight.

Name: Jade (last name unknown)
Age: 15 ¾
Gender: Female
From: Mitsuki clan in the Hidden Storm Village (AN: this is made up, sorry)
Eye colour: Green going into blue
Hair: Black with dark red tips. Her hair is layered, it's about shoulder blade length and she has a side fringe
Clothes style: Black corset top (on the back of the top it has a red criss-cross ribbon that holds the it together), black skinny jeans and black Ninja shoes. (AN: she is not exactly Goth/Emo she just mainly wear's the clothes because they are good for hiding in the shadows...with style lol)
Basic personality (may change/be different): She is sweet and sour/nice and she can be like ice
Over all looks: She's a stunner/beautiful/cute/hot… A.k.a she has A LOT of fan boys. (Eh eh eh :P.) (A/N: Her 'hotness' isn't really used in the story, just thought I'd give ya a heads up.)

Additional info: The Mitsuki bloodline allows the person to control nature for good or bad... Also, there is a twist/surprise with the bloodline trait. Etc.
(A/N: Also, yes, I know her past may make her seem Mary-sue? If it does sorry! But she does have other characteristics that show that she isn't properly a Mary-sue. These characteristics portray more as the story comes along.)

Authors Note: Hey so this was a story that WAS on here, well before some idiot decided to report it... God, such a fricken idiot! Haven't you read lots of other stories on here? Some are a lot worse than this one!
So I shall do a warning for my story. If you don't like what's going to be in this story of mine THEN DON'T READ IT!

Warning, there will be: Coarse language, graphic descriptions and lemons (sexual content/adult themes) later on in this story, etc.

Yes, so I repeat: if you don't like what you see so far DON'T READ IT!
(This story was written near the end of last year and was originally
Published on Fanfiction on the 4-18-08)
Well now onto a different note; I have pretty much redone the prologue! :)

Anyways, I give special thankx to the people who had loved, read and reviewed my not finished story! -glomps the readers- :D
...Now if you don't mind. I'm going to my emo corner to cry about my deleted story! -Tears-