Disclosure: I do not own any of the ER characters.
Studying The Heart, this is a Carter and Lucy story.
Written By Louise Mills.
Lucy was sitting on her bed and signed with frustration. She was studying for her Mid Terms for the next morning. She was having a hard time studying, because they didn't tell the students what kind of things to study for the paper. What she needed was someone who had already done the exam and knew what kind of questions would be on the paper. The first person she thought of was Dr Carter but she couldn't ask Carter because she got it in her head that he would see it as a sign of weakness. Of course it took a long time for her to convince herself to believe that, because she didn't want to admit that she liked Dr Carter a little more she should. And that if she did ask him for help and that if he said yes could mean he actually like her more then just of his Med Student. But that was just wishful thinking not reality. Lucy laid down on the bed angry with herself, she had made herself think of him in that way and she knew from experience it would take hours even the whole night to get him off her mind. And there would be no way she was going to be able to study now. Lucy decided to go against her conscience and phone carter, that way she gets Carter off her mind and she gets to study. And she may even study better because she would not want to let him down. "That's it kill two birds with on stone…phone book…phone book where are you…arh…C for Carter…phone…dial number… come on Lucy you can dial a number." Lucy dials Carters number. "John carter" "Dr Carter it's me Lucy" " Lucy what can I do for you?" Well, Lucy thought you can come round mine and make yourself at home especially with me. Carter spoke bringing her back to reality. "Lucy you still there?" "Sorry Dr Carter I was just thinking about something else then, sorry" "Lucy can you make sure you don't do that again because when someone goes silent on me I usually get anxious." "Of course sorry again, Dr Carter Can I ask you for a favour?" "Anything for my favourite Med Student" "Really!!" Lucy didn't expect him to say that about her. "Really! What Lucy!?" She didn't realised she had spoken aloud. "Don't worry, I wanted to ask could you help me study for my med term as I thought maybe if I get someone who's already done the exam to help me, maybe I'll be okay for the exam. So could you help me? Please as am loss in big maze and can't find my way out!" John chuckled that the last remark, "sure luc be right over, see you soon, bye" " Bye Dr Carter" "Coming right over…what should I wear…Lucy stop it, its just a study date." Lucy clears the table in the main room, and placed the books on the table she was reading before. She also put down some paper, pens, pencils, a jug of water and two glasses.
Mean while at John's flat.
"John who was that?" Roxanne asked in an angry tone. "Lucy, I forgot I promised her early I help her study for the med term tomorrow" Roxanne wasn't convinced by John excuse of leaving her to go to Lucy's. "Lucy……You know you would drop everything for her if she asked you, so what does that mean?" "I don't know Roxanne, what does it mean?" He asked her in an impatient tone. "I think it means you would rather be with her then me, and that you like are a lot more then your admitting and maybe even more then me!" "That's stupid Roxanne, I'm sorry I have to go!" "Yes, off you go to your precious Lucy!" Roxanne was right about something he would rather be with Lucy then her, because lately she just seemed to be getting on his nerves. He wanted to break up with her for some time now, but never seemed had the right time to break it to her. He just didn't know what to do. He had made his way to Lucy's he slowly climbed out of his jeep, all the time thinking of Roxanne's discussion with him, about him liking Lucy. It had started plaguing his mind just as he stood out of his apartment door. He started thinking could I really like Lucy that much, I do seem to be always coming to her rescue, nah you're just looking too much in to it. He climbs the two stories of stairs up to Lucy flat, on knocks on the door. "Coming wait a sec." Lucy opens the door and welcomes Dr Carter in. "Dr Carter would you like something before we get down to the books?" "Some coke if you got it? And Lucy when we not at work or in the company of people from the hospital you can call me John, Okay." "Okay, coke coming right up." John looked round Lucy Apartment while she was getting the coke; the main living area was quite large with a few couches to the right side of the room with the TV in the bay window, and a table to the Left side of the flat. She had a few house plants shattered around, a cabinet with the Hi-fi system and a CD rack about 4 feet tall with nearly all the slots filled with CD's. He decided right there and then she had a really nice apartment for a student living away from campus, the first question that came thought his mind was how could she afford is place. Lucy came back and handed him a glass of coke, "Lucy can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer if you think it's to rude of me for asking you?" "Of course not, you want to ask how I can afford a place like this?" "Yes how you know I was going to ask you that?" "Everyone asks me the same question, It's my grandmothers, she letting me use it while I'm at College." They stared at each other for a while in silence. The way Lucy was staring at John made him feel a little awkward. He thought he saw a wanting in her stare, but told himself it was all in his mind. John had to make the situation he was in more comfortable; he just wanted to get the evening over with. As he just realised he did like Lucy more then he was admitting to himself. "I see, so we better get to the books." Lucy showed John over to the table, they sat down, he suggested which books were good to study from, and which sessions were most likely to be on the paper. He also suggested revising a bit of every session, to make sure she had covered everything.
They were study for about five hours, and stop now and then to have a break. They would talk about what they wanted from life and their interests. They realised they had a lot in common, like they both had rich grandparents. That's how Lucy could come the medical School, because her grandparents were financing her tuition fees. Her mother couldn't pay and her mother didn't like asking her parents for the money. So Lucy asked her grandparents, her mother didn't like her doing that and didn't talk to her for a while. She had just managed to get her mother talking to her again. Lucy didn't go into much detail about the situation. John thought it was because it was a little painful for her to talk about.
After the studying they were both nearly just dropped dead because of how tried they both were! "You know John you can stay here tonight and sleep on the couch?" "No, it's okay I should really go home I need to talk to Roxanne!" "Roxanne at your place?" "Yeah" "By the sound of things it doesn't seem your happy about things between you and Roxanne!" John signed "It isn't she is just so annoying" "Then why are you still with her?" "To be honest I have no idea, maybe I'm just waiting for the right moment." "The right moment……if you don't break up with her soon, you just find yourselves getting more serious and becoming really unhappy and regret it for a long time." Lucy was very sympatric to his situation he was in. "Sounds like you had experience in this kind of relationship before?" "I kind of do, then I first started college. The relationship was great at the beginning, but it soon turned into an ugly relationship and I became really unhappy." She didn't like remembering those days and it showed. She was nearly in tears; the memories were very horrible and painful for her. John saw it immediately and come to her side, he put his arms round Lucy and hug her, comforting her. The minute he did the tears came pouring out. She needed to get these feelings out of her system. And crying was always the way she could get them out of her system. "It's okay Lucy don't talk about it, a get the picture. If you ever want to talk about anything I'll be here for you!" He moved her over to the couch, and continued to hug her until she stopped crying. He went to the kitchen and made her a hot mug of coco to calm her down. "Lucy I have to go and talk to Roxanne!" "To break up with her I hope" "Yes, differently!! See you after your exam tomorrow, good luck Lucy!!" She looked up to John passionately into his eyes, which were saying thank you for everything. "Thanks John see you tomorrow." "Yes see you, you going to be okay?" "Yes, go Roxanne's waiting." With that John walked out of the door.
John walked slowly back to his Jeep, Lucy was right he had to break up with Roxanne today because if he didn't he would regret it. Even if it's the right moment or not he was going to break up with her the moment he got back to his flat. When John arrived at his flat he was getting nervous, not of what he was going to say but want Roxanne was going to do with him, she had the worst temper he ever knew. He opens the door, "Roxanne, Roxanne can you come out here we need to talk!" He knew Roxanne would still be up, as she always wanted to know where he was and what time he gets in. "John, What you mean we need to talk? I don't think we need to talk about anything!" "Sure we do Roxanne" John said in an unbelievable tone. "Okay I suppose we do!" John walks over to the couch and sits down. "Okay John what's is all about?" "Roxanne, for the last few weeks I haven't really like being in a relationship with you, I have to be honest you have started to annoy me a little." Roxanne didn't like the way John was specking to her, so she started shouting. "How have I annoyed you, you're the one that's impossible to connect to, as you are always off to help your poor little med!!!" "Roxanne don't okay, I'm sorry if it's annoying that I want Lucy to succeed and that will take some of my time." "But John it's not some of your time, it's all your time." John replies to that remark psychiatrically "Roxanne, okay it's all my fault" "John don't talk to me that way, it's disrespectful." "I'm only going to say once, Roxanne pack your bags and get out of my apartment, our relationship is over. And Roxanne you are one of the most disrespectful people I know, not caring for any other people feelings except your own." Roxanne went all quiet and made her way to his bedroom. John stayed sitting on the couch he closed his eyes he was beginning to get a headache. 20 minutes went pass before Roxanne came out of his room and headed straight for the door without saying a word. John looked around towards the door and he only saw the door slamming on her way out. John made his way to the bedroom, he climb in bed and immediately fell asleep.
John's phone starts to ring; John slowly wakes realising the phone was ringing. He starches over and picks up the phone, as he was about to say his name, he falls out bed. "Oh F**King hell," he said in an angry voice. "Dr Greene I think maybe I have just woke Dr Carter up?" "What makes you think that?" "Well the loud slam as if he was falling out of bed gave it away!" "Give me the phone Jerry," "Oh Damn it, ouch, that hurt………John Carter." "Yes John thought I ask you the time?" "What kind of question that?" "John what's the time?" "Honestly have no idea!" "Well it's time that you should have been at work 30 minutes ago." John started to get flustered " Sorry Dr Greene be there in about 20 minutes." "Okay John see you then."
John quickly got in gear, how could he forgot to set the alarm, this morning would be the first time he be late for work. And he didn't like the feeling of letting people down. John was actually ready in 5 minutes after putting the phone down. He run out of the door to his Jeep, and suddenly stopped when he realised all four of his tyres on his jeep were flat, and he knew actually who done that. "Bloody Hell Roxanne!!" He said quietly under his breath. He turns round and headed back inside the house, he picks up the phone and called ER. "ER can I help you?" "Jerry, can you put me through to Dr Greene please." "Sure Dr C, Dr Greene Carter on the phone for you." "Carter what is it?" "Dr Greene I have kind of a problem?" Mark gets a little anxious, "What's the problem?" "Well, how can I put is into words without you laughing, All my tyres on my jeep have been knifed?" With a little chuckle in his voice he repeated John words. "All your tyres on your jeep have been Knifed" All the people round the ER reception desk looks round with smiles all on the faces. "Sorry John! Do you know who by?" "I have a wild idea who did it!" "May I ask who?" "Roxanne!!! Would there be any chance of someone coming to pick me up?" "Sure, Oh and I won't tell the rest of ER that it was Roxanne that knifed all your jeep's tyres" When mark said that there was more then smiles around the ER, there was fits of Laugher. "Dr Greene!!!" He said a little annoyed. "Sorry, Carter I can't resist. See you soon, be ready okay" "sure see you soon." They both put the phones down. Mark turns around the rest of ER staff, which seem to have gathered just behind him. "Now people, obliviously something happen between Carter and Roxanne. So when he comes in no mention of the tyres okay." They all nodded as they agree but still had smiles on their faces. Mark noticed Lucy at the back of the crowd but she didn't look like she was having any fun with the recent phone conversion. Mark knew then she knew something about what happen between Carter and Roxanne, or he thought she knew.
Lucy headed for the lounge, so did Dr Greene once the crowd start to move. Mark enters the lounge Lucy was sitting on the couch with her eyes closed. "Late night Lucy?" "Yeah, I was trying to get a bit more studying in before my exam later today!" Mark walks over to his locker and grabs his coat. "Lucy can I ask you something?" "Of course you can!" "Did you know at Carter had a falling out with Roxanne, I notice you weren't laughing with the rest of them out there?" "All I know Dr Greene is that Dr Carter hasn't been happy in his relationship with Roxanne lately, and I the wasn't laughing because I don't think is that funny. It's actually quite serious, do you know much tyres cost, a lot of money." "Thanks, I better go and pick up Carter! See you later and good luck in your exams if I don't see you again." "Thanks Dr Greene" "It's okay." Mark walks out of the lounge, out of the ER to his car.
Mark arrives at Carter house, and when he saw his car he knew Roxanne must have been really upset to do what she did. He walked up to the door and was about to knock when carter open the door, "Ready Dr Greene." "I didn't even get a chance to knock!" They got into the car and drove off. "John can I ask why Roxanne would do that to your car?" "Sure, maybe because I broken up with her last night and it didn't go as well as I planed and she blame me for everything that went wrong in our relationship. And took a lot of things out of proportion!" "Could I ask what kind of things?" "Well Dr Greene I rather not say because even some people in the ER will even think the same as Roxanne did!" "Arh, you mean the amount of time you spend with Lucy, helping her to become a great doctor, can I ask do you spend time with Lucy, helping her of cause, other then at the hospital?" "Yes, but to help her study when she asks for it of cause." "Did you help Lucy last night?" "Yes" "and did you break up with Roxanne before and after helping Lucy out for the exam?" "After" "Well I can see where Roxanne's coming from, if my boyfriend went round a friends and when he came back he decided to break up me. I would think that it was the friends doing. But I did speck to Lucy just before coming to pick you up, she said you told her you weren't happy in your relationship with Roxanne." "Yeah that's an understatement I have been miserable for weeks but I didn't know how to break up with Roxanne and when Lucy started talking about the relationship she was in once, mine didn't seem that bad, and why the hell I was scared to tell her what I wanted." Mark looked at John a little puzzled about what he just said, "I think you lost me round the part about 'my relationship wasn't as bad as Lucy's', Okay How bad was is relationship she talked to you about?" "Oh not that bad and it's really not my place to say!" Of course John was lying through his teeth about how bad the relationship between Lucy and her ex was. Even if Lucy didn't tell him the in detail how ugly it was, as she puts it, he knew by the way she cried, he hit her, and maybe even got her to do things she didn't want to do. And he could tell Dr Greene his suspension because it wasn't really his place to say. For the rest of the journey back to the hospital they were silent.
As Dr Carter walked through the doors of the ER Department the smiles and glances that were all aiming at him made him feel uneasy! He knew it was going to be a long day, Dr Carter started to head towards the lounge, as he walked through the door he saw Lucy sitting on the couch. Lucy was just glancing into space, he got concerned. "Everything Okay Luc?" "John, fine, just getting a little nervous, they rescheduled the exam until later today, so I thought to pass time I come to work, but its not working." She said nervously and extremely fast. "As I can see, but don't worry about it, you're going to do fine. Well even if your not suppose to be at work I am, so I better get ready and get amongst the masses. If you want I probably could use some help, so before your exam could you help me for a few hours." Lucy nods yes, and John heads towards his locker, he places his bag and coat into the locker, and grabs his white coat. He puts on the white coat and is just about to leave he turns to her and says to Lucy, "come on, with me then there's work to be done."
It had been a few hard hours in the ER, Lucy thought as see sat down for the exam, at least I wasn't thinking of this damn exam. When the students were told they could start the exam, the first thing she did is look though all the questions and she started to smile. She told herself the first I well do when I get back to the ER is kiss John, all the questions were in the sections he suggested she should revise in depth. The exam seam to go extremely fast, the minute they said end of test she was off her seat and on her way to the ER.
As she arrived in the ER she saw John on the over side of the reception desk. He looked up and saw her, Lucy waved at John, and he knew she must have aced the test. He walked over to Lucy, who was heading into the lounge, he knew she did well but wanted to hear it from her. John opened the lounge door and saw Lucy pour a cup of coffee. "Could you pour me a cup as well it's been murder out there, since you went to take your exam?" "Why, of course I well, has it really been that busy or are you just making me feel a little guilty about leaving you?" John laughs, Lucy always seemed to know how to make him laugh. "So how did the exam go? Looks to me the way your smiling very well." She turned round to him handled him the coffee and smiled at him. "Extremely well thanks to you!" They smiled at each other for a while, Lucy so wanted to kiss him thanks but she knew it could get them in trouble. But she had no choice she coming more overwhelmed with the feeling of enjoyment very minute. "Thanks Dr carter I don't think I would be able to pass without you." She went up the John and kisses him on the cheek. The weird thing she noticed after kissing him on the cheek he didn't mind her kissing him. Which had her feel even more excited because it suddenly came to her he may actually like her more then his assigned med student. But she told herself impossible because kissing someone one the cheek is a sign of thanks. "No problem, I will always be there for all your studying needs and a simple shoulder to cry on if you ever need it." "Thanks, I think I've done well, no I mean, I know I've done well, but I won't actually find out until the end of next week. To find out if I have done as well as I think I have." He smiled back at her; she seemed excited and anxious all at the same time. And Lucy was the only person he knew who could be that way and still handled a very day situation. "Yeah I know what you mean, it seemed a very long time between taking the exam and getting the results. It was the most anxious I had ever been." John looked down at his watch, they had been talking for 10 minutes, he knew they better get out there before it got busy again. "Lucy time's getting on, I have to get back! Why don't you finish your coffee, and then come out and dive right in?" "This there really that many patients?" "No only kidding wouldn't want to turn you right off of medicine would we. Just come and find me, and I see what you can do to help." "Thanks see you in a while." John walks out of the lounge.
John stood out side of the lounge he could tell it wasn't going to be that busy for a while. He just stood there trying to understand what just happen in the lounge, he knew it wasn't a real kiss, but it still was a kiss. Does she like me, that phrase went though his mind for a while before he remembered at she only kissed him on the cheek after saying thank you. "Shame!" He didn't realise he said out loud until Connie who was walking pass at the same moment saying it aloud ask him this question. "Shame! Shame about what Carter?" John became extremely embarrassed and guilty at the same time, even though there wasn't anything to be guilty about. Unless thinking about your med student other then in professional terms is any reason to feel guilty, it wasn't like he was acting on the feeling. "Oh, nothing just specking aloud." She could tell there was something else what was making him act the way he was lately, and she was determined to find out what. "Well, if you don't want any body to know what's going on in that mind of yours learn not speck aloud like that again. Because people well start speculating on what words like shame will mean in your life. Like you have just come out of the lounge." She looks though the window and she raised her eyebrows. "And someone know will remain nameless, is in the lounge, maybe something happen between you two, or you wanted something to happen between you two. Now that would go well with the word shame." John laughed nervously, "You must be kidding, nothings going on between us! Or ever well" Connie smirked that him she wasn't having any of it. "Well, that's not want I said, I said maybe you wanted something to happen!" She looked at john and he became extremely anxious, she knew then he did want something to happen and she just smiling smirked back. "Well I better go Connie see you later." He walked away as quickly as he could, as he realised she found out, he liked Lucy a little more then he had ever admitted to anyone.
Lucy walked out of the lounge and went over to the reception desk. "Has anyone seen Carter?" Jerry replied to her, "Yeah curtain three, his with Dr Greene." "Thanks" She makes her way to curtain three, as she was about to open the door she saw the patient Dr Carter was helping Dr Greene with. And she just froze; John saw Lucy just standing there and signalled to her to come in. She saw him signalling to her and she wanted to help him, but her body won't let her go in. As the person they were helping was her ex-boyfriend, the one that she went out with then she first went to College. When Lucy didn't come in he knew something was wrong so he walked up to the window, she knew he was going to make her walk into that room. So she started to nod her head before he could open the door and say something. This really got John, concerned so he turns round to talk to Dr Greene. "Dr Greene, I think something's troubling Lucy so I'm just going to talk to her!" "Well you two better hurry up, if think I will need both of you in a minute." "Sure Dr Greene." John started to walk towards Lucy. "Lucy what's the matter with you? Dr Greene needs our help!" Lucy just kept staring through the window, even thou her ex-boyfriend hurt her she couldn't seem to top staring at him. She was frozen, she also had fear in her eyes as well. "Lucy look at me when I'm trying to talk to you!" John grabs her arm and turns her round so he could look at her. He could see all the pain in those eyes, the pain he saw the other evening, he guessed because of the patient. "Lucy?" he said more softly, which made Lucy come round of what was happen around her. "Sorry Dr Carter" "Lucy, this that man in there the boyfriend you were talking about the after day?" Lucy nods her head, which made John want to hug her for compassion, but he couldn't not at the hospital, people would get the wrong end of the stick. He was also starting to get a little angry, because how can anyone treat her like that, and now he knew it was the patient he just felt like hitting him. "Lucy, I know this is going to be hard but me and Dr Greene need your help in there. So can you try and help I will understand if you don't want to?" John placed his hand on her shoulder trying to reinsurance Lucy. "No it's okay I come and try and help" "Good!" Trying to sound cheery for her, but it wasn't working. She knew she had to do this because if she wanted to be a Doctor she will have to deal with difficult patients. Except this one did her hurt her a lot, and if she could get through this maybe she could handle any patient which come through the ER doors. They join Dr Greene, and John was keeping a close eye on Lucy, and the ex-boyfriend.
"Let me bring you up to speed! Lucy this is Mr Josh Winters, he has been complaining of abdomen pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. His pulse rate is irregular about 70 beats per minute, cholesterol count 5.6, and we are just waiting for the X-rays." Josh looks round to the person Dr Greene was talking to, "Lucy?" Lucy was getting jumpy she didn't want him to call here name, but she knew she had to deal with it and be polite. John immediately walked over to Lucy, he was getting increasable more worried about his Medical student. He saw Lucy was handled it okay right now so he decided to back the part of the wall his was leaning against. "Hello, Josh…So want you doing in Chicago?" she needed to know why he was there and she rather find out sooner then later. "Business meeting, so you work at the hospital as a Doctor, what you always wanted." "I'm not a Doctor just 3rd year med student." She kept the small talk to the minimum she didn't want to speck to him and the more time she was spending in that room, made her think of the past. "You know Mr Winters, Lucy that's good! So Lucy what do think about Mr Winters condition and what we should do?" She looks over to Dr Greene anything for her not to look at him. "Well first I would get ECG, and then look that what the x-ray says, but knowing he has an history of rheumatic fever, and he has a slight heart murmur. I say his got Artial Hypertrophy." She looks over at John and he his smiling surprisingly at her; he was thinking extremely good work. And she could tell by his smile. "Well Miss Knight you have surprise me again, get the ECG done bring me the readings and I see if you're right about your diagnosis." "Thank you Dr Greene." Dr Greene then walks out of the examine room and heads for the reception desk of another chart deciding Carter and Lucy could handled this case on there own.
"So Luc…" Lucy interrupts Josh, and say hostilely "Josh its Lucy okay!" "Sorry, what does an ECG entail? And why isn't that doctor doing anything?" He glances over in John's direction. And replies hostilely "That happens to be my teacher and his is doing something his observing me. He will step in to help when he thinks I need it. And an ECG is then we place electrons on your chest, which then record the rhythm of your heart. Okay!" "Lucy!" John firmly said, she turn round she saw that he didn't want her to talk to him that way. "Luc, come there!" She done what she was told and walked over to John, she whispered to John so Josh couldn't over hear "Sorry Dr carter I can't seem to help but talk to him that way. He just makes my blood boil." "Try okay Lucy, he could get you in a lot of trouble if he complains about your attitude towards him." He could see how much she didn't like this situation but John did admire her for sticking it in. "Lucy then you're a medical student if a patient complains about you being rude or even just talking to him like you just have. The medical broad will see that as a negative point and may even talk about if you would make a good doctor." She didn't like hearing that and she knew she needed to hear it, she loves medicine and she wasn't going to let one ex-boyfriend stop her from becoming a doctor. "If you want I can finish off there and you can go and get another chart?" "No it's okay I can handle it, but only if you stay close!" "Don't worry I won't be going anywhere away from you, not while his in the hospital!" She smiles back at John he was being extremely supportive.
Lucy walks back to Josh, she starts getting the electrodes out and placing them on his chest. "So Lucy does this remind you of the times we use to spend together?" Lucy turn away from Josh and look over to John, John got up he was getting ready just in case she needed him. She nodded No towards John's direction, which he didn't like at all but he had to expert her decision. "Lucy I'm specking to you?" He grabs her arm spin her around, John gets up walks over. "Mr Winters can you please let go of Lucy, and let her do her Job!" "Why don't you shut up!" he pushed John over and he crush into a trolley forcing him down on the floor and hitting his head on the doorframe, knocking him out cold. "John!!" "Does this remind you of the past?" Lucy starts to raise her voice "Yes, now it does, Let go of me!" "Why should I?" "Because you've hurting me, Please let go Josh, Josh!" By this time she is shouting at him, and he just tightens his grip round her arm, "Let me go!!" He pulls her in so he could kiss her but she starts to struggle against him. "Don't you dare fight against me!!" John is starting to come around when he sees Josh with a tight grip round Lucy arm, and he starts to hit her. John gets to his feet, runs over to Josh grabs his arms with another force to loosen his grip of Lucy. Lucy drops to the floor and Josh elbows John in the head for his interruption. Lucy gets up runs over to the over side of the room while John was distracting Josh she grabs some sedative "Sorry, doctor but no one else can join in this little reunion we've having!" John saw what Lucy was trying to do and he knew he had to distract Josh for her. "Well it doesn't look like Lucy enjoying your reunion." "Depends on what you call fun, because I certainly call is fun…" Lucy stabs him with the sedative, he looks round to Lucy, and seeing a needle in his arm. "You stupid Bitch!" before the sedative could take effect he manage to hit Lucy one more time. Lucy fell straight to the floor, John quickly went to the door, and shouted. "Can we have some help in here?" John walks over to Lucy who was still on the floor, she was in a lot of pain, as no one could cry like that if they weren't. "Lucy, look at me! Luc please look at me!" Lucy slowly lefts her head, at the same time Dr Greene, Carol and Malik walked through the door. "Oh my god what happen?" "Lucy ex-boyfriend Josh Winters decided to have an remembrance day!" Dr Greene walked over to John and Lucy; he saw Lucy needed a few stitches. "Dr Carter was you hurt?" Lucy looks up and answers for him. "Yes, he was Josh knocked him out cold for about a minute, and then elbowed him the face." "Okay thanks Lucy, Malik you restrain Mr Winters and Carol can you attain to Carter and Lucy, Check Dr Carter hasn't got an concussion, and get Lucy some stitches." "Okay Dr Greene, Come on you two up you get!" John got up and Carol helped him to get Lucy to her feet. Lucy was a little wobbly on her feet so carol said, "I check if you got a concussion as well shall I." And they walked out of the room. Dr Greene helped Malik Restrain Josh to the bed.
"Well it looks to me from these test results you two only have a slight concussion! But the down side of it is you can't work the rest of the day!" John looked at Carol to see if she was telling the truth, and he knew she was. "It's only a down side depending on what side your on, like downside for hospital, not for me if I have to go home early!" Lucy quickly looked over at John, immediately he saw how hurt she was about what he just said. "Sorry, Lucy didn't mean it that way! I mean I wouldn't want to go through that again just to get a concussion, so I could get off work early. No wait that didn't come out right either." Carol laughed "John I stop while you're ahead." John smiles back at Carol. "Carol, I think maybe you should put down John's concussion a lot worst then it looks!" John turns to her, and carol puts her head in her hands thinking they were about to start arguing again. "Well if that's what the medical expert thinks." Lucy chuckles at the remark, and John starts to smirk. Carol slowing moves her head back and fourth from Carter to Lucy, she starts to think 'what's going on there'? The remark Carter just made would usually result in an argument. Maybe they have sorted out their differences? No that's not it?' She thinks about it a little more when she realised, they like each other! Well what a surprise! Not really, or is it? "Well, I'm going to go and help out there. And you two can go home! I don't have to tell you what to do if your concussion's get any worst do I?" They both glanced over at Carol, a look expressing 'of course not', " Okay, sorry you two, hopefully see you two tomorrow." Carol leaves the room.
Carter stares at Lucy, she knows he wants her to tell him what happen between her and Josh. But she didn't want to talk about it at the ER. She knew the only person she could tell was John, but she didn't know how to start. She was just to afraid, she always got the feeling that he was able to over hear, and that he would jump out at her. Because she knew is because this feeling had only came once before when she was trying to tell her best friend what happen. "John, don't ask me here, what happen between us! I always get the feeling he can hear me when I'm talking about the subject. And course him actually being in the hospital; well I'm more scared now about talking here! So how about coming over to mine, I can fix us something to eat and get some tea. Calm down a bit and then tell you." "Of cause what ever makes you feel more comfortable? But you don't have to tell me anything you know." "I know, but I do want to tell someone and I haven't really found anyone I can trust to tell. Until I came here, you must be the only one person I trust, except my family of course. So I will tell you, but it may take some time to tell." She looked down to her arm which by now had a bruise were Josh was gripping to it so firmly. She also had bruise across her cheek where he hit her. John moved his hands over to hers and lightly grips them. She looks up and stares into his eyes. "It's going to be okay Luc. I promise you that it will be okay. It's going to take sometime to get over it, and I will always be there for you. And I do mean that I will always be there for you!" Lucy starts to sob and John pulls her closer and hugs her for a while. "Luc, I go and get our coats okay! You go to the bathroom and clean yourself up. And I'll meet you by reception." "Okay" He left the room, he wanted so much to stay with her and continue to hug her, comfort her more. He also wanted to kiss her even more so now, so she knew other people did care for her, not just that bastard Josh. But he couldn't let those feelings take over, especially at the hospital; he could loss his job if they were caught. Dr Greene noticed John heading to the lounge as Lucy enters the bathroom. He wanted to talk to him alone, Mark opens the lounge door and John is just closing Lucy locker after taking out her coat. "John!" John turned around a little surprised to see him there. "Dr Greene! What is it?" "Can I ask you this is the person you were talking about earlier in the car?" He wanted to tell Mark yes but he knew that would forfeit Lucy trust as he knew she only wanted him to know. But Mark would have to ask Lucy anyway; he just slowly nods his head. And Mark knew then he looked into John eyes he was 'I let you have that information but if you will have to get the details from Lucy'. "Thanks John, okay you and Lucy well have the rest of today off and tomorrow, and I don't won't you to leave Lucy because I what someone there with her. Unless you think she will be okay alone?" "Mark, I won't be leaving Lucy she has already told me she can't be alone." "Great, and make sure you two great better before getting back to work." Lucy walks though the door, and quickly notices they go silent, "So what were you two talking about?" she had I wild guess about Josh but she knew John wouldn't say anything, so she was hoping it was about how he was feeling. John smiled and walked over to Lucy and whispered to her in a seductive/jokingly tone. "His just letting us have tomorrow off as well, and has ordered me not to leave your side." And she just lightly laughed at the comment, and deep down inside hoping he wasn't just joking about the last comment. As she really wanted to be with John because she knew she would be safe with him, and that is actually what she needed right now. They both head for the door, John lifts his hand and says bye to Mark.
Now back at Lucy apartment.
Lucy slowly walked over to the kitchen and she turned on the kettle. John had made himself comfortable on the couch, even if there wasn't any sign of head tumour on the cat scans, he was still starting to get a headache. Lucy walked over to John, who could tell that there was something wrong, because he had his eyes closed. "Something wrong John?" "No, not really, just a little headache, you wouldn't have some pain killers do you?" "Of cause I just get them for you!" She went back into the kitchen and grabbed the tablets, she started walking back, "John you shouldn't of left the hospital if you had a headache?" "I know, but I didn't have it when I left the hospital! Don't worry I'll be okay, these will work" saying as he took the bottle from Lucy. "Anyway, a little headache with a concussion is common." He smiles at Lucy, she also smiles back at him, but she was getting a little nervous as she was going to tell him about Josh. He immediately saw this look and quickly went over to her who was standing in the kitchen making the tea. He placed his hands on her shoulder and pulled her back, back onto his chest. "Lucy is okay you don't have to tell me anything!" He said compassionately. "No, I what to tell you!" she turned round and looked up into his eyes, there was something there between them both, and they both wanted the act on it. But John knew he couldn't not why she was in this situation. He slowly showed her over to the couch. "You tell me, in your own speed, okay." She nodded back; she didn't know where to start. "Well, better start from the beginning," she expected John to say something, but he didn't he was being patient. "I first meet Josh in my first week college, we hit it off straight away, but we didn't go out with each other until a few months later. My friends called me crazy, for not going for it straight away, but I told them I wasn't sure about it, I liked to get to know a person well before even thinking of getting into a relationship with them. Of course they thought I was crazy." She laughed at herself and John couldn't help himself, he also chuckled a laugh, She smiled at him. "Of course as you gathered we did go out with each other, and for months it was the best relationship I have ever been in. But he started to drink, it wasn't really anything serious at first, we just started to argue more. And after about two months of this arguing stage, it seemed it calm down again, of course I convinced myself it was going to be okay and that he loved me." She stated at John, he saw that the worst was about to come. He reached over to Lucy placed his hand on her shoulder and gilded her back so she was sitting back in the couch, with his arm still round her shoulder. Which gave her the strength to go on with the story. "He then started to come home, and he was more drunk then I have ever seen him before, it started with him slapping me round the face at first I remember now me thinking I shouldn't do that again. But I don't actually remember what it was that made him slap me. This went for about 2 months, I don't know when but he started to come home and he just started to hit me continuously, even then he wasn't drunk. And because by this time I was totally scared of him so didn't tell anyone. Started lying about how I got the bruises to my friends and eventually I stopped see my friends and after about 1 month been isolated from my friends I got the courage to ask him to leave. But before then he forced me to have sex, it wasn't the first time he forced me to have sex, but before because I was so scared to fight against him I didn't stop. And do you know what the worst part was not him hitting me but the sex he forced on me the first time he forced me I cried all the way though. But that wasn't the worst after that I never really wanted to have sex with him again but I didn't have the courage to say stop. The other times after that I always started to cry before he even enter me and is mad him mad some times so when he did enter me pump deep and hard, harder I have ever had sex before and it was so painful and because I cried out in more pain and because each time I cried out he pumped deeper and harder then he did before. And so after I few times I found out I can't walk sometimes and once I was better again he insisted on having sex again. And my body responded by is by reacting, I became extremely nervous I my virginal muscles started to tighten up, so this time then he enter me then he pumped as deep as before it was double the pain before, and because as before each time I screamed he pumped deeper. After that time that's then I got the courage to tell a friend and we went to the doctors to have me check out. Because I realised there was something wrong the pain didn't subside and by this time it had been two days. The doctor did some tests I could tell by his face it wasn't good, he said there was I possibility I could never have children." Then she said that John's face just dropped to the floor but he knew she wasn't finished, so he looked back up toward her. "Of cause that was the last straw Michelle that's my friend stayed with me and we went to the police and when I went round to tell him I was leaving him with the police right telling him charges were being brought upon him. They arrested him right there in front of me which made me feel better. I got the test results back from the doctors he said if I rested for two months not moving one inch, along with a few course of antibiotics and pain killers, home calls from the him once a week. There was a good possibility I still could have children, it was good to hear that I don't think I could handle anymore bad news. Of cause he convicted and put in jail for three years and after all the resting I was told I could have children even Thou he told me no sex for the few years. Of cause he knew I wouldn't after what I went thought but it became a little joke about I was the only 18-19 year old not having sex!" Lucy Laughs a little at what just said, but then just she broke down and started crying, she tilted her head into his chest, and he put other arm round her and hugged her until the tears where gone. They sat there in silence for a while; he couldn't believe what he just heard, she went into great detail, he ever imaged being that bad of course he has heard stories on TV about cases like this, but he ever thought he would ever meet one of those case's. He so wanted more then he did before to hug and kiss her passionately so she would know other people especially him cared for her and they weren't all ass holes like Josh. But he wasn't going to make the first move it may scare her, and then he wouldn't have any chance with her. Also the first move had to come from Lucy, she was the one that had been though so much.
John awoke, he realised they had fell asleep in each other's arms. And he liked the feeling of holding her when he woke up. She was starting to wake up as well, and it finally dawn on her they fell asleep in each other's arms. She didn't want is moment to finish, but it had to sometime, "What time is it?" She said as she was yawning. "Don't know but it's light out so I say is morning!" "It's good then we don't have to go into work today" He nodded with her, he was also glad they didn't have to go to work, as he was thinking this, she tighten her grip round his body. He liked it she didn't want him to leave, but why and he needed to find out why, maybe she did like him! That's probably why she didn't want him the leave. He pushed her off of him, she looks up in a face that didn't understand, why he was doing that! "John what's wrong?" "Lucy, I can't do this!" "Do what John, you are not making any sense" she touch his head. "Maybe, you did hit your head harder then we thought." He pushed her hand away "No there's nothing wrong with my head, what I mean is I can't stand back and denied my feelings for you, while you hug me like that. Its torture for me." He looked that her sincerely, and he immediately was a glow of happiest come into Lucy's eyes. "Really!" he was shocked to hear that from Lucy, and he started smiling uncontrollably. "Yes" She couldn't hold back her happiest much longer "I didn't think you thought of me that way! I thought it was me alone who thought that!" They both smiled at each other, he touched her face with his hand. And slowly brought her face closer to his, she then placed her hand round the back of his neck. There lips touch each other, and the kiss was first of all was so gentle and soft, which turned into the most passionate kiss they both had ever experience. Which leaded on to be more then a kiss and they had the best sexual experience of their lives.
By now they were in the bedroom, and they held each other tightly, they both couldn't believe they felt the same for each other, and they had actually acted on that feeling, something they both said they wouldn't do.
The End of this Story, but there is a sequel to this story. So watch out for the second part coming soon called Listening to the heart.