Authors Note: Obviously I don't own Wicked. I just write for fun. So, this is sort've a mixture of play/bookverse. There's elements from both. Thanks to my friends for helping in the creation of this story. Laura, Mike and David especially. Thanks guys! This will be sort've an adventure seeing as how it's very rare I start a story I don't know where it's going. Feel free to leave reviews and tell me what you'd like to see happen. Obviously, Elphaba has somehow wound up in our world, injured and alone and obviously the time line of the two worlds don't exactly match. If you guys like it I'll continue. Thanks! - Beck August 11th 2008
Doctor Luke Vloc walked through the double doors into the unit stifling back a yawn. The young doctor had a fellowship at this hospital and in the spring he would complete it and move on to being hired officially. Twelve years of intense study, determination, and working hard were what had gotten him to this point- not to mention a few sleepless nights along the way. The doctor paused at the nurses' station to procure his files and look them over to see what had been going on with his patients in the hours he'd spent in surgery. He was studying neurology and that meant a lot of grueling hours and some pretty nasty surgeries to be assisted in. This particular night he was simply watching the clock until seven a.m. upon which time the shift would change and he would be free to crawl back to his apartment three blocks away and sleep uninterrupted for several hours. That was, proposing, the telephone allowed him to sleep. He loved his work but it was on the tail end of a 48 hour stretch that he was beginning to feel it wearing on him. He lifted the cup in his hand up and took a drink, his face screwing up immediately; the coffee was cold. Now, if you've ever had occasion to warrant drinking cold coffee you'll know it's not a pleasurable experience.
Dr. Vloc did his best to ignore Slutty nurse one and Slutty nurse three at the desk. He sighed inwardly and hoped for the millionth time that soon some woman would enter his life and he could get a ring on his finger to stop all the flirting and giggling that came his way. These two particular nurses had a habit of trying to make his life difficult when it came to the "No dating fellow staff" stipulation of his fellowship. Heaven forbid they cared if he lost it (literally OR figuratively!), no all they were really interested in was finding out if he was as good with his hands off the floor as he was on it, so to speak. Dr. Vloc, however, had higher standards. So what if some of the nurses seemed deluded into thinking that by wearing their little v-neck scrubs and too much lipstick they were going to interest him?
He leaned nonchalantly against the tall desk allowing it to support some of his weight to take it off the soles of his feet. After enough time standing up he was beginning to wish that he could sit down, but that wasn't possible as he still had rounds to make here before he could go sit down and do his paperwork. He would see each patient before he went to the physician's lounge, brewed fresh coffee that was more palatable, and more than likely, fall asleep over his paper work and never make it back to his apartment that night. That was how it usually seemed to work out after 48 hour shifts, anyway. However, he still had a few hours to go before that seven a.m. shift change and he was going to have to stay awake at least that long. He stifled a yawn and flicked open another folder still ignoring slutty nurse one and slutty nurse three who had been joined by slutty nurse two. (Slutty nurses 1-5 flirted with anything that had two legs and wore a white jacket and stethoscope. Lucky him.)
He sighed running a hand through his blonde hair and focusing amber eyes back down on the writing on the folder. "Hey, Doc." A voice behind him said. He turned to look to see who had said his name and his eyes focused in on one of the other doctors. Wynn, another neurologist long through his fellowship. The man was probably in his late forties. He was a genial man for the most part and extremely intelligent.
"Quiet night?" Luke asked the older doctor.
Wynn nodded, "Mostly. I figured I should let you know that one patient of yours in room 195 is waking up I think. I went in earlier just to check to see her IVs were good and she was stirring slightly."
"Which one?" Vloc asked, feeling a moment of confusion.
"The..." Wynn paused, looking around him for a second. "You know.. the green one.." He nodded conspiratorially in the direction down the hall that that particular room was. "All her counts are up. Her O2 sat was up too, enough I was able to take her off the oxygen mask so now she's just getting a bit of blow by and her blood pressure was up too.. it was pretty low there for awhile. Her pulse was up to 45 beats a minute- still low on the average but she's thin so I expect she's always somewhat low." He said. "Her respers were 20."
"Oh.. Mystery woman." Luke inserted, understanding what Wynn meant now.
Wynn nodded, "Yep, that's the one. Luke, if you'd told me you had a green patient in the ICU in a coma for nearing on four weeks and knew absolutely nothing about her and I'd not seen it with my own eyes..." He sighed, "I'd swear you'd been down to the local bar and had a few too many, if you know what I mean."
Dr. Vloc made a face. "I'd never and besides, you've seen how... unusual.. she is all on your own. There's not a shred of evidence on her.. no sign of a driver's license or any sort of I.D. or anything. I've searched missing persons, homicides and had some people over at the police department doing some checking, but the fact is.. no one in Topeka seems to have any idea where she came from and that's awfully strange.. for a green woman don't you think? Now I've heard of people going blue from ingesting too much colloidal silver.. but.. I'm pretty sure I've never heard anything about green."
Dr. Wynn paused. "I really hate to say this.. but you know she reminds me of that get up they had Margaret Hamilton in in the Wizard of Oz what with that green skin and all the black. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation but... well, she does look... witchy..." The two of them had to stop to contain soft sniggers of laughter that had been working their way forward all of this time. "And you don't even know the worst of it. When she was admitted she was wearing a pointed hat like a witch hat."
"Isn't Halloween still three months away?"
"Yes.. so either she's slightly eccentric or something else." Wynn pointed out.
"She is awfully intriguing I have to admit.. I'd just like to know where she came from. She's sure not from Kansas." He muttered, shaking his head and feeling rejuvenated as he took the Jane Doe file along with the rest of them and headed along the long, dimly lit hallway towards room 195 as the clock made a staggering tick towards three a.m.