Disclaimer: I don't own anything
A/N: Thanks for the help Cupcake. Review Lolli!
Ron Jr. is not a Girls Name
"But it's such a lovely name!"
"It's atrocious"
"Please Ron"
"Hermione, I'm not introducing my newborn child as Mildred"
"Well fine then"
"Glad you see things my way"
"Who said I agreed with you?!" Retorted Hermione, now six months pregnant with her first baby.
"Calm down, you don't want to raise your blood pressure" Ron told her gently but firm.
"Fine" she mumbled grudgingly
"And" he continued "not Mildred"
"Okay, okay, okay. But Ron, we really need to think of a name for her. I don't want an unnamed baby for weeks after it's born"
"Dear, we have three months left, that's plenty of time" said Ron casually.
"Isn't that what Harry told me after I asked him how the egg was coming along from the Tri-Wizard-Tournament?" Hermione questioned slyly
"No, that was three weeks – WAIT, HE CALLED YOU DEAR?!"
"For goodness sakes, no, now you need to calm down. My point is, is that we can't always be waiting until that last minute to get things done" Hermione was flustered again
"And that's why I married you" replied Ron, giving her a quick peck on the cheek "You have excellent planning skills"
"Not when I'm huge like this, and I can barely think straight" she said
"Here then. I'll conjure up a list of girls names, and you can say 'yes' or 'no', and we'll just narrow them down from there"
Hermione was impressed. "I like that idea" she smiled.
"I thought you would. I know how you like your lists" he teased her. "Now take a rest and I'll get started."
Hermione slept for a few hours, while Ron made up his list of feminine names.
"How does she enjoy this?" he thought
"Hey there I'm done!" Ron declared proudly a few hours later as Hermione opened her eyes
"Let's see it then shall we?" she asked
Taking the list from Ron, she began to read them off
"Don't forget to write your preference" he reminded her
Girl's Names
Andrea no
Audrey nah
Amanda NO
Acadia yuck
Abby eh
Abigail nada
Ariel nope
Alana pretty, but no
Becka zip
Brianna no
Beatrice and you thought Mildred was atrocious!
Birtha ew
Baily absolutely not
Catherine overused
Casey nooooo
Caydence that's a name?
Colleen nah
Cara boring
Delilah blah
Dolores Do you not remember Umbridge!?
Eggs ?
Éclair are you hungry?
10 minutes later
Mary too common
Marsha too old
Meredith too fancy
Mckayla too ditzy
Marissa too…just no
Mia no
"I see Mildred isn't on here" Hermione commented
Narcissa that's not funny
Nelly what?
Natasha Russian much?
Nymphadora Sweety, I love Tonks, but no
Nadia ick
Octavia I'm not giving birth to an octopus
Priscilla nah
Penelope noooo
Peter I refuse to name my daughter or son, after a deatheater that killed his best friends. Harry would murder us!
Quinn no
Quail its human Ron
Ron Jr. the Girl
Hermione shook her head. "Ron" she said with a sigh "honestly, Ron Jr. the Girl?"
"I liked it" he said with a shrug "And yes I am hungry"
"Getting back on point. I do like 'R' names, but don't you have any others that, oh I don't know, don't involve 'Ron' in them?"
"There are othernames!?" he gasped, astounded. She sighed again.
Ron got up to fix himself something in the kitchen.
Hermione looked around the room, irritated that she hadn't liked any of the listed names. On the nightstand stood the single white rose Ron had given her when he had proposed. She'd charmed it so it would never die.
"Rose" she murmured
Ron walked back into the room. "Ron, what do you think of the name Rose?" Hermione asked him somewhat distantly.
He looked at her, then at his engagement symbol.
"Rose is a lovely name" he told her "So Rose it is then?"
"Rose Weasly it is then" she concluded with a gentle smile.
"So about the middle name…"
Thanks for reading! R&R please!