Title: Fall for You
Author: generalnothing
Gift for: missbadwolf
Rating: PG for kissin' type stuff and a bad word or two.
Word Count: 6,204
Beta (if applicable):
partially beta'd by 49seconds
I don't own Tin Man or anything related to it. The title comes from the Secondhand Serenade song of the same name.
Summary: In which DG steals Cain's hat, Ahamo plays matchmaker, and Cain is forced to dance. DG/Cain liek whoa.
Pairings (if applicable): DG/Cain, Lavender/Ahamo
Author's note (if applicable): The prompt(s) were 'Ahamo is very fond of matchmaking (think DG/Cain)' and 'DG wonders when Cain will notice that she has stolen his hat.' I kind of combined the two. I had so much fun writing this even though it got sooooo long. This is literally the longest (completed) fic I have ever written. missbadwolf, I hope you enjoy this, the prompts were super fun. And as always, special thanks and internet hugs to 49seconds for late night beta's on half written fics, im giggle fits, multiple conversations, allowing me to spaz about the awesomeness of Jacob and collaborations.

Part I

"Hey, Pop," DG said, moving to stand beside her father at the window, both looking out at the palace grounds. The twin suns shone with an almost brightening blindness and both father and daughter had to squint their bright blue eyes.

"Hey, Spitfire," Ahamo said, glancing to his left to take in his daughter's appearance. The younger princess was aglow with mischief and a bit of magic, a small smile on her face and her bright blue eyes shining.

The Queen, who was watching her husband and daughter stand in front of the window, smiled at their similarities. Though vastly different in looks, his blond hair to her dark brown, they were extremely alike in mannerisms. Even after fifteen years of separation, for all three occupants of the room, the Queen could still tell that DG was her father's daughter.

They held themselves in the same way, that not-quite-royalty-but-working-on-it way where their backs were straight, but their shoulders kind of slumped forward. They spoke the same way, with that strange, Other Side dialect that the courtiers used to make fun of when Lavender and Ahamo would attend balls. And though it wasn't possible to tell at the moment, both had fantastic art ability.

"What's got you in such a good mood, Little One?" Ahamo asked, trying to hide his smile. DG just laughed a bit, a high, cheerful sound that made both the Queen and Ahamo smile, and shook 

her head. She hadn't taken her eyes off of the grounds and Ahamo could see she was following a specific figure.

From his position at the window, Ahamo could see the whole of the palace gardens, filled with hundreds of different flowers that he long ago gave up trying to learn. Large trees, some as old as the O.Z. itself, provided shade for the many benches that were strewn about the garden. The garden was the Queen's favorite spot and she and Ahamo would spend hours walking along the paths that wound through the succulent smelling flowers.

At the moment however, said paths were being stalked by one Wyatt Cain. Ahamo could see, though he was farther up, that the recently appointed Captain of the Royal Guard was very angry and looking for something. His blond head kept disappearing as he ducked it under benches and around tree trunks searching for whatever was eluding him. Ahamo realized that it was the first time that he had seen Mr. Cain without his ever present fedora.

And with that realization, the Prince Consort let out a bark of laughter that made his wife and daughter jump in surprise. Both women looked at him like he was crazy as he laughed.

"Spitfire, you love driving that man crazy, don't you?" Ahamo asked through breathless laughter. DG stared at him for a moment, confusion clouding her eyes before she realized that her father knew of her plan. She smiled, but didn't say a word, the mischief back in her face and turned her gaze back to her bodyguard who was still searching the gardens.

"What is it, my love?" the Queen asked, moving to stand between her husband and the daughter that had been missing for so long.

Ahamo, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist, smiled at the two women by his side before pointing out to his wife the ex-Tin Man who was still searching the grounds for his missing piece of apparel. When the Queen finally realized what was happening, she let out a high spirited laugh, much like her daughter's had been. Both Royals turned to their youngest child.

"Angel, you do know how to run that man up a wall," the Queen said, shaking her head in mirth.

"So, where is it, Deege?" Ahamo asked. His youngest daughter, whose childhood he'd missed, smiled and lifted her hand to the air above her head.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Daddy," she said sweetly, running her fingers along the brim of an invisible hat. As her fingers stroked the air above her head, the hat that previously wasn't there, suddenly was.

The Queen and her consort smiled in awe. Their daughter was slowly learning to use her magic and it was clear that one day she would be the strongest queen the O.Z. had had since DG's namesake.

"Very smart, DG, but I'm sure Mr. Cain is getting tired of searching all over the grounds for his hat," Ahamo said, looking back down at Cain. The man was still searching for the missing piece of his outfit, digging through bushes and looking under rocks. "Does he even know you have it?"

DG laughed before answering. "He thinks he left it outside while I was sketching," she said, watching the recipient of her prank. "He's been looking forever. He has no clue that I -"

"DG?" Ahamo asked concerned by the way DG had just cut off. He noticed that she was still staring down into the gardens, but she had not moved her gaze. Looking out the window, down onto the grounds, Ahamo noticed that Cain had finally stopped pacing the grounds. The former Tin Man, whom Ahamo owed not only his daughter's lives, but his own as well, was staring up at the window that the three of them were standing in front of.

"Uh-oh," he heard his daughter say, before she turned and ran out the door, Ahamo only seeing the hem of her dress as she swung around the doorway into the hallway. He looked back down into the gardens to see what impact his daughter's hasty escape had made on the guard, but Cain had already taken off toward the castle.

As the last of DG's skirt disappeared, the Queen let out another cheerful laugh. She moved so she was standing in front of her husband and rested her dainty hands on his broad shoulders. He, in turn, wound his arms around her waist, pulling her close and resting his forehead against hers.

"Hello, husband," she said softly, leaning into to press her lips to his.

"Hello, wife," he replied as their lips finally separated.

Moments like these were rare for the royal couple, between the duties of the newly re-appointed queen and her consort and the family's effort to re-acquaint themselves with each other. They never had time to just be with each other. They stared into each other's eyes, his bright blue ones, just a shade lighter than his youngest daughter's, gazing into her lavender ones.

"Do you think they know how much they love each other?" the Queen asked her voice high and bright.

"Not yet," Ahamo said. "But I have an idea."

"Do tell, dear husband."

Ahamo leaned his head forward and whispered his plan into his wife's ear. His soft whispering was rewarded with yet another laugh from his love and he smiled at the joy on her face.

"You are deliciously manipulative," the Queen said, leaning her head back to look into his eyes.

"You love me even more for it," Ahamo replied, a cocky grin on his face. He leaned forward, anxious for another kiss, but was interrupted by a bellowed "DG!" and a high pitched, obviously fake, scream of terror.

"You'd better get on with your plan then, Ahamo. If you don't, I'm liable to lock them in a closet and call it a day."

Ahamo laughed, grabbing his wife's hand as they went to the door to inspect the damage done by their daughter and the man she loved.

"And you call me manipulative," he said with a laugh.

"DG, you give me that hat back, right now!" Cain yelled, chasing the tiny girl down the hallway. He kept losing sight of her as she swerved around corners, but the sound of her bare feet slapping against the stone floor and the sound of her laughter made keeping up with her easier.

She was fast, he'd give her that, but he had longer legs. He rounded the corner he'd just seen the hem of her dress whip around to find the door leading to the gardens wide open. Cain stopped in the doorway looking first left and then right, holding up his hand to block the sun. This was why he needed his hat. The mid-day suns were killers on his fair skin.

"DG," he growled out. A giggle sounded from his right from around the corner. His head whipped around and he pushed off the doorframe and rounded the corner of the castle before DG even had a chance to run again.

She tried to run, but her bare feet slipped on the grass and she had never been fast enough to really outrun the Tin Man. The hat, the one that had caused this whole mess, flew off her head as she fell towards the ground, arms outstretched to catch herself. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the impact and landed with an "Oof!"

Her eyes opened only to see the ever present hat only a few feet from her hand. A growl from behind and above DG reminded her of her (still very angry) companion. Wanting to prolong the game, DG lurched forward on her stomach to reach the fedora.

"Oh, no you don't," Cain mumbled, launching himself forward to grab his hat before the princess could take off with it again. Cain, however, misjudged the distance between himself and his hat, the distance between himself and the princess' legs, and his own sense of gravity. He lurched forward, but just as he did, his legs tangled with DG's and he found the ground quickly rushing to meet him.

Cain landed with his own "Oof!" and his hands on either side of DG in an attempt to stop his body from crushing hers. Momentum was a bitch though, and gravity was just as fickle, so he ended up with his chest pressed against her back, his nose buried in her dark hair. He took a 

deep breath; one that he told himself was to refill his lungs after his fall and definitely not to breathe in the sweet smelling scent of her hair.

"Uh…Cain?" he heard muffled from under him. He grunted out a "Sorry" and rolled to his right, but not before grabbing his hat and putting in the hand furthest away from DG. He looked to his right to see that the princess had turned to face him, propping her head up in her hand. A goofy grin was plastered on to her face and it made a small smirk appear on his.

"Very funny, Princess," Cain said, trying, and ultimately failing, to keep the smile from widening.

"I believe I am, thank you," she replied and Cain didn't think it was possible, but her smile got wider. She rolled on her back again before bringing herself into a sitting position and turning to face him again. He followed her example until the two of them were sitting cross legged in front of each other, knees to knees. Cain's hat had finally made it back on top of his head.

For a moment they just stared at each other, DG's grin growing wider by the second and Cain was sure her face would split in half.

"Your cheeks are gonna break if you don't calm down there, Deege," he said, bringing a finger to poke at the dimple that had appeared in her right cheek.

She laughed and he smiled at the sound before she brought her hands up to rub her cheeks. When she pulled her hands away, her face had a healthy glow about it, but he couldn't tell if it was from the cheek rubbing or because she was just extremely happy. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and dropped her gaze from his.

It was then that Cain noticed that his hand was still hovering near her face. He needlessly tucked the same piece of hair back and continued his caress down her jaw. When he reached her chin, he tucked his finger under it to lift her face.

He didn't know what he was doing or where this was going to lead. For once in his life Cain was, as DG liked to say occasionally, "going with the flow." It would probably get him in trouble. No, it would definitely get him in trouble. But the blush on her cheeks and the wind blowing her succulent smell around him and the utter essence of her being DG caused him to lean forward. Her gaze dropped to his lips and back again and he heard her swallow audibly.

"Princess DG!"

The sound of a lady-in-waiting's voice carrying over the grounds made the two of them jerk back, Cain's hat once again falling from his head. He grabbed it quickly before hauling himself up and held out a hand for DG.

"Cain -" she started, but he cut her off.

"Let's get you back, Princess. I think you have a dress fitting."

They didn't speak for the rest of the day.