Author's Confession: I wasn't going to finish this. (guilty whimper)
After my computer died and took all my hard work with it I just couldn't get back in the groove. I'd almost finished this chapter and couldn't seem to rewrite it well enough to satisfy me. Very depressing. Fortunately, my sister found out and basically stood over my shoulder and made me finish. I feel much better now that done and hope you'll enjoy it too.
"Oh, what now?" Ben groaned.
A crushing wave ripped around the bend and seeped into every corner of the street, soaking scrambling pedestrians. Ben tensed as a shadow fell over the fleeing crowd. Blocking out the sun was an enormous metal mermaid with a water carafe tucked between her shoulder and chin, riding a on the currents it seemed to be creating. Ben's brain was frozen in total awe. He grasped fruitlessly for a course of action as salt-water gurgled about his ankles, while the giant wave-maker rumbled past him. He didn't think he'd see anything this huge before, save for Humongousaur – ofcourse!
"Humongousaur!" he cried out in realization before he'd even touched the Omnitrix. The mechanical fish-maid stopped and turned to fix its glowing red eyes on him. "Uh-oh."
Ben fumbled at his wrist desperately. "Come on…"
The mermaid hoisted the water jug higher up on her shoulder like a cannon and aimed at him.
"Ben!" He was enveloped in a purple-mana bubble not a moment too soon as water pounded over him.
Seeing that her aquatic weapon was having no effect, the mechanical being creased her attack, confused.
"Thanks, Gwen!" Ben called to his cousin as the mana shielding him receded. Kevin and Gwen sloshed towards him. Suddenly a forceful rush of water from overhead gushed down blocking his view of them.
He was knocked on his rear and managed to rise to one knee when a clicking whirl of gears drew his attention upwards. Staring down at his was the cold impressive face of his motorized enemy ready to take fire again.
"Aww, heck…" was all he managed to get out before he was slammed back into the brick buildings.
"Ben!" Gwen and Kevin moved to his aid.
An instant later they, too, joined him against the wall with two short water blasts. Groaning, the three heroes picked themselves up, removing debris from their clothes that'd washed over them from the street.
As Ben pushed the soggy newspaper off from across his face he caught sight of one of the horoscopes. Aquarius – don't be afraid to let your ardent personality wash over other.
"You've gotta be kidding me," he whimpered, slowly getting to his feet.
"Argh!" Kevin spat out a mouth full of water, enraged. "Flipper is seriously going down!" Ben nodded in agreement.
"Alright. Let's go." He hit the watch and finally got his transformation underway.
In seconds, Humongousaur was charging. Mammoth fists pounded the metal without leaving so much as a dent.
"Doesn't anything break you?" Ben paused, not sure what to do to defeat it. He hadn't had this befuddling a rival in sometime. His opponent took advantage of his confusion and smacked him down with her finned tail.
"Unngh!" Ben smashed in a nearby building like a wreaking ball.
Gwen shot off a round of mana blasts about its head to no effect. Kevin tossed large chunks of pavement, blocking the contraption's path and stemming the water flow. The mermaid brushed them aside with ease.
Not ready to give up yet, Kevin charged straight for her. The mythical sea creature held up her water-carrying vessel like a club ready to crush the teen careening towards her.
"Oh, no you don't!" Ben lumbered forwards and wrapped his arms around attacker in a Vaxasaurian death-grip. He squeezed until he heard the popping grind of gears inside the metal shell. Hoisting the mermaid overhead, he heaved her across the beach towards the water. The scaled machinery splashed into the ocean. Electronics hissed and crackled and with one final explosion, slowly bubbled down into the depths.
"And that takes care of that!" Ben declared brushing off his enormous hands. Shrinking down from his colossal size, he turned towards his teammates with triumph.
"Uh… Ben…" Kevin was looking apprehensively over his shoulder at the water. "Ya might wanna look again…"
Ben turned around. The area where he tossed the mechanical mermaid was still bubbling, even more furiously now, and something shiny and domed shaped was rising out of the sea.
"What the…?" gawked Ben.
"That's a spaceship!" Gwen cried out recognizing the classic flying-saucer silhouette.
They watched it shoot off into the sky.
"I don't think we've be seeing the last of them," Ben said.
"Yeah…" Kevin heaved a sigh. "Let's go."
As Gwen and Kevin trudged up the beach, Ben took one more look over his shoulder towards a faint glimmer of silver in the atmosphere.
"Curse those humans! They've set back my preparations by weeks!" Contents of a desk were thrown aside in frustration.
A low hiss of disapproval signaled the presents of another in the room.
"Don't worry my pet; our plan will come together soon enough."