This is my Twilight Dark Hunter story. Just read. If you have any questions about it (i know i havent explained all that great) feel free to ask. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, or the Dark Hunters. Just Aria, Jeremiah Soder (not important) and Evenelyn (she isnt important either.)

"Ash!" I yelled, trying desperately hard not to break something. I knew if I broke anything, when I calmed down I'd miss it. I mean, otherwise, it would have been bon voyage.

He stuck his head through the door with a confused expression on his face. Hah. As if I'd ever fall for that.

"What?" he said innocently. I just glared.

"You dragged to me to most godforsaken, damp, tiny town on the frigging face of the planet. You register me for high school, despite the fact that I am older than you, and you do not have to go. You pack me my most… un-school-like designer clothing to wear to this high school. Don't you dare act innocent."

So the breakdown of the current situation: Acheron Parthenopaeus, my idiotic twin brother moved to Forks, Washington. Where my brother went, I went. Although I was beginning to regret that…

We had been born in ancient Greece over eleven thousand years ago. I had been born a whole ten minutes before Ash, and fifteen before our brother-yet-not-our-brother Styxx. I knew ten minutes wasn't much of a claim to fame, but seeing as my brother towered a foot and a half over me, I didn't have much else going for me.

And while I usually loved him, right then I could have happily sent rabid wolves after him. Except Ash would kill the wolves, and even if he didn't, the wolves wouldn't be able to kill him, and the Weres would be upset, and it was all way too complicated to worry about at this indecent time of day.

Indecent being anything before two in the afternoon, of course.

"So what's wrong with designer?" he asked me. "You like designer. You maxed out one of my un-max-out-able credit cards on designer."

I gritted my teeth. "Very funny, Ash. You've seen my designer wardrobe. Do you really want me wearing that around a mass of hormonal, crazed teenage boys? I don't know about you, but I'm not particularly fond of beating back masses of guys when I can't even use a baseball bat. I man, where's the fun if you can't substitute them for a piñata?"

This wasn't me boasting. Heck, I could probably turn up in rags and I'd have to fend off guys. I'd had to get used to the… results of my unique looks for eleven millennia now. I knew what I did to guys.

I was about 5'2", and willowy. We both had swirling silver irises. I had long platinum blonde hair at the moment; my natural colour. It was Ash's too, but he constantly dyed his hair to avoid remembering the past. I dealt with memories in a different way, by changing my name every few years. I started life as Ryssa. When my mother's people (my real mother, not my human one) found out who I was, the one who had damned them, they were all for killing me. Instead, I had run, and made myself a new identity.

I usually chose 'A' names. 'A' was about as far from 'R' as you could get in the alphabet.

I was currently going as Aria. I liked it. It was English and/or Italian, and meant 'gentle music', or 'melody'. Aria Akrakataastreifa. It had a nice ring to it, I thought. One of my mother's titles served as a last name.

I was eighteen, physically. I was twenty one when everyone assumed I was dead. I was three thousand years old when my people found out who I was and I had to flee, and change my name. Now I was eleven thousand, five hundred and fifty two, and having to go to high school. Yay.

I was Aria Akrakataastreifa, daughter of the Atlantean goddess of Destruction, twin to the harbinger to the end of the world. I had my own Charonte to look after me. I was immortal, and beautiful. I was going to kill my brother, one of these days.

"Don't worry, sis," he said, grinning. "Just remember all the fighting skills I've taught you, and you'll be fine. And all the rest of your clothing is coming up this weekend. You won't have to stave off those horrid, horny teenage boys for long."

"That's not the point!" I yelled.

"So what is the point?"

"I'm… not sure yet."

"I thought so," he smirked. I stalked over, whacked him on the shoulder, and stomped back to my bathroom with my clothes tossed over every available surface, awaiting inspection.

In the end, I chose a Gucci dress, white and fitted around the bust and waist, with a soft flare from the hips to give me some shape. It ended about halfway down my thigh. I teamed this with white leggings and a pair of white four inch heels covered in diamantes. Hey, a girl that's only five foot two needs all the height she can get.

I looked myself over in my full length mirror. But there was something missing. I liked the effect the white had on me; I looked ethereal, not quite human. Which was a good this, because I wasn't human. I smiled evilly at my reflection and quickly applied some smoky black eyeliner and eye shadow, and crimson lipstick. I blew a kiss to myself, grabbed my knee length coat (white, of course) and ran out the door to where Ash was waiting.

"If I get solicited today, Ash, I'm blaming you. And if anyone asks for my cell number, I'm giving them yours. Sound fair?"


"Glad we've got that cleared up then."

"You fight dirty."

"Yeah, because you always follow the rules…"

"Okay, okay. I give in. You win. I'll pick you up after school in your car, alright?"

"Sure thing. Meet you outside the office."

By now we had arrived at the school, before anyone else had. I opened the car door, and putting one foot out, twisted around to kiss my brother on the cheek. "See you after school."

"Uh huh. That is, if you don't get solicited."

I slammed the door and flipped him off as he drove away. I picked up my Prada shoulder bag, checked my favourite dagger was still there, squared my shoulders, and walked into the front office.

Mental note to self: if ever decorating office, ensure said office looks nothing like this one.

Gross. Who on earth would have picked out orange checked carpet to 'match' purple counters? And they both clashed with the receptionist sitting behind aforementioned counters, in a bright lime green top. Yuck.

Schooling my face to neutrality, I approached the woman.

"Hello, I'm Aria Akrakataastreifa. I'm a new student here?"

"Of course you are. I would have remembered another student with a name like yours, who dressed like that."

I frowned. "What's wrong with how I'm dressed?"

"You do realize it rains here, right?"

I figured out what she was talking about at the same time my cheeks turned a light pink. "Yeah… that's what the coat is for." I mentally thanked a higher power that this woman couldn't see my shoes.

"Oh, okay. Now here's your schedule, and a map, and a slip you'll need to get signed by the teachers; you're to bring that back at the end of the day. Alright?"

"Alright. Thank you."

"No problem."

I left the office, and followed the flow of people to the classrooms. I looked down, trying to blend in with the crowd and succeeding (sort of), checking to see where my first class was. It was English, in room three. I glanced up and saw my room, made easier with the giant '3' pained on the side.

"That would help," I muttered under my breath.

I followed two people inside, and watched them hang their coats on a rack just inside. I was horrified. My coat was designer! I wasn't going to leave it where anyone could just take it. In the end, after a little mental battle with myself (which I lost- embarrassing) I hung in on the very end hook, and resolved to watch it carefully. I loved that coat.

I walked to the teacher, called Mr Mason. He signed my slip while staring, quite rudely, I thought. He cleared his throat, and announced me to the class. I groaned inwardly.

"Class, this is our new student, Ryssa Parthenopaeus. I hope you'll all be very nice to her, and help her settle in, as this is her first day." God, he didn't even let me sit down first. And who did he think I was? A porcelain doll to be handled with utmost care? Then he turned to me and consolidated the nightmare.

"So, Ryssa, tell us a little about yourself."

I took a deep breath. "Well, first of all, my name isn't Ryssa." The whole class stared at me confusedly. "It's what's written on my birth certificate-" I knew this for a fact, as Ash had had to forge me one, "-but it isn't my name. No one uses it."

"So what is your name then?" Mr Mason asked me, a little irritated now. I smiled coolly at him.

"My name is Aria Akrakataastreifa."

I distinctly heard the teacher mutter "Another unpronounceable name. After all the trouble I went to figuring out how to pronounce the first one…"

I giggled. "I'm eighteen. I live with my brother, Acheron, who is twenty one. My father is dead, and my mother… well, we can't visit our mother. I'm originally from Greece. I like to shop, and I'm into martial arts. Can I sit down now?"

"Of course," he said, flummoxed.

People stared at me all lesson. I took the opportunity to avoid the stairs by checking over the reading list; I groaned. I'd already read everything on it. I suppose that's what you get for being an immortal with nothing better to do.

At the end of the lesson I jumped up and near ran for the coat. Having grabbed it, I moved out of everyone else's way and shrugged it on. One boy came over and tried to impress me by looking cool. It wasn't working: I could see him sweat.

"Hi. I'm Eric. Eric Yorkie." He was tall, with black hair that was slicked back, and a bad case of acne. He seemed like the overly helpful, chess club type all out geek.

"Hi. Rya."

"Didn't you say Aria before?"

"Yeah, but I like to be called Rya, you know, like a nickname."

"Oh. Okay. What do you have now?"

"Government with Jefferson, building six," I recited. I had a fantastic memory. Sadly, it only seemed to work on the stupidest things, like the number of time my brother had dyed his hair purple in the last three months, the area code to call Antarctica, and which class I had next in this damp hell hole.

"I'm headed in that direction. Maybe I could show you the way?"

Yeah. Definitely overly helpful.

"I don't see why not," I managed.

After three more lessons all passing in the same boring fashion, it was lunch time. I was steered to the cafeteria by two girls, one even shorter than I was, about five feet, although her curly hair made up another four inches. I suppressed a smile at the thought that if I was wearing flats, her hair would reach higher than me.

The other was around 5'4", and had long brown hair, with eyes to match. She was actually really quite pretty, more so than the motor mouth between us.

The girl, who had some kind of common name… Jodie? Jamie? kept talking a mile a minute. I just nodded and 'uh huh' ed every so often to make it appear I was paying attention. Once I reached the cafeteria proper, I had had about as much as I could take.

I glanced out the corner of my eye. The other girl, Bella, I thought her name was, also looked bored. In the lunch line I gave up paying attention to motor mouth and motioned for Bella to follow me. I chose a spot well away from everyone else and sat across from Bella.

"Are you new as well?" I asked her. She nodded, blushing scarlet. I waited a minute to see if she as going to say anything, but kept going when it became apparent she wasn't going to. "I think I have you in my Trigonometry and Spanish classes."

"Yeah," she whispered. I noticed her glancing back at the table where Jessica- I finally remembered her name- was sitting with her friends.

"Don't look at them. No, don't look at them. You'll only encourage them. You know that Jess girl is only following us so she can have some popularity, right?"

She jerked up to stare at me. Guess she didn't know that after all.

"Well," I amended, "It's true. If she really wanted us as friends, she would have actually asked us about ourselves and listened to a reply. Instead, she spent a whole five minutes droning on about why we should associate with Jeremiah Soder, why Evanelyn Harper has a cold sore, and why Mike Newton is like, such a babe. Not exactly best buddy material there."

"Well," she said quietly, "Who else is there?"

I felt offended. Just for a moment. Then I realized that she was horribly shy, and not up to approaching anyone on her own. Now I felt guilty.

I smiled gently at her. "There's me. You know what, let's make a deal. We'll hang out, be bestest buddies, do each other's nails and what not, and in return, you promise me you won't abandon me to the wrath of Jessica. Sound fair?"

She was still for a moment. Then she grinned. "Very fair. As long as you don't abandon me to Jessica either."

I grinned back. "Alright then."