Disclaimer: I don't own it bitches

Disclaimer: I don't own it bitches!

Author's Note: So…. I found some pics of this ship on the net, and now I have to write a fanfiction. It's officially my, like, second or third favorite pairing… lol. (Gotta take Snarry and HPDM into account, after all…) So here we go!

A/N2: Completely DH compliant… SPOILER ALERT!!



First Year

Albus Severus Potter was situated in the very back of the train, reading his copy of "Hogwarts: A History". His aunt Hermione had bought it for him last year and he'd already read it four times, at least. But it was his favorite book.

He got so lost within its pages that it was no surprise that he didn't notice when another person entered the compartment until they spoke.

"Excuse me…"

Al looked up to see a boy with platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He smiled welcomingly at the person his uncle Ron had already identified as Scorpius Malfoy. "Hi! I'm Albus. You can call me Al, though."

"I'm Scorpius. Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"Nope! Go ahead," Al said, "I've been pretty bored. So, why didn't you get a compartment earlier?"

"I did. But some third year boy came in with his friends and started picking on me and kicked me out," Scorpius replied, "I don't think I'm going to like school very much."

"Why?" Al asked, marking his place and closing the book.

"People don't like me. My father says it's 'cause he did bad things when he was young," Scorpius said.

"Well, I like you," Al said, "I don't care that your dad is Draco Malfoy."

Scorpius relaxed and smiled a little, relieved that he'd found at least on ally. "Thanks…"

"Dad told me that Mr. Malfoy tried to make things right in the end and that he did a lot of good stuff to make up for the bad stuff," Al continued, "So he's gotta be an okay guy."

"He is," Scorpius said, grinning, "I hope I'm in Slytherin, just like my dad."

"I have to be in Gryffindor. My whole family was in Gryffindor. My grandparents, Mum, Dad, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron, and my big brother," Al said, sighing.

"Slytherin's not so bad, though. Mum says that since Harry Potter saved us all, Slytherin has gotten loads better," Scorpius said, "Besides, it'd be nice if we could be in the same House…"

Al grinned. "Yeah, that'd be cool."

They spent the remainder of the train ride discussing classes, Houses, and- a favorite topic- Quidditch. Soon enough, they had changed into their robes and were being taken across the lake in boats. Albus had smiled brightly and waved when he saw Hagrid and, when Scorpius gave him a queer look, said that he was a family friend.

The first years were called out, one-by-one, by the Deputy Headmaster, Neville Longbottom, to be Sorted. When he called for Scorpius Malfoy, Albus smiled reassuringly and gave him a little nudge.

The hat was on his head for nearly a full minute before shouting "SLYTHERIN!"With a relieved sigh, he joined his housemates and anxiously awaited his new friend's turn.

"Albus Potter!" Neville called, and the Great Hall fell silent at the last name.

Albus walked nervously onto the platform and the hat was placed on his head.

"Another Potter, eh?" he heard the hat say, "Well, I daresay you're just like your father. Much more so than that older brother of yours… yes… we can expect great things from you, as well. I suppose you don't want Slytherin either, then?"

"Er… I don't really mind. Scorpius is in Slytherin, so… I dunno," Al said, "But everybody expects me to be in Gryffindor, don't they?"

"Oh, blast them all! Where do you want to go?"

"I think I'd like to be in Slytherin…"

"Well, then… good choice. SLYTHERIN!"

There was a shocked silence while Al made his way to the Slytherin table to sit with Scorpius. Even Neville was staring, stricken. McGonagal cleared her throat loudly, bringing everybody back to their senses.

"I think I surprised everyone…" Al said, grinning.

The last to be Sorted was Rose Weasley, who became the final addition to Ravenclaw.

"Do you think your dad will be angry that you're not a Gryffindor?" Scorpius asked.

Al smiled, thinking about the secret that his dad had told him at the Platform. "No. I think he'll be just fine with it."

Dinner passed by quickly. They talked to a couple other boys in their year, Andrew Clemington and Julian Dawes, as well as a girl, Elizabeth Devereaux. Andrew was an outgoing prankster with spiky light brown hair and hazel eyes, whereas Julian was rather soft-spoken with sandy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Elizabeth had dark hair and dark eyes, which she attributed to her Italian roots, and shared Al's love of books.

At the end of the day, when they were in their beds and on the verge on sleep, Scorpius turned toward Albus and whispered, "Al?"


"I think I'm going to like school…"

"Al! Albus, wake up!" Scorpius said, shaking the boy, "You can't be late for the first day of classes!"

"Five more minutes, Mum…" Al muttered, turning over.

"I'll wake him up…" Andy said, flinging a pillow in his face.

"What the-?! What was that for?" Al exclaimed.

"It's breakfast time!" Andy said, grinning.

They trekked down to the Great Hall together, Al, Scorpius, Andy, Julian, and Liz, chattering excitedly about their classes. Yes… down to the Great Hall. You see, the new Head of Slytherin House absolutely refused to live in the dungeons, so the Slytherin dorms were moved to the West Tower, near the professor's quarters. Potions class, however, was still held in the dungeons, as the dark, damp climate was the best for brewing.

"Al!" a voice called as they approached the doors.

"Rose!" Al exclaimed, running toward her, "What's up?"

"Oh… it's not good, Al," she said, bouncing nervously on her feet, "James is really upset that you're not in Gryffindor."

"But… it's not like I got a choice!" Al said, "I just got put there. And it's not so bad. I already made lots of friends. Oh yeah! Guys, this is Rose Weasley. Rosie, this is Scorpius, Andy, Julian, and Liz."

They exchanged enthusiastic hellos and entered the Great Hall, sitting down just in time for the morning post. They each got a letter from their parents, and Al swallowed convulsively as he opened his.

Don't worry. Minerva already told us that you were Sorted into Slythering. Mum and I are fine with it. Personally, I couldn't be more proud. Slytherin is a good house, no matter what Uncle Ron says. Don't let your brother hassle you too much, as I'm sure he's bound to do. Your mother sends her love, as do I, and says that she expects a detailed letter about how your first day of classes goes. Tell Nev we say hi!
P.S. Use the map and cloak well and don't spend too much time with your nose in a book. You'll miss out on loads of adventures!'

Albus grinned as he folded the letter and started on his breakfast with a much lighter heart. He glanced over at Scorpius and saw that he was looking rather smug.

"Good news from home?" he asked.

"My dad's really proud. Mum says that they would've been proud even if I was a Hufflepuff," Scorpius replied, smiling, "But I know that Dad was hoping for Slytherin. What about your folks?"

"Oh, they're proud alright. Dad says that Slytherin is a really good house," Al said.

"Albus!" James said, walking over to him.

"Al! That's the boy who was picking on me on the train…" Scorpius whispered.

"James? You can't be serious…" Al said.

"Hey, Al. Mum and Dad said can't bully you about being in Slytherin. And I won't. But hanging out with little Malfoy?" James said, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"Leave Scorpius alone, James!" He hasn't done anything to you!" AL said, glaring at his brother.

"He doesn't have to. His dad did enough for the both of them," James sneered.

"Don't talk about my dad that way!" Scorpius growled.

"Let's go. We've got classes," Al said, pulling Scorpius out of the Great Hall.

When they were out of there, Scorpius sighed. "See what I mean? People don't like me much."

"Don't worry about it. James is just being a prat. I'll talk to him…" Al said, "He doesn't know it, but Dad already taught me a few wicked hexes."

Scorpius laughed and they made their way to Potions class.

At the end of the day, Al sent a letter to his Dad, telling him all about his new friends and his classes.

Hogwarts is even better than you said! It's amazing! And I already have lots of friends. My BEST BEST friend is Scorpius Malfoy. I don't know if you should tell Mum and Uncle Ron… they don't like the Malfoys very much, do they? But he's really cool! He already knows a lot about Defense Against the Dark Arts. He says his dad taught him about it. And there's Andy and Julian and Liz, too. Andy is really loud and he kinda reminds me of Uncle George. He's already got detention, can you believe it? Julian is really quiet, but he's really nice and wicked funny. Liz is totally awesome! She's read "Hogwarts: A History" too! Probably more than me! Rosie has lots of friends, too.
Classes were great. History of Magic is interesting, but the Professor is really, really boring. I like Transfiguration and Charms. Luna's still kinda spacey, but she teaches well enough, and Professor Flitwick is really nice. I told Neville that you said hi, and he says hi back, and that he'll see you over Christmas Holiday. I like Defense Against the Dark Arts a lot. Professor Mickey is crazy, though. He was a Hufflepuff! I can't believe it! He doesn't act like one at all! My favorite class is Potions though. Professor Illusen is the Slytherin Head of House, and he's really easy to talk to.
Hagrid says hi too, by the way.
Don't tell Mum about Scorpius. Please? Or Uncle Ron. ESPECIALLY Uncle Ron. I don't think they'd take it very well… but if you do, then I guess you can. I just don't think it's a good idea. I don't have anything else to say… so I'll leave it at that. Tell Mum I love her.


End of Prologue. Sorry that it's in first year. The next chapter skips ahead to sixth year. So it'll start getting good. Lol. If you REVIEW, I shall love you forever and give you lots of cyber-cookies!!