Stargate SG-1 belongs to MGM and Skip Beat! belongs to Hakusensha (Japan) and Viz (USA). No copyright infringement is intended. Fanfiction is, in my opinion, free advertisement. There are many things I've bought because I enjoyed fanfiction that crossed into a new fandom. I encourage everyone to purchase these products.

This is a crazy idea for a cross-over but I couldn't resist when the idea hit me.

Stargate LME - Chapter 8

Kyoko stood with her arms around her father in his embrace. She was so happy to have found her father that she didn't really want to loose him. She wanted to be with him, knowing she was truly loved as she was. However, she knew how important what he did was. She knew a lot of the families of the people working at SGC had no idea what was going on there. She looked over at Ren who was waiting at the opening for the passageway to the plane that would take them back to Japan. Kyoko reluctantly released her father and smiled as she felt her father hesitate to let her go.

"I promise I'll come visit whenever I get time off," Mogami-san said as Kyoko took the first couple of steps away from him.

Kyoko looked back at her father the whole time she walked into the plane to take her seat. She wanted to remember what he looked like right now, watching his daughter leave to go after her dream. As she took her seat she pulled out the photo album of things she had done with her father and Tsuruga-senpai while she was on earth. She looked to the empty seat beside her, knowing Tsuruga-senpai would be joining her momentarily.

Ren stood still as Mogami-san walked up to him. "Remember what I told you. Be there for her, so she can be strong. Know that I'll be seeing her as much as I can with my job. Know that I'll be talking to her whenever my cell phone is in range, and it should be in range a lot since the nice people of P3C-114 made sure our phones would reach long LONG distances. And remember, eventually she's going to remember that she was shocked that both of you have American citizenship. When she has time to process things she's going to want to know why you have it too. You might consider telling her everything now, before she asks."

Ren nodded, although he wasn't sure what he was agreeing to. He did know that Mogami-san's concerns would come back to haunt him if he didn't think things through. Kyoko was way to important to him to accidentally push away, and if her father, knowing why he didn't want people close to him, approved, maybe he could truly make her happy.

End – Chapter 8 – End – Stargate LME


This is indeed the end of this story. Once I write the other stories stuck in my head I might come back to write a sequel for this, I do have some ideas for what'll happen next. We'll just have to wait and see.