Harry Potter was walking down the abandoned street of Diagon Alley. It was after the war and many died. The magical community was close to disappearing forever. Diagon Alley had only a couple of shops open even them were destroyed.

Harry walked into one store that was still open and didn't generally look like it was going to collapse at the lightest touch. There was no sign, but it looked interesting. When Harry walked in he was almost blinded by the whiteness of the room. It looked almost like Dumbledore's old office with all the odd objects.

It didn't seem like anyone was there. Until someone came up from behind Harry.

Can I help you? The shopkeeper said.

Harry jumped around with his wand pointed at the shopkeeper who was an old man. He put down his wand when he noticed there was no danger.

Sorry Sir. Harry said. I was just looking around.

The shopkeepers eyes went to Harry's forehead where his scar laid. Which made him flatten his bangs in a nervous attempt for him to cover the scar.

Yes, I know just what you need. The old shopkeeper disappeared into the back.

Harry was confused he didn't ask for anything. Did he?

At the moment the shopkeeper came back. He was holding a very small box. Handed it to Harry and said. You might want to pack first, the instructions are inside twenty one turns should do it.

By that time Harry was really confused. He wasn't sure what to say.

The old shopkeeper started pushing Harry out the door.

When Harry got out, he apparated to his apartment. He went into the kitchen with the box still in his hands.

Harry sat down at the kitchen table and stared at the box for a few minutes before opening it. What he pulled out was definitely a surprise. Inside was a silver timeturner.

To say it was beautiful was an understatement. Instead of the sand inside being a milky gray, it was a sparkling silver. The outer part of it wasn't a gold like the regulars but pure shining silver.

Also inside was a folded piece of parchment. It read: Who ever uses this Silver Timeturner will only be able to use it once to the required time and back to your original time. It is unlike the other timeturners of this one takes you back years instead of hours. One turn equals one hour. Use it wisely.

Harry did the math of twenty one years from 1997.

If Harry did what the shopkeeper said and if this timeturner really worked... Harry would go back to his parents seventh year at Hogwarts. The same age Harry was.