Disclaimer (applies for all chapters!): I do not own Shadow of the Colossus or the Jak and Daxter series, nor do I own Jak, Daxter, Wander, Mono, Dormin, Agro, Loki, or the Colossi. The settings and characters are property of their rightful owners: Sony, Team Ico, Naughty Dog, etc. I do, however, own Kyros and the other characters appearing later in this trilogy.


Hey there, SotC fandom! I have been wanting to do a retelling of the epic story of SotC for quite some time, because the tale is just so inspiring and majestic – how could a writer resist? While thinking one day, the idea jumped into my head to do a crossover. I am a huge fan of both Shadow of the Colossus and the Jak and Daxter series, so... I decided to take our stoic hero Jak, plop him into the Forbidden Lands, and watch what happened.

Now, even if you haven't played any of the Jak and Daxter games, you could still enjoy this trilogy. It's just Shadow of the Colossus with another Colossus-slayer, albeit one who can add some comic relief to the otherwise solemn tale of our beloved Wander.

I'll say ahead of time, though, that I have altered the story of SotC a bit. But you'll only notice this at the end of this book. The changes continue throughout the next two books, however. So if you're a diehard fan of the Shadow of the Colossus ending, and you don't approve of how I've changed things, you can read book one of this trilogy and then just not continue with books two and three. But give my spin a chance – I think it's worthy of at least that!

Otherwise, enjoy the Worlds Collided trilogy! And as you read and review, feel free to share your personal stories with the Colossi and exploring the Forbidden Lands. I love hearing about the experiences others go through, as I have a few myself. All part of the fun and uniqueness of this game. :)


- In Shadow of the Colossus, takes place after Wander has defeated the first two Colossi.

- In the Jak and Daxter series, takes place during Jak II.

- Lord Emon and his lovely crew do not appear in this fic; that's part of how the story is changed.

And now the trilogy begins.