I'm sorry for adding more crap to the beginning of this chapter, but I feel it is nesseccary.

I'm sorry to say I really don't think I'll be finishing this story. HOWEVER, I'm happy to tell you all that if you liked reading this story, you will probably like my ORIGINAL much-better-than-this-story series called "Amber 411" as I decided to steal some of my own ideas from this fic & use them or at least morph them into a lot of things I'll be putting in my series. 8D I'm really more into writing original stories than fics, so if you're interested, go to my dA account: iSpazzyKitty deviantART. :)


Ok, I have quite a bit to write at the beginning of this chapter before we start. First, this chapter has so many subjects that I couldn't think of a better name then "Introduction". Also, the name of the fan fic was going to be "War Of The Worlds", but, my dad thought of a better name, as obviously "Intergalactic Cosmic Chaos".

I already know that I'm gonna have a real blast writing this whole movie! I plan to make it my best D.D. movie EVER! Ok, here are the people I'd like to dedicate this to:

1: I'd really like to dedicate this especially to NightmareBeforeChristmasFreak. She gave me a lot of very helpful criticism for my stories previously. And probably more in the future. Also, she created Lilly & her original movies & episodes, "Marvin Meet Lilly", "Partner Me Up!", "Lilly Phone Home" & "Lilly's Fame". She finished "Lilly's Fame" today, dedicating the last chapter to ME! Thanks, again, NBCF!

2: I'd also like to dedicate it to my friend, Nachos4ever, from DA. She loved my plot even though she doesn't watch Duck Dodgers. She really complemented me on it even before I posted it, which is about now. Tee hee!

3: My dad. He helped me to think of the name of my movie. And I love him of course! Also, he thought of a totally hilarious part for the movie! (Note: It happens after General Z-9 & Commander X-2's painful battle.)

So, sorry for the long intro, but, I was SOOOOOOO excited about hearing NBCF's dedication to me! And, I love all the compliments I'm getting! Thanks to you all! Please R & R! So, here's my story:

"DODGERS!" I.Q. Hi's voice could be heard all through the hall way of the Galactic Protectorate Headquarters.

"YEAH, MAC! WHATCHA NEED ME FOR?" Dodgers screamed back from the other room next to I.Q.'s office with "Men's Rest Room" on it.







10 minutes later…

Dodgers came into I.Q.'s office.

"Dodgers! What were you doing in there?" I.Q. asked, oh so very impatiently.

"Well, it's long sthtory."

"I'll bet it is!"

"You sthee, I had the most important part of my day in the bathroom today becausthe the kitchen mirror was taken."

"Mirrors? What do mirrors have to do with anything important?"

"I was making pictures with sthaving cream, of course!" I.Q.'s eye just twitched.

"Now, what were you saying?"

"Dodgers, I thought since you're the reason I made this, then, you're the first one I should it to."

"Sthow what to?" Dodgers asked, while stuffing a potato chip in his mouth, muffling his voice.

"Uh… Come on, you'll see." I.Q. got up from his chair & walked to the door. He opened it & walked out, with Dodgers following right behind him, leaving crumbs on the ground behind him. I.Q. lead Dodgers down the halls until they both came to a large corner. They walked around it to find a very, very big hole next to the wall.

"Dodgers, this is the Protectorate's newest machine, a giant garbage disposal."

"Wow… what do you need one of those for?" Dodgers asked, eating a banana.

"Gimme that!" I.Q. shouted, yanking the banana from Dodgers. Then, he pointed to the drain in the middle of the lake of water that filled up to about half the deepness of the hole.

"That will grind up anything. Bricks, cement, food, trash. But, don't just throw a bunch of junk in there, because it's cleaned out once a month."

"I'm listhtening…" Dodgers said. I.Q. walked to a control panel that looked like a video game stand.

"All we have to do to clean it out it pull this lever & the machine will automatically create a whirlpool & drain anything but water down the drain." I.Q. said, pointed to a lever on the control panel.

"You are to use this ONLY for trash & stuff we don't need. Other things may be irreplaceable & you absolutely CANNOT push anyone in there. If this was to get turned on while someone was in there, you know what would happen…"

"No. What?"

"UH! If someone of in there while it's on, I will suck them up down the drain along with everything else in it! Understand?"

"Got it, I.Q."

"You'd better."

"I do, I do. Don't worry about it!"

"Oh, that might be a problem…"

Meanwhile, on Mars…

Martian Commander X-2 & Martian Queen Tyr'ahnee were standing next to each other in the Imperial Martian Palace.

"And now, my queen, are you ready for one of the greatest of my inventions ever?" X-2 asked his beautiful, show-haired queen.

"Yes, Commander." she replied, sitting on her small sofa.

"Ok, close your eyes…" the queen gently closed her eyes, revealing her pretty, purple eye shadow. X-2 went into a daze for a second, noticing how pretty she was, but, he quickly shook his head back & fourth & pulled off the cover that was placed over his newest invention.

"Ok, you can open up your eyes." She did & she saw a large machine that had many buttons on it & two small levers.

"What… is it?"

"It's a Radiation Detector. I've noticed that there has been a large amount of shaking going on around both Earth & Mars, so, I whipped this up to make sure it has nothing to do with the radiation in space. If so, then, we can do something about it."

"Well, that's really something, Commander… it looks as if you worked very hard on it…"

"Yes, it took me like 6 weeks."

"Wow… well, I'm sure it will be very helpful… um… I'm going to go brush my hair… again…"

"Yes, my queen. I'll wait here." Tyr'ahnee got up from her seat & walked away.

"Wow… I hope that impressed her…" X-2 thought.


X-2 was sitting in his rather large captain's chair, with Venom, his Cadet, in her chair on the side, controlling the small control panel on the side.

"Commander, everything is all set for take off." she said, saluting her Commander.

"Thank you, Venom." X-2 replied. Venom smiled.

"MARVIN! MARVIN! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" a voice could be heard from way back the halls & was getting closer by the second. X-2 knew that voice. Out of the halls came Lilly Cunningham, Commander X-2's best friend from the real world.

"Marvin! Look! I found an Emerald!" she shouted, handing him the green gem. He took it, with amazement in his eyes.

"Where… did you find this? It's the biggest Emerald I've ever seen in my life…"

"I found it when I was outside, walking K-9."

"Where is K-9, by the way?"

"Um… over there." Lilly pointed towards K-9, who was sleeping on X-2's rug.

"K-9!" X-2 yelled. He ran to him & tried to pull the rug out from under him.

"That's my good rug! You know you're not supposed to be sleeping on it!" he shouted, still pulling at it. K-9 yawned & got up, causing X-2 to fly back, ripping the rug a little. He looked at it for a second.

"K-9!" K-9 ran back into the halls.

"You get back here, you mangy mutt!" X-2 yelled, running back after him. Lilly & Venom started giggling really hard.

"He loves that rug!" Venom said.

"I know! It's so funny!" Lilly agreed. She walked to the rug & picked it up, while Venom continued to laugh.

"Eh, maybe, I could fix this with a little thread… & a sowing machine…" Lilly said.

"O-kay…" Venom replied. Then, she continued to laugh. Lilly smiled at her before turning her focus back to the rug.


Lilly walked over to the TV in the other room. She sat down & picked up the TV remote. Then, she turned it on. On the TV appeared the news reporters.

"Breaking news! Martian General Z-9 has been cleared of all charges for his recent performance of trying to take over both Earth & Mars." the male reporter said. There was a female reporter, standing next to him.

"Good evening. I'm Sky Falling. And, we've received recent news also, that Drake Darkstar has also been cleared of his charges for crime as well." Sky Falling said.

"I'm Walter Carbonite. We are coming to you live from the front of the Galactic Protectorate Headquarters." Walter said.

"Wow… I remember him…" Lilly said.

"We've also received news that the first place Z-9 says he wants to go is to the Martian Palace." Sky said.

"I'd better tell Marvin!" Lilly shouted. She shot up from where she was & ran out of the room, with the door opening for her. She ran down the halls & through the ship. She made her way out & ran into the palace. She ran down the halls & finally bumped into something & fell over.

"Whoa… what hit me?"

"Hey, who are you?" Lilly looked up to see no other than General Z-9.

"Uh… I'm Lilly Cunningham. And you are?" Lilly replied, already knowing the answer to her question.

"Oh, I remember you!"

"From where?"

"Uh… was it when that cat hired me to help her with her plans? She still owes me 20 astro dollars."

"Well, that explains it." Lilly said, getting up.

"Oh, by the way, I saw you on the TV just a few minutes ago…"


"Yeah, look, I got to go. Be back in a bit." And with that, Lilly continued to run down the hall way. Z-9 just stared off at her until she couldn't be seen anymore.


X-2 was pacing the floor. He paced back & fourth several times before he saw Lilly come running down the halls. She was running so fast that she found she couldn't stop & bashed into him. When they stopped, they were both dizzy.

"Whoa… that's the second time I've bonked into something today…" Lilly said.

"Second? What else did you bonk into?"

"Oh, that Martian down the halls…"

"Martian? What Martian?"

"Um… how could I forget? He was just on the TV!"

"The TV? Show me."

"Oh, I remember now! Um… the news reporter said that General Z-9 was cleared of all charges for doing something, something & something… I can't remember what…"

"Something, huh? Well, that doesn't sound like good news to me…" X-2 got up, while Lilly got off of him.

"Why not?"

"Uh… you're from the real world. Didn't you see that part… er… did they show it?"

"Oh, you mean the episode, 'Of Course This Means War & Peace'? The one where Z-9 tires to get Dodgers to sign a peace treaty? That one was really funny!"

"Uh… yeah… that…" He quickly shook his head. "Come on!" he said, taking Lilly's hand & running down the halls. Then, they bashed into Z-9 again.

"Owe… third time!" Lilly said, holding her head.

"My second… what was that?" X-2 replied.

"Um… Z-9..."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my X-Arch enemy!" Z-9 said.

"X-Arch enemy? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Didn't you watch the news?"

"Uh… I do believe I was doing something more important than watching TV."

"Uh… sorry to interrupt, Marvin, but, I watched the news. They said that Drake Darkstar was also cleared of his crime charges, too."

"Who?" X-2 asked.

"Uh…" Lilly got off of him & he stood up. Drake Darkstar is Duck Dodgers' evil look-a-like."



"Well, what… uh… episode was that from?"

"'Detained Duck'." Lilly replied.

"Ehem. Have you two seen the Martian Queen?" Z-9 asked.

"Uh… not me…" Lilly said.

"Yeah, right, like I'm gonna tell you!" X-2 snapped.

"Uh… why not?" Lilly asked, confused.

"Um… I don't believe that he's really a good person, now… I mean, what does being cleared of all charges have to do with that?"

"I suppose… nothing?" Lilly asked.


"Um… excuse me, but, I'm standing right here!" Z-9 said.

"Right… bye!" X-2 said. And with that, he ran off. Lilly & Z-9 only stared at the now empty hall way.


Dodgers & Cadet were walking down the halls of the Galactic Protectorate Headquarters' third floor, towards I.Q.'s office.

"Stho, Cadet. Why do you think I.Q. Hi sthent for usth?" Dodgers asked.

"I d-d-don't know… he said something about his new garbage disposal…"

"Well, then, why didn't he sthay sthomething?"

"You mean t-t-to you?"


"D-D-Dream on…" They finally made it to I.Q.'s office & walked inside.

"I.Q., you sthent for usth?" Dodgers asked.

"Well, the Cadet, anyway. Come & sit down…" Dodgers & Cadet sat in two chairs next to I.Q.

"Ok, as you both know, our new Protectorate Garbage Disposal has recently finished being built. And, also, we are currently during an upgrade on it. I want you to navigate the system every 4 hours, for 4 days. Can you do that for me?"

"Sthure, I.Q.! No problemo!" Dodgers replied.

"Eh-eh-eh-Absolutely!" Cadet said.

"Excellent! Now, you can be excused."

"Out of here!" Dodgers shouted. And with that, he ran off.

"Eh-eh-eh-See you later, I.Q." Cadet said. And with that, he walked out of the room to find Dodgers.

Meanwhile, on Mars…

"I'm telling you, Lilly; I don't like this one bit!" X-2 complained.

"What's the big deal?"

"You tell me! You saw the 'episode'!"

"Uh… are you mad because he might steel the spotlight with your queen?"

"NO! I'm mad because of that AND because he might try to destroy the world or something to that effect!" X-2 shouted, throwing his arms into the air.

"O-kay… well, then, why don't you ask him?"

"Are you out of your mind? He wouldn't tell me if he had an evil plan!" X-2 practically screamed.

"Hmm… you may have a point…"

"MAY? Please! My point makes more sense than… ok… I can't think of anything at the moment… the point is: I don't trust Z-9!"

"Ok, ok. No need to get your horses in a knot, Marv." X-2 rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, I just feel very uneasy about this… & by what I've heard, that Drake Darkstar isn't a very good character, either, right?"

"I guess… he got Dodgers arrested one time."

"Really… how?"

"Easy, they were fighting & the solders just happened to be there & couldn't tell the difference. Then, the Cadet chose Darkstar on purpose because he was nicer to him at the moment, which makes no sense because Drake Darkstar tried to eat him…"

"Really? Well, then, I suppose I'd better be careful who I choose as Dodgers if he tries that scam on me…"

"Aw, it's easy to tell them apart… Dodgers' & Darkstar both have a little hair or feathers on the top of there heads. Darkstar's feather's are back, Dodgers has his pointing to the front."


"It's hard to explain."

"I'll bet."

"It is. Anyway, no need to worry about that. I know how to tell them apart."

"Ok. If you say so…" Over behind the corner of the situation, Z-9 saw everything.

"Oh, X-2 is right about one thing… & that gives me an idea…" he said to himself as not to let X-2 & Lilly here. He then disappeared from behind the corner.


Drake Darkstar was walking through the city on Earth. He stopped by an alley, noticing what looked like a big dumpster. He walked down into the dark alley & looked around for who knows what.

"Hey, Darkstar…" Drake heard a voice from behind. He quickly turned around.

"Who goes there?" he asked, shouting. Out of the shadows, Z-9 came out, revealing himself.

"It's only me. Listen, aren't you Duck Dodgers' arch enemy?"

"That depends… who are you?"

"I am General Z-9. And, I am also one of Dodgers' enemies."

"How did you know I was Duck Dodgers' enemy?"

"Well, you could say I know one of his other enemies…"

"Really? Who?"

"I have a proposition for you. If you come into my lair, I'll be glad to tell you what…"

"Hmm…. Very well, but, make it quick!"

A few minutes later…

Drake Darkstar & Z-9 were sitting at what looked like a table in a very dark room with only two candles for light.

"Ok, what's your proposition?" Darkstar asked.

"Do you want to destroy Duck Dodgers?"

"Yesth. Why?"

"Well, I was thinking… if you help me destroy my enemy, I'll help you destroy yours? Sounds fair enough?"

"What'sth in it for you?"

"Revenge on Commander X-2."

"Hmm… I sthuppose stho. Fine. It's a deal."

"Good… I'll spy on Dodgers & try to think of a plan. And you spy on Commander."


"Let's go."

"Got it."

To Be Continued…

Well, I hope you liked it! You're going to be blown away when you here what Drake Darkstar comes up with in the next chapter!

Oh, & I once again added Dodgers lisp! Bye... for now!