I got these from RoosterTooths. Its the bios for the charries of R v. B.

Pvt. Leonard Church

Apparently, he's the leader of the blue team. He just might be the smartest person in Blood Gulch, as well as a severe wiseass. He also seems to be the closest thing the blues have to a sniper, though he's really not very good with the rifle at all. It's actually pretty ironic that he's stuck with Tucker and Caboose, because he hates both of them with a passion.

Church was a little spoiled as a child. He grew up in Texas, and was used to getting exactly what he wanted, which shortened his temper significantly. He was also raised by people who knew what they were doing with their lives, and who worked hard to progress in the direction they'd chosen. Private Church has very little patience with stupidity, or with people doing/saying things that just don't make sense.

While back in Texas, Church dated Tex. Unfortunately, his overall bitter demeanor wasn't exactly the most attractive to her, and she went to find companionship elsewhere. This only made Church more bitter, and caused him to be a little less trusting of people in general. He still loves her though, and is trying to get her back.

Before being stationed in Blood Gulch, Church found himself on Sidewinder, the ice planet. Standard practice there was to bitch about the cold and wait for some action, so it came as quite a surprise when Tex was hired to murder his entire team in front of his eyes.

Actually, it's probably a very good thing for him that he got stuck in Blood Gulch after that with the rest of the blues. During his time there he's realised that in general, things don't make sense, so there's no point fretting about them. Of course, getting blown up by Caboose probably helped to put things in perspective a little bit as well.

If it had only come down to dying, Church would have been okay. Unfortuantely for him, bad things just keep happening to him. After he dies, he learns to manifest himself as a ghost in white armor. After all, what self respecting ghost would show up in blue?

As a ghost, he learns that he can posess the living (and robots). His first time in someone else's body, who happened to be Sarge from the red team, Caboose shot him in the head. When he posesses the robot Lopez, he finds out the hard way that he can only speak Spanish. Then, when he's finally able to speak English again, Caboose paralyzes the robot he's in from the waist down. It's safe to say that Caboose isn't getting a Christmas card from Church any time soon.

Once Church had left the robot Lopez's body so his team could persuade it to fix itself, Lopez did just that, and the ran away. Church was forced to find another body. It was quite fortuitous for him when Sarge, from the Red Team, made two robots at his demand to exchange for a captured Donut. One of them happened to be Cobalt colored, so Church promptly slid in its body.

Little did Church know he would end up going through the Red teleporter to Sidewinder, where he'd be taken captive by his old rivals the Sidewinder Reds. Even less did Church know that the robot body he was occupying contained a ten megaton bomb. And even less did Church know that Caboose would end up triggering his body's countdown sequence. After the bars to his jail cell with Grif mysteriously raised, Church exploded, blowing up the present.

He was sent back to the 8-bit world of Marathon, where he met a computer named Gary that mistook him for the Great Destroyer. After convincing Gary that he was not in fact the Great Destroyer, Church recorded a message for Caboose (who is the Great Destroyer) and promptly asked Gary to create a teleporter to send him back to Blood Gulch. A thousand years and a long white beard later, this task was completed, and Church found himself back in Blood Gulch to try to fix the situation.

Unfortunately, he soon discovered he himself was the cause of all the problems. In his efforts to give Lopez's body a bigger switch, he damaged the switch Lopez received. In trying to stop Captain Flowers from having a heart attack, he instead caused the heart attack. Things got really bad for him when he discovered he was the one responsible for his own death at the hands of Caboose, due to his disabling of Sheila's friendly-fire protocol. He's also the one who left Caboose the sniper rifle to shoot him in the head with when he was possessing Sarge.

Yes, it turns out Church was indeed the cause of everything that went wrong in Blood Gulch, which was ironically the precise set of things he was trying to prevent from happening. Then he tried to stop the bomb from blowing up, discovered Caboose's mind for abstract thought, replicated himself at least 872 times, got urinated on by a giant animal on Sidewinder, then gave up the ghost and accepted that no matter what he could think of, he'd just end up in exactly the same scenario the next time around. After that he ended up in the future, just like everyone else.

Except for maybe Vic.

Once in the future, he was operating on the assumption that Caboose was The Great Destroyer. He did his best to steer Caboose away from anything important, trying to be as careful as possible, only to discover that The Great Destroyer isn't Caboose at all. At least, not necessarily...