Title: Turn the Page: Gossip
Author: Inkcharm
Summary: A series of short-stories portraying Zuko's life as Fire Lord. Gossip: There's just something about the waterbender and the Fire Lord. Loose sequel-series to "What Hurts the Most"
Warnings: --
Pairings: Zutara
Disclaimer: The TV show "Avatar - The Last Airbender" does not belong to me, nor do its characters or anything related to the show. I make no profit out of this story, it is written merely for fun and entertainment of other fans.
A/N: This takes place nearly two years after Sozin's Comet. I base these short stories on my one-shot "What Hurts the Most" but they can be read for themselves. The short stories themselves are connected, but they are not really one ongoing story, thus it's archived as "complete". Each story features a lead theme and can stand for itself. They are all SHORT, so don't expect too much. Some might even be short enough to be considered drabbles.
Thanks, as usual, go to my Beta Pepipanda!
Turn the Page
Theme: Gossip
People in the Fire Nation were very observant after the war. Never again did they want to be led astray by false pretence. Besides, if you didn't observe what was going on, you couldn't gossip.
And, for the first time in ages, gossip was actually fun again in the Fire Nation. Rumours were running wild; speculations were flung this way and that. With smiles and frowns people watched their Fire Lord after he recovered from a horrible illness that had nearly cost him his life, saved only because his mother, uncle, and that waterbender had cared for him.
Rumours had not started really spreading until he decided to travel to see the state of the nation for himself six months after his return. People witnessed him in good spirits, smiling and glowing with something no one could place, and his golden eyes were filled with warmth. He was serious when he inspected the running projects, expressed his gratitude towards the citizens when he felt things were going smoothly, and offered help where things were still rocky. Sometimes they caught him stumbling over his words awkwardly, sometimes they saw him blushing, sometimes they noticed he still tended to be insecure when important decisions had to be made. They loved him, for, every now and then, they were able to see that he was not only a strong and reliable and kind ruler, but also young and sweet and just a little self-conscious.
And sometimes they were even able to see that he was in love, for during his travels there was always one girl with him. She did not walk by his side, she did not sit next to him, she was not receiving any special treatment.
The truth was, she was travelling with the Fire Lord as a healer, watching for signs of illness and stress. On official occasions, she would be dressed in deep Fire Nation red, but otherwise she was seen wearing blue and white and a sweet smile.
There was nothing romantic about the way they behaved in public. They rarely even spoke.
But there was that warmth in her eyes and that smile tugging on his lips whenever they were near each other.
Rumours were spreading.
Because for the first time in ages, gossip was actually fun again in the Fire Nation.
Well, I SAID it was short. giggles
How do I plan on updating this series? No idea. I'll probably just write what comes to my mind somewhere in between Twilight and Into the Dark when I need something quick and uncomplicated and relaxing. So, expect more! There's no real end planned for this, which I don't think is a bad thing seeing as each Theme is closed in itself.
I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading, and please leave a review!