His hand was warm and sweaty

His hand was warm and sweaty. Why was his hand sweating? Did you keep sweating after your death? There was something uncomfortably familiar about the heat and the softness it came from. Flitting images came to his mind and he pushed them away instinctively. They tugged at his heart in strange ways, and he saw a blond boy with a bright grin, and - but no. He wouldn't think about him. It was over and he'd never see him again. He wouldn't let that thought crush him. He groaned, trying to open his eyes, and the heat shifted, something heavy he hadn't been aware of lifted itself off of the bed next to him. Bed? There were beds in the after life? He opened his eyes a little but quickly closed them again, blinded. He heard a sound like a sharp intake of breath, but that couldn't be right. He reopened his eyes slowly, wincing a little at the brightness of the lights.

The heat around his hand tightened. It felt like a hand. A familiar hand. Suddenly there was a face obstructing his view of the soothingly white and plain ceiling. It was bright yellow and bright blue - too yellow, too blue, too familiar, he wasn't supposed to see him again. He frowned and opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Couldn't make a sound. What had happened to being dead? There was worry in the eyes above him as the mouth spoke his name softly, like a question, and he couldn't stand the blue anymore, so he turned his eyes away. That voice. He shouldn't be hearing it again, but it made something swell inside of him, something he wanted to suffocate, choke, squeeze out of himself.

The hand in his tightened again, and Sasuke stopped trying to say his name. He knew it was him. Naruto. He turned his face away as a slightly trembling hand reached for his cheek. He glanced into those eyes again and closed his own as he saw them flinch briefly in surprise, confusion, shock, hurt, fear - Naruto had always been good at feeling a lot of things at once, letting the motions flicker across his face openly.

Sasuke wanted to die as the blond misinterpreted the nails he dug in the other's flesh, wanted to die as he was blinded further by a grin, wild and free, that at the moment he both loved and hated.