Never the same

Chapter One – Run Away

That bitch deserved it. Harry had no regret whatsoever about hexing his aunt Marge. Anyone who would dare insult his parents…

He clenched his fists at his sides and growled. He was walking down a street with fury raging in his veins, and he had absolutely no idea where to go.

Suddenly feeling very tired of his life, Harry sat down on the curb and sighed.

This sucks. I wish I had a place of my own.

A bus appeared out of nowhere and came to a screeching halt right in front of him.

"Hello there!" he was greeted by the conductor. "Seems to be a busy night for runaway Hogwarts students."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, getting his trunk and hoisting it into the bus. "How do you know I've run away anyway?"

"Well, this is the Knight Bus. We know when a wizard is in need of immediate transportation. And we know the reason why." The conductor leaned in closer to Harry and whispered: "That stunt you pulled on your aunt? Loved it. I know I'm not supposed to support you on this, and the Ministry would send me to Azkaban if they knew, but still… She deserved it."

Harry relaxed a little.

"Thanks." He was ushered into the weird-looking bus and sat down on one of the beds.

"We're good to go!" the conductor called out to the driver.

Harry was thrown back onto the bed when the bus leaped forward.

The bus ride was a total nightmare. Harry was black and blue by the time they had reached the Leaky Cauldron.

"Stan! Don't forget to wake up Mr. Malfoy!" the driver shouted at the conductor.

Harry froze and almost reached for his wand.

Tell me I didn't hear that right.

Unfortunately, he had heard right. From the back of the bus came a pale face with white-blonde hair, looking sleepy and messed up.

But it was definitely Draco Malfoy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" they asked each other simultaneously. They were both glaring daggers, but neither of them answered the question.

Harry turned around and left the bus, not intending to have a fight with Malfoy inside where everyone was watching. Malfoy followed suit, grabbing his shoulder.

"I asked you a question, Potter," Malfoy spat venomously.

"What do you expect, a report on my activities from the last day? Forget it, Malfoy. What I'm doing here is none of your business."

Malfoy smirked. "So you ran away too."

Harry was still not very trusting of the person standing in front of him, but then shrugged.

"I'm not taking their crap anymore," he muttered. "So don't tell me you're staying at the Leaky Cauldron as well?"

"Duh, Potter." Malfoy rolled his eyes.

Harry buried his head in his hands and groaned.

"Life just keeps getting better and better," he said sarcastically.

"You're pathetic, Potter. But at least you brought your stuff. I didn't even have the chance to pack a toothbrush."

They entered the Leaky Cauldron and Malfoy went up to the counter.

The landlord seemed to recognize him immediately and handed him a key, saying: "You're a lucky man, Mr. Malfoy. If you hadn't booked this room three weeks ago, you'd have to try your luck elsewhere. It's been really busy lately, and every single room is taken."

The landlord peered over Malfoy's shoulder.

"You're bringing a guest, I see?"

Malfoy turned to look at Harry. Harry looked utterly defeated when he overheard their conversation.

Malfoy booked the last room. This is just great.

"Don't even bother," he said to the landlord. "I'll go and try my luck someplace else."

He turned and was almost at the door, when he heard Malfoy's voice:

"Don't be ridiculous, Potter. Where can you go at this time of night? You can stay. There's two beds in the room anyway."

Harry froze.

"Since when do Malfoys do charity, Draco?" he hissed at the blonde.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow. "If you're going to be like that, then by all means leave. The offer stands."

Malfoy walked up the stairs. Harry sighed and ordered a drink at the bar.

Sharing a room with Malfoy. Well, he can't be worse than aunt Marge. And if he is, I'll just blow him up as well.

Fifteen minutes later, Harry finished his drink and went upstairs as well. Hesitantly, he knocked at the door to Malfoy's room.