New story! Hope you like it. I know it's very random but that's just how I roll. Plus, I think trailers rock. I spend at least a week in one every summer (long story but not really). It's a party, for sure. Besides, my house is so small it's practically a trailer anyway. Yay for confined spaces! : /

If you're wondering: The story title origin? A little show filmed in little Nova Scotia (where i live) called Trailer Park Boys, hahaha. Funny stuff but the story is NOT based off the show... oh God, no.

I collapsed onto my bed after hauling my belongings up a flight of stairs to my new room. I should take up running. I don't even own that much and I've worked up a sweat.

"Is that everything, Bells?" I heard from downstairs. And I even had Charlie helping me…

"Yeah, Dad! Thanks!" I called back, still sprawled out on the comforting mattress. I heard a mumbled reply and knew that Charlie had shuffled off to the living room to watch the baseball game… or the football game. It really made no difference to me.

With a final huff I stood up to look at my surroundings with my hands planted on my hips. It wasn't too bad, I concluded. I set to work stuffing my dresser drawers and closet with my clothes—luckily I'm not a girl who enjoys clothes shopping too much. Though I knew I'd have to go shopping soon by the looks of the weather outside my bedroom window. No, my denim shorts and tank tops fit for the sun just wouldn't suffice in a place like Forks, Washington where the sight of the sun is a rarity that must be cherished for all it's worth. And to me, it's worth a lot for someone who grew up in the sunny state of Arizona.

So why was a girl who hated the rain and the cold unpacking in her old bedroom when she wasn't even being forced to? It was all for the mom. They grow on you. Renée formerly-Swan was recently married to Phil Dwyer. Since I wasn't born yesterday I knew long before the 'I do's were said that I'd be a burden. They were in that newlywed euphoria phase and, let's face it, a seventeen year old hanging around just dampens whatever nauseating mood they have going on.

After I was finished with that simple task, I sat at the computer in my room that I had strategically turned on several minutes ago. I was not a computer whiz, but even I could tell that the thing was on its last stage of life and it took more than the normal time to load.

I typed a quick message to Renée telling her I had arrived safely and that I was all unpacked. She all but threatened me to call and write to her as often as possible. She was upset that I was moving away but I could detect the underlying excitement for alone time with Phil. Her 'threat' was probably the first stern thing she's said to me in… quite some time. Renée has a difficult time acting her age most times, leaving me to play the parent. Having said that, it was sort of natural for me to be worried about leaving her in Phoenix, though she had Phil. I sympathized for him.

My list of pity lengthened after only being in Charlie's—my—home for a few hours.

"Hey Bells," Charlie had greeted me when I came downstairs into the living room after finishing in my room, his eyes never leaving the television screen.

"Hey Dad— … what is that?" I asked with an accusing finger. Charlie looked at me in pure shock. He followed to where I was pointing to the offending substance on a plate in his hand, some of it halfway to his mouth.

"Eggs?" Charlie was so confused he was questioning himself. I visibly gagged. So wrong…

After that, I banned Charlie from doing anything in the kitchen besides sitting at the small table in the room to eat.

"I think I'll go to school tomorrow," I said quietly the next night over dinner.

"Are you sure? You just got here and…." He trailed off not knowing what else to say. Not a man of words, my Charlie.

"Of course. I'll have to get registered and meet some people eventually anyway," I finished in a shrug. What I didn't let Charlie hear was, Might as well get the horrifying ordeal of the first day over with as the new kid.

The following morning I was awake way too early—though even then Charlie was already out of the house—due to the rain pounding on the roof and my window all night. How anyone gets any sleep in this town is beyond me.

I took extra time to get ready simply because I had the time. I managed to tame my long, brown hair so it hung on my shoulders. Simple and boring but I could deal with it. I tried using the little make-up I had to hide the tired bags under my eyes but gave up on that. I couldn't pretend that I liked make-up. With a final sigh I headed out. There was just no fixing my plainness. I ran my hand along the hood of my new truck as I walked to the driver's side door. Charlie had given it to me and as much as I hate people spending money on me, I couldn't be happier with it. It was a beast of a thing—the red Chevy was at least forty years old—but I loved it. It turned on with a roar and I was off.

I immediately noticed that the truck couldn't go that fast, barely hitting fifty-five miles per hour, but I was fine with it. I wasn't a fan of speed anyway, especially on the, what seemed like, permanently wet streets; it was a death wish.

I eyed the green forest surrounding me as I drove. Too green was all that came to my mind.

I sighed, pulling into the Forks High parking lot. I did not have the patience to do this today, I decided. I had thought I did but this wasn't going to work. I was about to turn around but my truck's loud engine ratted me out and kids were already staring at me or the truck… or both. Today was undoubtedly going to be a long day. I didn't want to be the new kid and have the spotlight blaring down on me. I hated that.

Hopping out of my truck, I noticed that my vehicle didn't even stick out too much… which was sad. After noticing this fact, I began walking briskly in the direction of the office only to notice fellow students in the parking lot staring at me in either curiosity or confusion.

And so begins the epic moment where the shy, timid lamb is sent forth into the domain of the barbaric, vicious lions. The ultimate question: Will the lamb survive? A voice commentated in the back of my head, British/Australian accent and all.

"You're hilarious," I muttered under my breath. Great, I was already helping the cause to spread rumours about the new kid; she talks to herself.

"Can I help you?" a middle-aged woman asked from behind a desk at the office. Ms. Cope, her nameplate read.

"Um, yes. My name is Isabella Swan, I'm new," I informed her quietly.

"Oh! Yes, of course. Chief Swan's daughter," she beamed. No, it's fine; I actually prefer that name.

I wrapped that conversation up quickly, receiving a school map, a slip I needed to get teachers to sign… basically papers, papers, and more papers.

I tried making the day not a big thing and for the most part I think I accomplished that. Then again, I had only just finished first period, which was English so it wasn't like I hated the subject. And the accomplishment being that I didn't have to introduce myself, rather the teacher told the class my name, and pointed to where I needed to sit. I blushed, I stumbled, and that was that. Bring on the other six periods.

Second period was much the same; I didn't need to tell the class about myself.

"Hi, I'm Alice," someone chirped from my right. I turned to the soprano voice to see a petite girl with her hair cropped short and styled to stick out in every which direction.

"Hello," I replied with a little less enthusiasm. It was hard not to smile, though, when she was grinning the way she was.

"It's nice to meet you, Isabella," she said formally like she was trying to keep her—for some reason—excitement in check.

My nose scrunched up at the sound of my full name. "Please, call me Bella."

Her grin widened and she nodded her head in agreement.

It didn't take much to grow attached to Alice. We whispered conspiratorially throughout class, wishing we didn't have such a hindrance so that we could get acquainted properly but after comparing schedules, we discovered we had the next class together as well.

For the last period before lunch, though, I was left utterly on my own. Which resorted in me—against my awareness—picking up a stray golden retriever in the form of a boy named Mike Newton. I had the joy of sitting right beside him all period while he talked and talked about who knows what—I sure didn't, I tried to block him out.

When the bell rang for lunch I dashed out of the room as quickly as I possibly could before Mike could ask me out for the third time—that was something I did pick out in the one-sided conversation. I braced myself outside of the cafeteria. The entire school was on the other side of the doors and I inaudibly groaned.

I pushed one of the doors open as unnoticeably as possible and basically power walked to the food line. As I waited for my turn to pay I casually scanned across the surprisingly large room for an empty table when a tap on my shoulder brought me out of my intense concentration.

"Hi, Bella!" the perky Alice greeted me with a bright smile that had me smiling as well. She didn't give me time to respond. "I figured you'd want to sit with us instead of sitting at a table all by yourself," she said, leaving me no room to disagree even if I had wanted to. And I didn't want to. I was making friends, who was I to complain?

We walked to a table near the back where two boys and one girl were sitting.

"Everyone, this is Bella," Alice gestured to me. "Bella, this is Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett." She pointed to each of them in turn. Rosalie was a beautiful blonde, to put it simply. A wave of self-consciousness went through me to be in the presence of her. She nodded curtly, only looking up briefly—"She'll warm up to you," Alice whispered in my ear, reading my facial expression. Rosalie was sitting close to who I learned was Emmett, he was huge and all muscle and from the way he had his thick arm wrapped around Rosalie's shoulder, I could tell they were together. Emmett's grin only widened when I blushed under his intimidating gaze. Jasper, like, Rosalie gave me a simple nod but it came off friendlier with a small smile from him. With a closer look, I had a strong assumption that Rosalie and Jasper were related and by the way Alice plopped herself down practically on Jasper's lap, I knew the two were dating. Ah, Bella the Fifth Wheel. A new concept but I'm not being picky.

"Erm… hi," I said awkwardly to the group. Alice grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to sit beside her. There was a pregnant pause until the group became animated again. I took this as a sign of acceptance, from three of them at least. I didn't talk much, though they at least made the effort to converse with me. I learned that Emmett was extremely funny. Probably the funniest person I had ever come across. It didn't take much to get people laughing for him. Jasper was very quiet, the complete opposite of Alice which had me wondering at first what the heck they were doing dating each other but I found that they just… fit. It was that simple. Rosalie did speak but not once did she look to me. Alice continually reassured me that that wouldn't last long from her.

My next class was Biology, which I didn't mind. I was good at the subject, having been in Advanced Placement back in Phoenix. My high spirits for the class were shot to hell when I stepped in to see Mike. He had been standing, talking to Jessica but as soon as he saw me walk in, he immediately left her side; I frowned at how rude that was.

"Hi, Bella!" he greeted me.

"Hello, Mike," I replied stoically. So I was miffed.

I walked up to the teacher to give him the slip I needed him to sign and then turned around to see, to my horror, Mike standing right behind me, waiting for me. I refrained from rolling my eyes in front of him and went to the seat that Mr. Banner had pointed me to after checking his seating plan. My stomach dropped as I watched Mike carry his things over to my lab table and sat… directly beside me. Why?!

Mike was grinning like he was the Cheshire cat himself and from the corner of my eye I could see Jessica looking at us in total outrage, her jaw was dropped and everything. Great. She's pissed. Congrats, Bella: Day one and you may already have an enemy.

I slumped against the table in defeat, all the while hearing Mike chatter about his life story. Remind me to never be selfless for someone again. Ever.

So there. I was so bored writing this chapter. It was too familiar. I hope that someone reads this. I know that there isn't much to entice you to keep reading (in other words, no Edward to entice you to keep reading) but Edward is coming! I'm not going to rush this, though I probably will end up doing so. I have already outlined the next six chapters, which I am pumped about. I am nervous for the fluff I have trapped myself into writing.

I hope you read and review! And if you haven't already, read my new one-shot (though it's not really new anymore)! : ) It and I would love some more love from you all!

I'll try to keep updating frequently but I'm allowed little time on the computer to type this. I'll also be practicing for ensemble and studying the Driver's Handbook!! I turn sixteen in nine days. Funny how I'm more excited to drive than actually turning the age. Huh.