A/N: I'm back with my second story! But I'll warn you now, updates will probably be a bit slow because School starts in two weeks and this fic is just simply comming along slower than A Life After did. I hope you'll stick with me and enjoy it anyways!

Ch. 1

"Video log 89872X, March first. I will now reveal the last of my experiments. As you all know, I was originally one of the doctors that trained the Gundam pilots. I was the one who invented and gave them the nano-machines that keeps their bodies from ageing beyond the age of 17. Well, I have happened to get my hands on Duo Maxwell and have been able to finish the experiment that I had started on him years ago before my former colleges kicked me out. Using nano-machines I have been able to turn his body back to that of a 6 year old child. He is a bit small for the intended age, yet the results are astounding. I did manage to block his personal memories (which I expect will return to him when his body reaches the age of 16 again) yet he can recall all of his training. He can fly his Gundam just as well as in the war, even though his height limits his reach a bit. What is truly astounding, though, is the fact that he has kept all of his emotional ties. He won't trust me at all and shows extreme dislike when Miss Relena comes on TV." The doctor turned around with surprise on his face as a loud crash was heard. The screen went black.

Wufei and Heero starred at the screen as the video blog ended. They sat in shock as the fact of where Duo had possibly been for the past three months sank in. On an unspoken consent they got up and packed, years of training the only thing keeping them from storming in there bare-handed. They e-mailed Une to tell her where they were going and then flew their gundams to where the doctor was operating; he had been stupid enough to include it on his website.

They sneaked into the compound, astounded by the lack of security. No wonder the doctors had kicked him out. They stopped at the inner-most room and listened as a noise caught their attention.

"Come on Duo," they could hear the doctor say. "It's not going to kill you."

Screw subtly, Heero kicked down the door and barged into the room, gun ready. He stood there in shock as they saw the doctor crouching by a miniature version of Duo, who was curled up into a ball. Duo looked up at them with miserable large purple eyes that nearly broke Heero's heart.

He had no time to be angry at the doctor for Duo sprang up and launched himself at Heero. Duo was clinging to his leg crying, the top of his head barely coming below his knee. Wufei took over being angry and beating the doctor as Heero crouched down and took the crying Duo in his arms. Picking Duo up, Heero walked out of the compound as he left Wufei to take care of everything.

"It's alright Duo," Heero whispered encouragingly. "Everything's going to be alright now, I'm here."

"Don't leave again," Duo pleaded in between his sobs. Heero's heart broke before he could protest that he hadn't left him.

"I never did, Duo," Heero softly stated as he hugged the small boy closer to him. "And I never will, I promise." Duo hugged his neck harder, as if in thanks. Heero saw Wufei come out and give him a thumbs up, and Heero nodded in return. Heero waited while Wufei loaded Deathscythe and Nataku into a large ship, and then got into the ship to pilot it.

"Will you come home with us Duo," Heero asked. Duo looked up at him with confused eyes. "You've been missing for a long time, and we would very much like to have you back." Duo took a long moment to think about it.

"You and the Chinese guy feel like family," Duo finally replied. "I'd be happy to go home with you." Duo smiled up at him as Heero smiled gently.

"Come on then," Heero began to walk to Wing Zero. "We'll load up Wing Zero and then be on our way."

Duo starred at Wing Zero in amazement and then proclaimed, "Can we fly home in that?! I've never been in one before!"

"I thought you'd flown Deathscythe," Heero inquired. Duo pouted.

"I wanted to, but Doctor would never let me. I've only flown simulates before."

"Alright then," Heero told him, "we'll fly home in Wing Zero." Duo beamed at him as he shouted 'awesome!'. When they were inside Wing Zero Heero told Wufei they were flying home like that and the two of them set off for home. Duo sat quietly in Heero's lap, strangely well-behaved for what Heero would have guessed the hyper-active pilot was like at that age.

"So what's your name," Duo asked as he starred out across the sea of stars before them in awe.

"I'm Heero," Heero answered. "The Chinese boy is Wufei." Duo turned around to where he was looking up at Heero.

"Are you the only two of my family?" Duo asked with a sad face.

"No," Heero reassured him. "All of us gundam pilots are family. There's me and Wufei, Trowa, and Quatre. And I guess Hilde and Sally as well, maybe even Catherine, but mainly it's just us guys."

"I wish I could remember," Duo commented as he looked downwards. He suddenly looked up and asked, "Are you my father?"

If he wasn't strapped into the seat Heero would have face faulted. "Nani?"

"Well that's the only way I can describe the way I feel about you, which is the only thing I have to go on," Duo explained. "I'm sorry; maybe I should have said brother?" Heero smiled and hugged Duo with one arm.

"You're my best friend in the whole universe," Heero told him, borrowing one of Duo's sayings. "And I would love to take care of you until we can find a way to get you back to normal."

"I know about what Doctor did to me," Duo stated in a frightened voice. "And I also know that there isn't a cure. The nano-machines are made to self-destruct should any attempt be made to cancel them out." Heero hugged the trembling boy closer to him.

"Then I'll take care of you until you remember everything," Heero told Duo. "I promise, you won't have to do it alone this time." Duo hugged him tightly as he smiled through his tears.

"Thanks, D-Daddy," Duo cautiously said.

"You can call me that if you wish," Heero told him, his heart swelling with joy for some unknown reason. This scarred little Duo was such a change from the one he had known. But he would make sure that this child wouldn't have the hard life Duo had had the first time. Heero would give him a happy life, no matter what. He'd have to talk to Une, and get himself more regular hours, maybe doing security work from home, because he wanted to be there for Duo.

After a few moments Heero realized that Duo had fallen asleep. Heero smiled down at his little angel. Duo looked the same asleep now as he always had.

A screen popped up with Wufei's face on it. "Hello Yuy," he greeted. "Is he asleep?" Heero nodded and both pilots lowered their voices.

"I'm going to take care of him," Heero informed him.

"Une will be hard to reason with," Wufei commented. "But she'll cave easier with help from the rest of us. I've already notified Quatre that we'll be arriving there in the morning, and informed him on what happened." Heero nodded his thanks.

"How much longer till morning?" Heero asked. "My clock beeps loudly and I don't want to wake him."

"We should reach Quatre's in five hours," Wufei answered. "The asteroid where the doctor's compound was wasn't as far away as it seemed." Wufei was silent for a moment and then added, "If you ever need any help with him, just call me. I loved him too, and I'd be glad to help in any way."

Heero thought about that for a moment. How had Wufei known he was in love with Duo? And Wufei was also in love with Duo? This was new information; he had always thought that Wufei just had a brotherly relationship with Duo. But… even so, he was happy to have someone to lean on in this odd turn of events.

"Thank you," Heero said after a while. "I'll hold you to that." They shared an understanding smile.

"Well, I'll see you on earth," Wufei said before the screen went blank. Duo shifted in his lap yet continued to sleep. Heero smiled down at him.

Five hours later they reached Quatre's house on Earth. They put way their gundams in the hanger with Sandrock, and Heero carried Duo to his bedroom. Heero tucked Duo in, and then went into a living room that had an adjoining door to the room and sat down.

"How is he," Quatre asked as he came in and took a seat across from Heero.

"Sleeping," Heero answered, "but otherwise okay. Did you watch the video blog?"

"Yes," Quatre answered with a disgusted look on his face. "It's sickening that someone would do that to him." Heero nodded in agreement. "What are we going to do," Quatre asked with a worried face. "Trowa researched the kind of nano-machines the doctor used—they were on his website—and found out that they self destruct."

"Duo said that too," Heero commented. "He knows what happened to him, he just can't remember anything. There's nothing we can do but take care of him until he remembers everything. I'll talk to Une about it later, but I've already promised him that I'd take care of him." Quatre didn't look surprised.

"If you ever need any help just call me," Quatre told him. "We're all here for him, and I can always take a day off to babysit." A thought struck Heero.

"What are we going to tell the press?" Heero asked, truly confused.

"Already taken care of," Trowa said as he entered the room. "I've got everything prepared, including your decision to take care of him. I figured you would," Trowa explained at Heero's questioning look.

"Thank you," Heero said.

"Don't worry about it," Quatre replied. "We knew you'd forget and decided it'd also be less of a hassle on you if we went ahead and did it."

"D-Daddy?" Duo's small voice asked. All three pilots turned their attention to the door. Duo stood there leaning on the post, looking very timid as he began to blush slightly from the attention. Heero was by his side in an instant, crouching down to Duo's level.

"What is it Duo?" Heero asked.

"Oh," Duo replied, "I just woke up in a strange room and you weren't there and… I just wanted to know where you were." Heero smiled.

"I'm right here," Heero said. "Did you have a nice nap?" Duo nodded.

"I'm not sleepy right now, for whatever strange reason," Duo commented.

"Let's meet the family then," Heero said as he picked Duo up and carried him over to where he had been sitting. Heero sat down with Duo in his lap as Duo starred at Quatre and Trowa with his large eyes. "This is Uncle Quatre," Heero introduced, pointing to Quatre. He then pointed to Trowa, "And Uncle Trowa."

"H-hi," Duo greeted with a slight blush. Quatre smiled warmly.

"Hello Duo," Quatre greeted. "Did you get enough sleep?" Duo nodded. "That's good."

"Do you remember us?" Trowa asked. "You look a bit frightened."

"It's just awkward," Duo explained. "And I don't want to disappoint anyone. But I feel like Uncle Quatre was my friend, and that you are a good friend as well."

"You can't disappoint us Duo," Trowa replied. "None of this is your fault." Duo thanked him with a relieved smile.

"Why don't we go see if we can get you into some better clothes for now," Quatre suggested. "We'll go shopping later on today, and then we can have some breakfast. How does that sound?" Duo looked up at Heero with questioning eyes.

Heero wanted to be able to have silent conversations with Duo by glances and so decided to start it now with small things, and maybe they would be able to later on. His attempts with Duo before had been working, but not very effectively. This younger version of Duo proved more adept to these things, for he caught Heero's answering glance and smiled.

Duo looked back at Quatre and nodded. "Okay, that'd be nice." Duo began to blush again, "Um… could I take a bath too?"

"Of course," Quatre replied. Duo brightened as Heero let him down. Quatre took Duo by the hand and led him out another door. Wufei came in then, looking tired. Heero's protective (okay so it was maternal) instincts—still active because of Duo's vulnerable state—kicked in. He stood up and began maneuvering Wufei towards the bedroom Duo had previously occupied.

"Yuy… what are you doing?" Wufei tiredly proclaimed.

"You need sleep," Heero explained. He glared Wufei down as he stopped by the bed. Wufei rather thought he looked like a regular mother with that glare and his hands on his hips. Finally Wufei sighed and nodded. Wufei got into bed and was asleep quickly. Heero left then to find Trowa laughing at him in the living room. Heero glared at him too. Trowa just shook his head and motioned for Heero to follow him.

Trowa led him to the dining room where breakfast was being served. Heero sat down and ate with him in comfortable silence. That is until Sally came in and demanded all the details. Trowa went off to deal with the press and Heero followed Sally to the main hall as he explained everything. They then began to discuss possible arrangements that would allow him to still be employed by the preventers yet maximize his time with Duo. They both felt that Duo would need all the time with them he could get in order to get through this.

And a few hours later Relena came in. She just had to show up. Heero felt his eye twitch, this was all he needed. She had just opened her mouth when they heard a terrified cry:


Heero spun around to see Duo running towards them—in new clothes and loose hair, he absently noted—crying. Heero knelt and took the frightened boy in his arms. He held him for a moment and then made Duo stare him in the eye.

"What happened, Duo," he asked softly.

"Uncle Trowa got ate by a lion!" Duo cried with wide eyes. Heero blinked, and then began to laugh. He took the confused boy into his arms to reassure him that he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Trowa owns lions," Heero informed Duo as he looked him in the eye again, still deeply amused. "The lion was his friend, and wouldn't eat him."

"Really?" Duo still looked worried.

"Yes, as proof look, he's behind you," Heero told him with a smile. Duo spun around to see Trowa and Quatre running up to them.

"Are you alright?" Trowa asked. "Carom didn't hurt you did he?"

"You're okay!" Duo exclaimed as he launched himself at Trowa's legs. Trowa bent over to hug him the best he could with a confused look on his face.

"He thought the lion ate Trowa," Heero explained with an amused smile. Quatre tried to stifle his own laughter. Duo peeled himself off of Trowa and caught sight of Relena. He froze.

"Duo?" she asked, bewildered. Duo bristled, yet couldn't run before she had scooped him up into a hug. "What happened? Oh, you poor thing!" She turned to Sally and demanded, "What's being done about this?" Duo fought to get out of her arms. "What's wrong Duo," she asked as she noticed how he was acting.

"Daddy help!" Duo cried. Heero marveled at how he managed to get Duo back from Relena without ripping her head off like he had wanted to.

Duo clung to him as Relena protested, "Duo I'm not evil! I'm sorry if I scarred you, I was simply worried!"

"What's wrong Duo," Heero softly asked as he stroked Duo's damp hair.

"Monster lady's gonna kill me!" Duo proclaimed. Relena looked ready to strangle Duo as everyone in the room burst out laughing.

"Not while I'm here, little one," Heero told him. "She can't get you if I'm around."

"Sally, I'd like to talk to you privately," Relena commanded before she stormed off. Sally waved goodbye to the others as she followed, still chuckling.

"Let's go sit in the garden," Heero said. Duo nodded and prepared to get put down, yet Heero carried him down the hall as he asked, "Have you got a brush and ponytail holder I can borrow Quatre?"

"Right here," Quatre answered he held them up. "I was going to myself but then the lion incident happened.

"What happened by the way," Heero asked.

"I had finished with the press by saying I had to go put Carom in his cage; I had let him out earlier," Trowa answered. "I was in a room with Quatre and Duo and had to go into another room for something when Duo was turned around."

"He was there and then he wasn't!" Duo proclaimed. "I'm sorry for accusing Ca… Crm… Mr. Lion, but that's what I had thought of first. And then he licked his lips."

"It's alright Duo," Trowa said with a reassuring smile as he reached over and ruffled Duo's hair. "I should have explained things to you." Duo smiled back at him shyly.

They reached the garden and sat next to the fountain. Quatre got a message on his pager and had to leave, which left Heero and Trowa alone with Duo. Heero slowly combed out Duo's hair, spending a long time on it. He knew that the motion comforted Duo—for Heero had often seen Duo do it when he was nervous and thought no one was around—and also knew that the more you brushed it, the prettier it became.

Okay, so I have a bit of a fetish and Duo has the prettiest hair I've ever seen, Heero thought. Sue me.

Wufei joined them shortly, having rested and changed into his Preventer's uniform. He caught sight of them and gave Heero an odd stare.

"Do you have a hair fetish Yuy?" Wufei asked.

"Sue me," Heero answered as he began to part Duo's hair into three long parts. "Duo's got the nicest hair I've ever seen." Duo looked up at him with a giant smile, and then looked back at Wufei, who walked over to join them. Wufei was shaking his head.

"Whatever," Wufei muttered. He sat on the ground by the fountain in front of Duo and asked, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine now that Monster Lady's gone," Duo answered. Wufei quirked an eyebrow.

"Relena scooped him up and was acting concerned," Trowa explained. Wufei scowled.

"Damn onna," he muttered. He then remembered Duo was a child now, and began muttering curses in Chinese.

"You might want to stop," Trowa observed as Heero began to braid Duo's hair. Heero felt strange because Duo's hair went halfway down his back, but it was so much shorter than he was used to.

"What kind of place would you like to live in Duo," Wufei asked.

"Any place with Daddy," Duo replied.

"I'm flattered," Heero replied, "but we'd still like to know."

"Hmmm…" Duo thought for a moment. "A smaller house, one that feels roomy. It'd also be cool to have the kitchen open to the living room. The front door would be by a large window, and the front door would have a clear view of the kitchen and living room. The bedrooms would be in the back of the house, along with the bathroom. First floor would be nice; I don't really like having to stay in rooms above the ground."

"You've often thought of this, haven't you," Wufei noted.

"I've really only thought of living in a house with a family until you guys showed up," Duo confessed. He began to swing his legs as he looked at his feet. "There was little else to think of."

"Well don't worry, you'll get to live with a family," Heero reassured him. He secured Duo's hair off at the bottom, and then kissed the top of Duo's head. Duo leaned against him and smiled as Heero put his arms around him.

"So it's true," they heard Une say. They looked to see Une standing not far off. "I was already in the area when I saw the news," she explained. She walked over and kneeled in front of Duo. "Hello Duo, do you remember me?"

Duo nodded, "Hello, and yes. Why does it seem like you were once a… enemy, but are now sort of a friend?"

"I used to be an enemy," Une answered. "But you boys showed me the right way, I'm now the head of the Preventers. We stop wars from happening."

Duo's eyes got wide with awe. "Really?"

"Really," Une answered.

"Wow." Duo looked at Wufei. "Are you a Preventer too Uncle Wufei?"

Wufei nodded. "I am, and you can simply call me Wufei."

"Oh, okay, uh… Wufei."

"Would you like to go swimming Duo," Trowa asked. They didn't want Duo there when Heero confronted Une. "You look hot."

"It's warmer here than where Doctor kept me," Duo admitted. He looked very curious as he asked, "What's swimming?"

"I'll show you," Trowa said as he stood up and held out his hands. "Want to?"

Duo nodded vigorously, and Trowa lifted him up onto his shoulders. Duo cried out in surprise and clung to his head, but was soon laughing as Trowa made horse noises and ran off towards the pool.

"I'm taking care of him," Heero informed Une with a steely glare. "Sally and I have already arranged a job I can do in the Preventers updating security networks that will allow me to be at home with Duo."

"But you won't have to Heero," came Relena's sweet voice. She walked over and Heero felt a headache coming on. At least Sally was there as well. "I can help take care of him, and we can set up a split schedule in order to care for him."

"No," Wufei interrupted. "You have too many duties as it is to take care of a child."

"That's what I told her," Sally commented.

"It would also not be wise to have Duo be raised by someone that scares him," Heero added. Une bit back her laughter and instead gave Relena a hard look.

"I agree with them," Une told her. "You are not allowed to care for Duo, Heero is more than capable of doing it and you have too many other duties. Besides, it wouldn't be good for him to have to grow up with those raising him caring for him with a split schedule."

"But," Relena protested.

"That is my final word on the matter," Une firmly stated. "I'll come by with the legal papers for you to sign tomorrow," she told Heero.

"Thank you," Heero replied. Relena stormed off again. Sally sighed and shook her head.

"She'll try to gain Duo's trust from now on," Sally informed them. "She thinks the closer she gets to Duo, the closer she'll get to Heero." Heero's eye began to twitch randomly. How many times had he told her he didn't love her? That he couldn't love her?

"Let's go join Trowa," Wufei suggested. "I could do with a swim myself." Heero nodded, and they headed off to change. Soon they were joining a laughing Duo, who was splashing around in an attempt to get away from Trowa's best Jaws impression. Trowa caught Quatre and attacked him as Quatre laughed. Duo laughed at the two.

"And the one shark became three," Heero stated as he got in. Duo turned to look at him. Heero smiled at him and started humming the Jaws music. Duo swam off, giving Trowa a wide birth. Wufei and Heero were both on his tail though, and soon enough Duo stopped slipping by them. Heero got him around his waist as Wufei got his legs and they both began to attack him with—as Duo had called them after he had done this one drunken night—raspberries. It was an odd thing where you blew on a person's stomach while your lips were touching it. Duo squealed and laughed and tried to get away as Trowa and Quatre watched in amusement.

Trowa joined the battle as he stole Duo from them. "He was my prey first," Trowa teased, and began to tickle Duo. The on-going fight in the pool soon expanded to the gardens around them as each team—Wufei and Heero vs. Trowa and Quatre—fought to get Duo from the other team as Duo fought to get away, laughing the entire time. As they neared lunch time they decided to go inside and clean up. Heero scooped Duo up into his arms and headed to the room he usually used when they stayed with Quatre. They all dried up and changed, and then went into the dining hall for lunch.

"Why don't we go out to eat and then shop for Duo's clothes," Quatre suggested. No one had any objections, and soon they were all sitting down at a restaurant to eat. They had crowded into a booth with Trowa and Quatre on one side, and Duo between Heero and Wufei on the other side.

"Do you guys always act like big kids," Duo asked.

"We've just barely become adults," Quatre answered. "We've still got years of goofing off to go." Duo smiled.

"Cool," Duo replied, "'cuz I had a lot of fun. Doctor made me act like an adult and it sucked!" Duo stuck out his tongue in disgust.

"You can act like a child all you want," Heero told him.

"You always did before, so don't worry about it being weird for us," Wufei added. Duo smiled up at the two of them as the waitress brought their food.

"Here we go," she cheerily said as she put down Quatre and Trowa's plates. She put down Heero and Wufei's plates and then Duo's, "And the pasta for the cutest little boy in the Earth Sphere." Duo gave her a big smile and Heero could swear she was about to faint. "He's so cute, you must be a proud father," she told Heero.

Heero nodded and ruffled Duo's hair. "I am." Duo slightly blushed at that, and gave him a quick hug.

The waitress—Sheryl, Heero read on her nametag—looked up and noticed a few press people coming in. She scowled at them and walked over as they began to weave their way over.

"What are you doing here," Sheryl demanded. "Mr. Quatre and his friends are not to be disturbed." The press started to protest, yet she began to shoo them out. "Do you truly think this is what poor Duo needs? You're all monsters that will only traumatize him further. After all he did for peace! Shoo, shoo! Get out!"

Heero decided he liked Sheryl. He was going to leave her a nice fat tip. Duo was enjoying his pasta, and Heero began to eat, fully reassured that the press would not be able to bother them for now.

When they had finished they headed to the mall. Heero had never really liked the place, but Duo had always been enthralled with it. Now was no different. Duo looked much the same as he had then, wide-mouthed and gaping at everything. Quatre led them into store after store, buying Duo a whole new wardrobe. Duo seemed overwhelmed at Quatre's generosity and insisted that he didn't need that much—he'd been living just fine with the one set of clothes Doctor had given him—but Quatre got his way.

When they reached the toy store Duo just shook his head.

"I don't want any toys," Duo explained. "I got all I wanted, a family."

"Let's just go look around then," Quatre suggested. "You can point out what looks interesting, because your birthday is tomorrow."

"Really?" Duo asked with wide eyes. Quatre nodded.

"It would be a big help to us if we had a better idea of what to get you," Quatre continued.

"Okay," Duo agreed, "if you want me to." Quatre gave him a smile and led him by the hand into the store.

The workers must have never seen a stranger sight than four gundam pilots guiding a mini version of the fifth pilot around the store. Duo was always holding onto one of their hands, and they never left his side for long, and never more than one at a time. Seeing nothing that interested Duo, they followed a hunch and went into an electronics store.

They found out that Duo liked robots and other electronic things he could build and fiddle with. Heero stood with Duo outside the store as the other three pilots shopped for gifts. When they came back out Wufei took over holding Duo's hand and Heero went in. He looked around until he noticed a small church shaped music box. He remembered Duo had starred at it for a while when he was in here.

"It's the Maxwell Church," the clerk informed him. "It's got a recording of Sister Helen singing that plays. It's the lullaby she sang to the children the church took in."

"How much is it?" Heero asked.

"I saw the news," the clerk said. "I'd give it to Duo free, and was planning to but then he disappeared. I'll give it to you free if you give it to him."

"I'll pay for it," Heero stated. "But yes, I plan to give it to him."

The clerk sighed. "Twenty bucks, no more," he told him. "I'm going to force a ten dollar discount on you." Heero nodded, and soon he joined the others with his own gift.

They headed back to Quatre's house, and Heero scooped Duo up as soon as they got in the main hall. Duo leaned against his chest and his eyes began to droop.

"We've still got dinner Duo," Heero told the sleepy boy. "Or do you just want to go to bed?" Duo nodded and gave a small yawn.

"I'll see you all later," Heero called. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Yuy," Wufei said. He came over and ruffled Duo's hair. "Goodnight Duo." Wufei kissed Duo's forehead.

"'nigh Wufei," Duo sleepily replied.

Heero carried Duo up to his bedroom, and helped the sleepy boy into his new pajamas. Heero put him to bed, took a short shower, changed, and then joined Duo in bed. Duo's little body snuggled close to him, much like Duo had done when Heero would do this during the war. Duo would get nightmares sometimes, and Heero would sleep in the same bed with him afterwards in order to keep them from returning. By morning the two of them had cuddled across any distance they had managed to keep in the small bed.

Heero soon found himself drifting off to sleep, protectively holding Duo's small body next to him.

Duo came downstairs from after his shower to join them at the table for breakfast.

"Do I look okay?" he tentatively asked. Quatre looked over his tan shorts and red long-sleeved shirt and nodded with a smile of approval.

"Looks great," Quatre praised him, "you did a wonderful job."

Duo smiled and walked over to Heero as the others nodded. Heero picked Duo up and sat him in his lap. Duo shared his breakfast, neither of them minding at all; Heero was finished anyway.

"Are you nervous about today," Wufei asked him. Duo looked over at him and adorably cocked his head to the side.

"Should I be?" Duo asked. "Are birthdays scary? How old am I anyway?"

"Six, I should think," Heero answered.

"There's nothing to be nervous about," Wufei added. "I just thought you might be, considering it's your first one."

Duo thought for a moment, then shook his head. "If you guys are there then there's nothing to be afraid of," Duo answered. "I know you'll protect me."

None of the other pilots could help the tender smile that came across their faces.

"That's right Duo," Heero told him. "We'll be right here to protect you."

"Always," Wufei added. Duo gave them a bright smile with happily closed eyes. Wufei knew right then and there that he'd likely sell his soul if it would protect that smile. This was quickly growing from "in love" to "overly protective maternal love", which was stupid because he wasn't a weak onna, he was a man damnit! He was nineteen, and extremely high up in the Preventers. But, he knew, when it came to Duo; there would be no helping it.

Duo finished breakfast and they all set about different small tasks to help get the party ready. Duo stuck by Heero's side the whole time, and Wufei stuck by them as often as possible. It was quite adorable, seeing Duo following Heero around as he helped. Duo had insisted on helping, and no one found they could refuse him.

It was almost like Heero had a long-haired mini-me. Quite adorable.

A few hours before the party Heero braided Duo's hair, and they all dressed for the party. Quatre had adorned his pale blue suit, and Trowa opted for a simple pair of slacks and a green dress shirt. Duo had changed into slacks—wanting to be properly dressed like the rest of them—and Heero and Wufei dressed in slacks and dress shirts. They didn't think it was really necessary, yet these things always had a way of turning into a giant political ball.

After the party and an extravagant lunch they all hid in one of Quatre's studies to escape the guests.

"Time for our routine hidden gift exchange," Quatre informed them as he brought a box of gifts over.

"Is it only me, Daddy, and Uncle Trowa's birthday?" Duo inquired from his spot on Heero's lap.

"Yes," Quatre answered. "You three never knew your real birth date, and so we all chose one."

"Oh," Duo commented.

"Go ahead and open yours first, little one," Heero told him. Duo gave him a questioning look.

"Are you sure it's okay?" he asked. Heero nodded, and Duo couldn't protest before Quatre's gift made its way into his lap.

Duo unwrapped it and was marveled to find a plane model kit. "Thanks Uncle Quatre!" Duo gave him a giant hug as his face wore a huge grin. Trowa's was a 'build your own robot' kit; and Wufei gave him a Rubix Cube.

Duo unwrapped Heero's gift to find a large stuffed Deathscythe. He hugged it and beamed up at Heero. "Thanks Daddy! I love it!"

"I thought for sure it'd be a teddy bear," Trowa remarked. Heero glared at him.

"I thought you'd bought something different at the electronics store," Quatre remarked.

"I did," Heero answered. "But I'll give it to Duo when he's older." Duo looked up at him questioningly. "It's special, and has something from your past. I don't want to hurt you with the memories it may cause though, so I'm waiting until you're ready," Heero explained. Duo nodded in understanding, and Heero and Trowa opened their gifts.

Guns, books, and computer software were their gifts. What else had they expected? It was what they liked.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything," Duo said with a sad expression. "I just didn't get the chance yesterday, and I don't know what you guys like."

"You're here," Heero told him as he hugged Duo closer, "and that's the best present I could get. That any of us could."


"We missed you," Trowa added. "To have you back safe and sound is more than enough." Duo smiled at them through teary eyes.

"What's wrong Duo?" Quatre asked as he knelt in front of him.

Duo started to rub his eyes as the tears started to fall. "I'm happy, I am," he answered. "I just don't know what I did to deserve a family like you guys. Doctor always told me I was worthless, only good as a tool if I did as he said, and yet you all are so kind and caring—it's all I could ever hope for!"

Duo found himself encased in a group hug as everyone entwined in a big circle around him.

"We've always loved you Duo," Heero informed him, "and we always will. You're worth so much more than any idiot doctor told you."

"I may have banded us together at the beginning," Quatre added, "but you are the glue that keeps us together even now."

"You've done more for us than you'll ever know," Wufei stated quietly. "And we will always love you."

"It's a promise," Trowa finished.

Duo smiled as he felt the love from the four hugging him seep through those three months of despairing uncertainty. This was truly more than he could have ever hoped for, and he would make sure to be a good son, if only to repay their love and kindness.

Wufei and Heero had been with him for the rest of the day. He fell asleep that night in content peace, holding his new stuffed pal as his father held him in those warm arms. He was loved, and it was all he needed to know.

A/N: I made chapter one rather large to make up for the fact I don't have much written. I have probably one or two more chapters written depending on if I combine them or not. I want to wait until I've written more though before I post another chapter, that way the updates might be a little less further apart.

Please tell me what you think of it so far, TTFN!