Thanks to all the people who have reviewed!

Sorry it's been a while since I last updated but I have had a load of school work and stuff to do.

I only own the story plot nothing high school musical-y!

An Undying Love

Troy made his way over to his overcrowded messy desk and grabbed his phone and started to dial the number he had has memorised since freshman year.

"Hello?" asked a quite mumbled voice.

"Guess what?" Troy challenged

"I don't know what?"

"Chad" troy whined "You have to guess"

"Ugh" the afro headed boy sighed dramatically into the receiver "Troy it is half eleven at night and some of us have an English exam in the morning, I don't have time for you silly games"

"Guess!" Chad could tell Troy was smiling by the excitement in his voice.

"Ugh fine...Jennifer Aniston called to confess her undying love for me"

"Never gonna happen my friend" scoffed Troy "anyway this is so much better than that!"

"Better than Jennifer Aniston?" questioned Chad doubtfully

"Way better" troy said putting emphasis on the 'way'

"What is it then?"

"Well..." Troy paused to build up the tension that was slowly growing in Chad's lower stomach "Sharpay is back!"

"That's it?" Chad asked a little disappointed that he was getting excited only to find out that the she-devil herself was returning. "Troy that maybe exciting for you, but Sharpay hates me...why should I be happy for her homecoming?"

"She doesn't hate you... well I could understand if she did, I mean you have called her 'ice queen' since the first day of high school" Troy tried to reason with him

"In my defence I only called her that because she ran over my bike in her fancy-pants-limo"

"Well in her defence, she wasn't the one driving" troy pointed out.

It was silent for a number of seconds; Troy could tell he had won that little bickering contest.

Finally Chad retaliated "if she really is home, what the heck are you doing talking to me? Should you be making out with her somewhere really far away from me?"

Troy stood still for a moment with the phone pressed against his ear letting the seconds pass. Chad had a point, he shouldn't be standing here having a chat about freshman year with Chad, he should be rushing like a mad man over to the Evans residence and serenading Sharpay from their backyard while she stood watching him lovingly from the balcony... and if that didn't go to plan he was sure a long hot steamy make out session would be just as affective.

- - - - -

Sharpay lay on her bed in a curled up position listening to the low mumble of the television downstairs. She hadn't left the room since the argument with her dearest mother.

Ryan had brought up some food from dinner on a tray but it still lay on the floor exactly where he left it.

A bright light shone through the small gap in the curtains then quickly shut out.

"Neighbours returning late home from work" Sharpay thought absentmindedly as she dried her eyes with the sleeve of Ryan's jumper that she was still wearing and sat up on her pink quilted bed. She ran a shaking hand roughly through her now dry hair as she walked over to her balcony and slowly push the doors open to gaze up at the night's sky.

She stayed looking up at the stars that twinkled like lights on a Christmas tree. It seemed as though the world was a perfect place, just staring up to where nothing was wrong. Sharpay soon came back to reality when she heard the front door down below burst open.

- - - - -

Troy sat in his old blue car -that was seriously in need of a paint job- taking deep breaths trying to work up the courage to get out of the car and go see Sharpay, sure he had missed her and was more than excited to see her, but what if she had changes? Or she found a new boyfriend in New Zealand? Or maybe she just didn't like him anymore hence the reason she didn't try to contact him the whole time she was away.

All the different scenarios where swimming around in Troy's head but they all quickly came to a halt when a fast tapping became present on the car window. Troy turned to see an angry blond figure glaring at him through the driver side window. He took a deep breath and slowly rolled down the window.

"Uhm...hi... I just came to--"

"I don't know how you know she is home, but I strongly recommend you leave before I call the police" Mrs. Evans growled through gritted teeth as she interrupted Troy.

"I just want to see her" Troy defended as he opened the car door.

Mrs. Evans slammed the door closed narrowly missing Troy's hand. "Don't you dare come anywhere near her, you have done enough damage to this family!"

"What?" Troy asked generally confused "what have I done?"

Mrs. Evans gave Troy a glare very similar to the ones that Sharpay was capable of "leave my property this instant!"

Troy opened his mouth to let out one of the many come backs he had in mind for in woman standing to his side, but shut it again after realising that insulting her wasn't gonna get him any closer to what he wanted. Sharpay.


Thanks for reading! And thanks for all the great reviews I have been getting, please don't stop! =]

Ok so this story is gonna have to come to a stop soon well not a stop just a pause, because have no idea what to do next! That's mainly the reason I haven't updated in so long, I have been stuck for ideas!

So if you have any ideas for this story however big or small they are i would love to hear them!

