
declaration: I do not own Naruto, I am not a possessive person

please reveiw gently

Haven for lost souls


I am a changed man.

Yes, I know this might be a strange statement, coming from a man how switches bodies on a daily basis, but indeed, I am not the man I used to be.Still, I do not know what to make of it, this change that came over me, but I sure know the reason for it. There he was, naked under the silk sheets, moaning in his sleep. Beautiful and deadly ,enigmatic lover of mine, Uchiha Itachi.

The moon is full tonight, and it is bathing the room with its silver rays. It was storming earlier, so I have opened the window, to let the soft breeze carry the fresh Scent of the rain into the room. Itachi sighs in his sleep, tossing and turning; I hope he is not visiting one of his nightmares again. I do not wish to wake him up, gods knows he needs his sleep. I ,on the other hand, cannot close my eyes at all. Some decisions are in need to be made. Hard decisions, cruel ones. Not long ago, I would not loss sleep over those matters, but as I said before, I am a changed man. Not the one I was only fifteen years ago.


It is always wise to start at the beginning.