A/N: I am rewriting this story. Maybe. You can read this version if you want but I'm pretty sure I want to rewrite it. The new one may not be any better, but I really want to try this again. This is just too full of short-comings (on my part, of course) for me to feel good about it. The rewrite (if I can find the time to really concentrate on it) is the same concept and the same cross over ( that's another thing, I'll file that one correctly).
So, here's hopin'.
You Don't Even Know
Batman was spending more and more time in the Justice League's watch tower. Superman knew why.
Bruce would never admit it to anyone for as long as he lived, but the could only take so much quiet. The man never thought he would really miss the constant interruptions that made tedious case work that much longer. He never thought he would see the day he actually wanted someone to talk nonstop about nothing at all.
What Batman, what Bruce, wanted was his little boy.
Granted Robin was fifteen by now and not so little anymore. But still.
"Diana, do you have any idea what this is?" Clark showed Wonder Woman a piece of paper with something illegible scrawled on it. (Probably Flash's doing, really he needed to take up typing.)
Currently it was only Clark, Diana, and Bruce in the tower's main computer room, doing the necessary paper shuffling that came with crime fighting. Bruce moving at a much faster pace than the others.
Before Wonder Woman could answer, though, the mammoth supercomputer signaled a call coming in.
Clark, immensely grateful for the interruption, jumped up to get it.
When he typed in the password to answer though he was faced with . . . the back of someone's head. They appeared to be speaking to someone out of frame.
"Ahem," Superman cleared his throat as loud as he could without sounding too impatient.
Never the less he still managed to scare the boy on the other end half to death. A teenager mostly covered in blue and white body armor nearly hit the roof and turned to face the man of steel with a slight yelp of surprise. Superman raised an eyebrow and tried to stifle a laugh.
Thankfully he pulled himself together in record time with a somewhat sheepish look on his face and identified himself, "Hello, um, I'm Cyborg from the Teen Titans. I need to speak to Batman."
"Yes, I've heard of you," Clark said, trying not to scare the boy again," May I ask the nature of your call."
Cyborg blinked and after a moment said," It's . . . about Robin, sir."
By then Batman and Wonder Woman had made it over. Judging by the downcast look in the half-robot's face the news was nothing good. Clark braced himself for what might come next.
When Cyborg didn't go on Batman said bluntly," Well? Has something happened to him?"
"That's the thing, sir, we're not sure," Cyborg replied slowly," He's missing . . . ."
One week earlier-Titan's Tower
"Poor Beast Boy," Starfire murmured. The changeling had just trudged out of the common room after telling them where he had been that day. The other four titans where left sitting in the common room in silence.
Cyborg broke the quiet first with a sigh," You don't think he's right, do you? That Terra's back?" he asked looking to Robin.
After a moment their leader looked up from his place on the couch and replied, "I don't know. But someone did move her; I'd like to know who and why even if somehow it was her. As for the part about her walking around with no memory of . . . everything . . . well, I just don't know."
"She can't be," Raven deadpanned. They all looked at her. "What I mean is, I checked myself and so did Cyborg. Neither one of us found any signs of life, no way to reverse it," she sighed and looked out the floor to cieling windows in the common room, "Look," she said quietly after a moment," We're all tired and I really don't see anything we can do that Beast Boy hasn't already tried today."
"You're right -- for now," Robin said. Cyborg nodded.
"But what about friend Beast Boy?" Starfire asked," Should he be left alone when he is so sad?"
"I think he would like to be alone right now, Star," Robin told her. The pretty alien nodded but still looked worried.
Robin glanced at the clock on his communicator. It was almost midnight. "C'mon guys, it's late, let's get to bed."
As they all parted ways Robin thought about Terra. Beast Boy had said she didn't want to remember. He thought back to Raven and Cyborg's tests and a strange thought began to form in his mind. What if she didn't even want them to know she was alive. She could control earth after all. Through that thick layer of rock Terra was covered in maybe she could make it seem like was dead.
In some twisted way it made sense. But having sudden amnesia, or whatever, just because you didn't want to remember. No, if that really was Terra, then something else happened to cause her to forget.
Robin had only been asleep for about two hours when the Tower's alarm went off. He took a quick look at the clock. 2a.m.
Stupid crime- couldn't even wait till dawn.
Never the less, Boy wonder jumped out of bed and bolted to the main room. Just as he began to slow down as he entered, though, Cyborg ran smack into his back almost making him topple over.
"Cyborg," Robin looked at him annoyed as the rest of the team filed inside.
"Sorry, dude, your break lights are out," Cyborg joked.
Cyborg moved around the irritated masked boy and went to the computer to see what was going on.
"Something's up at the docks," Cyborg announced looking at a map of the city, "No one we know."
"Doesn't matter, let's go," Robin said.
Standing in the shadows of a nearby building, Robin watched as thirty or so men unloaded what looked like a shipment of guns and ammunition from . . . who knew where.
"I don't suppose we could just tell them their under arrest and they'd come quietly?" Raven's monotone voice came through the comm. link.
"Considering every one of them has a weapon of some sort on them, I seriously doubt it," Robin replied, "Is everyone in position?"
Affirmative all around, "Good, Titans go."
Raven was the first to act. Several unloaded boxes were surrounded by a black aura and shot across the deck knocking several crew men into the water. Star was next, dropping from the air right in the middle of a large group of them. More crew members shouted as she went on throwing them overboard. A blue-white beam crashed through the center of the boat as Cyborg rode in on a green pterodactyl. Cy hopped of next to Starfire and Beast Boy morphed into a large tiger, let out a vicious roar, and began pouncing at fleeing men.
Finally Robin jumped in, bo-staff in hand. He landed on top of a large pile of crates that a few men were attempting to push onto Starfire and Cyborg, still fighting side-by-side.
"Too chicken to fight out in the open?" Robin startled them with the question.
They recovered quickly enough and began to climb up the unsteady pile. The largest of them carried a heavy chain with him and swung it at Robin's middle when he finally reached the top. Robin back flipped out of the way and managed to plant both feet into man who climbed up behind him. One down, two to go.
The other unarmed crook was easy enough to take out. One swift kick to the skull and he was out cold. Unfortunately this meant the crook plummeted down, dislodging several more crates making the mound even more unstable.
Robin was regaining his balance when the man with the chain got in a lucky shot. He caught Robin around the leg with the thick chain and pulled. The burly man swung the chain towards the water and, in a moment of pure instinct, Robin reached out and grabbed the nearest crate.
But it only came crashing into the water with him. Before he hit the surface he caught a glimpse of Beast Boy staring wide-eyed and sprinting to help.
Then all he saw was murky water and felt the heavy crate fall on him and push him to the bottom.
Beast Boy was the only one who saw their friend get pulled into the inky river and was running to help only to be stopped by a bulk of a man with a huge chain.
"Get out of the way," the shape shifter growled before launching himself at the criminal as a bear.
The man swung his weapon again and this time caught Beast Boy around the neck. The bear turned into a python and slithered out of the makeshift noose and around the man. He squeezed the man around the chest until he passed out from lack of air. Unfortunately Beast Boy didn't realize how long he was taking.
By then Raven had come over to him and said,"I think that's the last of them."
They all turned to Starfire as she squeaked," Where is Robin?"