DUN DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAA! Behold the last official "chapter" Of What Sarah Said!! Thanks to everyone who stuck with this fic till the very end. I'll admit this is kind of filler, but I've already started the epilogue and its already over 4 pages long. So yeah, hopefully if you didn't get the significance of the line "love is watching someone die" THIS chapter will explain it.



And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU that reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breaths as I said to myself that I'd already taken too much today
As each descending peak on the LCD took you a little farther away from me
Away from me

Amongst the vending machines and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye
It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds

"What Sarah Said"

-Death cab for Cutie

Ch 8

Hello Future Lawliet!

If you are reading this now, I have no doubt been dead for many years. Know that I have been watching over you from wherever I am now, and I still call you my friend. Even though I am writing this as I die, know that I am sorry for what I am about to reveal to you.

In my dream, I saw your death Lawliet. You die in a room surrounded by computers and about 5 other men. There is one man standing behind you, and he has absolutely the most perfect face I have ever seen on a person, you must think so too Lawliet because I could tell that…you love him. First off please let me tell you that he loves you too, but it was like his very soul was split, one half fully in love with you and the other wanting you dead. I don't know how it happened then but you fall off your chair and begin to die on the floor. The boy with the brown hair and angelic face will run up to you and lean over you as you die. Lawliet, I am so sorry for telling you this but I feel like I must. This boy is the one who is responsible for your death, and in the moments that you die his emotions are like seeing an angel being killed by a demon. Any love that that boy has towards you dies, and is replaced only with…joy. Lawliet I'm so sorry, and I wish with all my heart that I am wrong.

Forever your friend


L looked down the letter to see that sarah had taken the liberty of writing what she meant by 'love is watching someone die', L had been right but he didn't care. He looked over at Light, still sound asleep and looking peaceful as ever. For a wile L didn't know what to do with himself, then silently he walked into the other room of their suite, closed the door and cried. He fell to the floor and allowed himself to fully give in to his emotions for the first time in his life. He unashamedly screamed and moaned into a pillow. So Light did love him…but he was also Kira and would kill him. In the end, Light would not even regret killing L, he might even laugh years from now about their love to himself. No…L couldn't let himself think like this, this was all in the future, and Sarah had just told him that Light loves him now. It still didn't help. His whole mind, his whole body was going a thousand miles a second and L just felt himself falling deeper and deeper into despair. He never really cared about love, or at least he thought he hadn't, but Light made him question alot of things he thought he didn't care about. Love, life, hope, he never saw the need for them in his overly practical mind, but Light seemed to rip out the logical side of his brain and replaced it with his love. Now that that wasn't even there, L had nothing to stand on.

Pulling himself together, L returned himself to the bed and re-chained himself to light. Starring at him now everything seemed to fall into place.

"love is watching some one die."

"At least you get to watch me die Light." L leaned in and kissed Light on the fore head.

But I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all
And I looked around at all the eyes on the ground as the TV entertained itself

'Cause there's no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous pacers bracing for bad news
And then the nurse comes round and everyone will lift their heads
But I'm thinking of what Sarah said that "Love is watching someone die"

"What Sarah Said"

-Death Cab for Cutie