Ok so first I want people to know that I tried REALLY hard not to make Sarah a Mary sue. I fucking hate Mary sues. Second this is NOT a song fic, I just got inspired to write this after I heard the song "What Sarah said" By Death Cab for Cutie. There are references to the song in it, but you don't necessarily need to know the song to understand whats going on.

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note or anything to do with it. Nor do I own Death cab for cutie or any of their songs. Please don't hurt me.

CH 1. Sarah

It was another sunny day at wammy's house, and L was spending it alone again. It didn't bother him that he had no friends, he didn't like too many people nobody really understood were his head was most of the time, but he did get lonely every now and again. As he sat in the shadows of a large oak tree L caught sight of a girl wearing a long white bathrobe and a blue dress, standing under the green oning that extended out from the deck of the school. She was all alone staring at the ground, but L thought he detected the slightest bit of a smile on her lips. He didn't know why but he walked up to her to investigate.

"Why are you all alone" He asked her.

"Because I have no friends." She replied, keeping her eyes on the ground and a smile on her face.

"Then why are you smiling?"

She looked up at his for the first time. "Because I had a very good dream last night."

"Ok this girl is weird," Thought L "No wonder she doesn't have any friends."

"My name's Lawliet, what's yours?" He reached out a hand to shake, but as she looked at it for the fist time she frowned.

"My name's Sarah." She said, the smile returning to her face, still not touching L's hand.

L placed his hand back in his pocket, somehow not offended by this almost rude gesture. Yes this girl was weird but…he was too, and maybe he identified with her. Neither had any friends, but maybe they could be each others friend.

"Um…" He said, he wasn't used to initiating conversation. "Do you want to go hang out some where?"

"Sure!" She said "Where?"

"Well, I usually hang out in the library but…"

"Then lets go there!"

They walked down the long hallway in almost complete silence. L flung the doors to the Library open and was relived to find no one else was there. Before he could realize what she was doing, Sarah walked over to a table with a huge leather bound dictionary on it and waved for him to come over.

"Come on Lawiet I'm gonna teach you a game!"

L walked over and hoisted himself onto a seat next to her.

"Ok Sarah what game is this?"

"Its called the dictionary game. You flip open to a random page in the dictionary, look at a word and try to find its real meaning."

"I don't follow." L said with a rare look of confusion on his face.

"Look I'll show you." Sarah closed her eyes flipped open to a page, and placed her finger on a word. " 'Betrayal: To betray, or wrong someone who trusts you."

"Sounds right to me." Said L

"Hrmm, It's close but I don't think that's what betrayal really means." She said thinking hard.

"But It's a dictionary how can it be wrong?"

"Betrayal is telling a friend goodbye!" Sarah said, her smile spreading across her face even wider.

"What?" L said. He was beginning to get annoyed.

"You see Lawliet people will tell you that there is only one way to define the world around you, and while this is true the thing they do not tell you is that the only person who can define this world is you. Not the dictionary, not the bible, not scientists, you. If you want to accept all the definitions this book gives you as being what they are then that's your choice, just make sure that it is your choice and not theirs."

"Ookay I can buy that but, what did you mean by 'Betrayal is telling a friend goodbye'?"

Sarah giggled "Oh come on Lawliet I thought you'd be good at this game! Betrayl is telling a friend goodbye because when you are really friends with someone it means that you will care, at least a little bit, about this person for the rest of time. When you really say goodbye, like for good, it means that you have stopped caring."

"So saying goodbye to a friend is breaking the trust that you have given each other and is therefore betrayal?"

Sarah clapped her hands excitedly "Oh yes lawliet I knew you'd be good at this game!"

The bell rang angrily over their heads signaling the end of recess.

"Well, I have to go. You should be heading back to class." Sarah said as she started to walk away.

"Wait!" L called after her "Can we meet here same time tomorrow?" She turned around and the biggest smile L had ever seen spread across her face.

"Yes Let's!"

((end of ch 1 WOOT))