In case your not caught up with what happened in I'd Give Anything, here it is:
1) Edward is human.
2) Jacob died giving Edward his humanity.
3) I think even my regular readers forgot this one: Edward still has a mystery gift to give to Bella.
4) Bella and Edward are married.
5) Alice had a vision, but she hasn't told anybody what that vision was about.
6) Renee is pregnant.
7) The rest of the Cullens are still vampires.
Alright, here we go. The sequel to I'd Give Anything.
Enjoy (: (And P.S., no major Breaking Dawn spoilers (I will warn you if they are major) But nevertheless, there are spoilers.)
Other men have seen angels, but I have seen thee, and thou art enough. -G. Moore.
"We could have it here."
"Yes. Why not? I would love to throw a huge occasion at our house."
"Wouldn't my original house be a more practical choice? There would be more breathing room."
"I love that you have to breath, now."
Edward looked at me, and rolled his eyes, trying to hide his humor.
"Think about it. Alright? I would love to show Renee and Charlie my new house. I know they, especially Renee, are dying to see it."
Edward smiled, and kissed me on the lips. It was quick, but more than a peck. I sighed. "We'll see. Though you probably know that you're going to get your way." He teased. "Again."
It was my turn to roll my eyes.
Edward and I got married August first. It was a very surreal and fairy-tale experience. It was hard to believe that I was so against it in the f irst place. Our honeymoon was at an island; Isle Esme. We stayed there for two weeks, then came home. It was then that Edward showed me a cottage, our new house, a few miles from his home. Personally, I loved the place. I thought it was so cute and homey. It wasn't bright, like the Cullen's house, it was darker. Filled with browns, maroons, darker colors like that. Only our bedroom was lighter, modeled after the bedroom we shared at Isle Esme. Almost completely white. My paradise, as I often called it.
Life for the past three months have been great. It was a little weird, what living with Charlie for several years, and before that, Renee, and suddenly your living in a house with the love of your existence; not that it took long to get used to. I adjusted perfectly fine.
It's true, I haven't seen Charlie since the wedding, or Renee, or any of my friends. We have just been busy. We go grocery shopping together (I can't let Edward go alone or else we' d be eating nothing but chocolate chip cookies...), we go jogging every morning, and we eat together. Life is prefect, flawless, and completely amazing.
It was just this morning that Edward reminded me that Thanksgiving was in a week. Now I was arguing with him. I wanted to host dinner here, show off my house and everything. Edward, being a man and all, wouldn't understand. It was something that every woman has fantasized about at least once in their life. The big fairy-tale wedding—check—the honeymoon that is everything you've dreamed of and more—check— and, finally, showing off your house to your family and friends. The list was longer, but wasn't entirely important at the moment. Starting a family, and, my personal fantasy, one day baby sitting our grandchildren on a porch swing, were things that would happen longer done the line...Years.
I started walking towards the large kitchen.
"Would you like anything to eat?" I asked. It was around lunchtime, about twelve thirty. Edward had passed on breakfast, so I knew he must have been hungry.
"Whatever you have, love."
I smiled to myself—the words never failed to send a thrill of excitement through me—and tripped. I caught myself on the refrigerator door before I bashed my head on the ceramic tile.
Edward's half-concerned, half-amused voice came from the bedroom. He ran out and saw me. I must have looked ridiculous. At least least I felt ridiculous. One hand holding on to the handle while the rest of my body was in an odd position. I would have laughed at myself, probably.
Edward's lips twitched, but he rushed to my side, wrapping his arm around my waist while the other one held the hand that was just holding onto the handle.
"What am I going to do with you?" He whispered in my ear, chuckling.
"Do your worst," I whispered back, kissing him in a way that made my intentions clear. My stomach growled after a minute.
"Drat," I complained.
"We will see how you feel after you eat. Agreed?" He asked, getting up, then offering me his hand.
"Agreed," I said, then took his outstretched hand and he pulled me up.
Working in sync we made homemade pizza. I always enjoy cooking with Edward. We never talked much—mostly because of my fear of slicing my finger...—but that was what was generally so great about it. We communicated without words; smiles and body language were our communication.
We ate on our porch, talking about where we would set up the dinner tables, for Thanksgiving. I tried to hide my victorious smile. Of course, I already knew Edward was going to give in...He couldn't refuse anything that would make me happy. I knew how he felt, I was the same way with him.
"We could use the basement. Since it's finished and everything," I suggested, picturing it in my mind. I shrugged, it seemed like the more practical choice.
"Yes. That would work. It's the most reasonable choice."
I nodded, trying to seem indifferent. I got up from my seat and grabbed his lunch plate. He smiled at me as I opened up the screen door to take the plates into the kitchen. I began to rinse them off when I remembered I had to go somewhere tonight.
I yelled loud enough that he would here me through the screen door. "Esme and I are going to work on the quilt tonight. I promised her."
His response was surprising to me. "That's fine. I was going to go over there sometime this week anyway."
My eyebrows pulled down in confusion. "Why?" I yelled back.
"I've been meaning to ask Carlisle some questions."
His tone was nonchalant, so I tried to just ignore the curiosity. I set the plates in the dish washer and hit the start button, yelling a quick, "Be right there," to Edward and made my way to the laundry room.
I turned off the dryer and grabbed all of the clothes that couldn't be dried all of the way, unless I wanted them to shrink. I began hanging them on a long rope Edward had stapled to wooden ceiling while humming my lullaby.
I finished hanging the clothes and turned back to the dryer to restart it, to dry all of the clothes that needed fully dry. I stopped humming to blow a piece of stray hair out of my face, and saw Edward standing against the door frame. His arms were crossed and his emerald eyes were soft and smoldering. I looked down, blushing, and made my way over to him.
I wrapped my arms around his torso, breathing in his intoxicating scent. Even as a human his smell made my head spin. I smiled when I felt the warmth of him, and felt the soft, steady beating of his heart. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it—feeling his heart beats. I squeezed him tighter, trying to get closer to him. I sighed with satisfaction.
He sighed, too, and began humming where I left off. He paused to lift my chin up with his finger and kissed my forehead; only to begin humming again.
The song came to a close and he pressed his forehead against mine.
"I told you I would help you with the laundry."
I smiled. "Yes, but I don't mind."
"I don't want to be like those other husbands who make their wives to all the work."
"You're not making me. I don't mind doing it." I explained.
He kissed the tip of my nose and chuckled. "You are so stubborn."
I shrugged. I was.
I reached onto the tip of my toes and kissed his warm lips. I felt him smile under me.
"I feel fine now," I hinted, my body making my intentions clear.
He laughed. "So you do."
And with that he carried me to our bedroom.
It was a good thing that vampires never slept, because by the time Edward and I got to the Cullen's it was already eleven o' clock. We were both exhausted, but that was our fault. I promised Esme that I would come over tonight, and I knew it would hurt her feelings if I decided to cancel. Besides, tomorrow was Saturday. I could sleep in.
Edward parked his silver Volvo on the grass we walked to the door, hand and hand. He didn't bother to knock or ring the doorbell, so he just walked in.
Alice and Rosalie were sprawled across the floor playing checkers. Alice was winning, of course. Personally, I didn't get it. What's the fun playing a game when the other person already knew what moves you were going to make?
Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle were watching CNN. They didn't look particularly interested, but what else is there to do at night when you don't sleep? When Carlisle saw us he immediately got up from his position and walked over to us. Esme was already at the door when we came in; waiting for our arrival.
"I am so happy you could come tonight, Bella." Esme greeted me with a hug, then moved onto Edward.
"I have missed you so much, son," she confessed to Edward.
Edward smiled at her. "As I have missed you." Then he turned to Carlisle. "Can I speak with you?" He asked. Carlisle immediately could tell it was a private issue, and gestured to his office.
"Of course," he said in his honey voice.
"I'll be right back, love," he whispered in my ear, then walked up the stairs to Carlisle's office.
"Hey Bella!" Emmett boomed from the couch. "It's a good thing you and Edward took a break. I was wondering when you were going to get tired."
I was going to throw back a sarcastic remark, but then thought better of it. It would only add fuel to the fire.
"Hi, Emmett," I said politely. "Nice to see you again, Jasper."
"Nice to see you too, Bella."
Alice declared that she was the winner of the checker game, then, in a blur of white and black, she skipped over to my side, kissing me on the cheek.
"Bella!" She squealed, throwing her arms around me. Cold and hard.
"Hi, Alice," I laughed, kissing the top of her spiky hair.
A while back, Alice had seen a vision. It was after Edward became human, so even he had no clue as to what she had seen. It didn't happen yet, because she teased Edward about him not knowing. It irked me for a while, because it involved me, but now I hardly give it a thought. She'll tell me whenever she's ready...
Rosalie didn't even spare me a glance. She was still jealous of Edward's becoming human instead of her. I sighed.
"Don't mind her," Esme said in her soft, motherly voice. "Would you like to get started?"
Esme and I were working on a quilt for Renee's baby, A.K.A., my future brother/sister. Renee was five months along, so a couple of months ago Esme had suggested to make a quilt for the baby. Of course, Esme could have probably finished the quilt in under an hour, but she was working at a human pace, so I could keep up with her. I think she was mostly doing it so we could spend time together, so whenever she offered that I come over to work on it, it was hard to decline.
Edward didn't come downstairs until midnight, which was when Esme and I decided to continue our project another day. I think she noticed that I was dog-tired and couldn't stand to stay awake even a few more minutes.
I must have fallen asleep even before we walked out of the door, because when I woke up I was back in my bedroom.
I didn't finish reading Breaking Dawn. I'm on chapter 34. I don't want to finish it yet (it's the last of the series!) so I figured that I might as well get my new story started, to keep myself from walking to my room, and finishing the book. If you want to talk about it, PLEASE don't mention anything past chapter 34. Are you guys enjoying Breaking Dawn/ Did you enjoy it? Personally, I like it. Not my favorite in the series, but I loved it! It was different, and, to me, at least, made me gasp on several occasions. And I'm not even done yet! I do want to know, though, did anybody else get choked up/cry at pages 325-328? Oh my goodness! I thought that was the cutest thing ever!
Oh, and one more thing. I highly recommend going to The Mitch Hansen Band website, and listen to their song Lullaby. It's a Twilight inspired band, and the lullaby is supposed to be Edward's lullaby. Personally, I cried when I heard it. It's what I even listened to when I wrote this.
Review please!