Happy New Year everyone! I thought since it's a new year, I should finally try and continue this story. Anyway, no more excuses! It's been a long time since I've worked on this story and I'm gonna finish it. Happy 2009…here's chapter three.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, Sakura would be dead and six feet under the abyss of hell! (sighs) I needed to get that out…

Chapter Three: Making Enemies

'It's finally lunch time…' Hinata thought to herself as the bell rang.

Soon she was off to her locker to grab her lunch. While getting her lunch, she noticed Sasuke grabbing his lunch and his leather jacket (A/N: I just thought it would suit his "bad-assery", lolz!) and he headed out the front doors of the school with his earphones in his ears. Hinata was slightly distracted at the moment and didn't notice Gaara and Temari coming her way.

"Umm…Hinata, what are you staring at?" Temari asked curiously.

"W-what? Oh, it was…nothing, really." Hinata answered while snapping out of her trance. "I think I'm gonna go out to lunch today -- alone." Hinata added before anything else was said.

"Do you still need some time to think about the whole "marrying-at-eighteen" situation?" Gaara asked with his normally raspy voice filled with unusual concern. Hinata nodded.

"Let us know if you need any more help." Temari said while hugging the pearly-eyed girl.

"Thanks you guys." Hinata said smiling and watched her friends leave.

'Whew, that was a close one. If Temari or Gaara caught me staring at Sasuke, what would they think?' Hinata thought to herself as she grabbed her coat and decided to catch up with the raven-haired boy. (A/N: Hmmm…staring at Sasuke and now she's running after him. Funny, huh?)


Once she reached outside, Hinata felt the cool fall air blow through her indigo locks of hair. It delighted her and calmed her down. She looked around in every direction and found Sasuke sitting under the large oak tree behind the school. He was eating his bagged lunch while listening to his iPod all by himself.

'He looks so…alone.' Hinata thought, feeling saddened at the moment. She walked over to the loner Uchiha and greeted him to get his attention. Sasuke was aware of her presence and he greeted her back. Assuming that he was going to hold a long conversation with the pearly-eyed girl, he paused the song he was listening to and offered her a seat next to him on the grass.

Being as shy as she was, Hinata was silent at the moment and sat there, searching for something to say to get rid of the awkwardness of the situation.

"So…umm, what song are you listening to?" she asked shyly.

"The Unforgiven III…Metallica." he said rather bluntly. (A/N: Review me about the song choice. I wasn't sure if the song choice was okay because I didn't want to use Linkin Park for him. Everybody knows that Linkin Park almost always goes with Sasuke, so I didn't want it to be so…cliché. Anyway…)

"Oh…can I listen?" Hinata asked politely. Sasuke nodded and gave her one of the earphones.

At first, Hinata really liked the orchestrated beginning with the piano. Then, she heard the guitar come in with the lyrics. She mostly liked the chorus because it seemed to fit Sasuke's demeanor.

How can I be lost?

If I've got nowhere to go?

Searched the seas of gold

How come it's got so cold?

How can I be lost?

In remembrance I relive

How can I blame you?

When it's me I can't forgive

"I don't usually listen to metal, but I do like this song." Hinata smiled at him.

"You really don't strike me as someone who would like metal anyway." He commented as he looked at the way she was dressed. To him, Hinata looked like a secretary in a business office or a really nerdy school girl. Hinata looked at her clothes and shrugged.

"I like the way I look." Hinata said with some pride.

"But why do you dress like that?" Sasuke asked out of curiosity.

"'Cause if I dressed any other way, I'd look like every other girl in this school." Sasuke looked puzzled for a second.

"…Like a slut." she added. Sasuke chuckled.

"That's a good point." he agreed. Hinata laughed as well.


Meanwhile, Sakura sat with her girlfriends (A/N: AKA "Sakura's evil army of Sasuke-obsessed skanks") in the cafeteria. The pink-haired girl sat there constantly primping herself in front of her mirror that she couldn't possibly live without while discussing their weekend plans.

"So girls, what's the plan for tomorrow? A trip to the mall, maybe the spa?" Sakura asked the girls that sat in front of her until something caught her attention. Her expression quickly changed to a very angry and jealous expression.

"Sakura, what's the matter?" asked one of the girls.

"It's that damn, little nerd! She's trying to steal Sasuke again!" Sakura pointed at them from the cafeteria window. She watched as the two laughed together while sitting under the tree. Sakura clenched her teeth in complete and utter anger.

"You know, I think they look kind of cute together…" said one of Sakura's friends.

"You know what Tenten, you really don't have to be here anymore! You are officially kicked out of my friend's circle! Don't bother showing your face at this table!" Sakura yelled in jealous fury.

"Fine, I never really wanted to be a part of your little band of whores! If you were any smarter, you would know to let Sasuke go already and stop pursuing him! What makes you think that he'll even look at you?" Sakura sat there, fuming in anger.

"That's what I thought. And hopefully if the rest of you know any better, you'll stay away from Sakura and her huge ego!" Tenten said directly to the group and walked away.

"Whatever…" the pinked-haired girl mumbled under her breath.


"So what kinds of music do you like, Hinata?" Sasuke asked.

"Hmmm…well, promise you won't laugh, okay?" Sasuke was puzzled. Why would he laugh at her preference of music?

"Okay, I won't."

"I like the kind of music that you would hear in romantic movies. Like the part when the lovers stare into each other's eyes and they finally kiss…" Hinata sighed while trailing off. Sasuke tried his best to keep his composure, but he couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"I knew you would laugh…" Hinata said, sounding a bit discouraged.

"Okay I'm sorry, but--" Sasuke suddenly noticed that the two were being watched through the cafeteria windows by a certain pink-haired witch.

"What's wrong?" Hinata asked confused.

"Sakura's watching us. I have an idea." Sasuke smiled deviously.

He motioned for Hinata to come close enough so he could whisper in her ear.

"Let's try to set her off. You can already tell that she hates it when I "flirt" with other girls. So, while I'm doing this, try and make it look like I'm seducing you or something." he whispered. Hinata giggled.


"What are they doing?!?" Sakura yelled while watching them closely.

"Now let's kiss." Sasuke whispered in her ear yet again. Hinata's eyes widened which made it more and more convincing.

'Kiss? I may not know you that well, but it's about time Sakura had it coming! Only problem is that I've never really kissed anyone before. I hope this works.' Hinata smiled deviously, despite how nervous she was. Before she knew it, Sasuke crushed his lips into hers and they began kissing. However, just as fast as it had begun, it ended. Hinata blushed furiously. At the same time, Sakura had completely lost it.

"Alright, if that's how you want to play, then it is so on! Let the games begin."

Immediately, Sakura had begun plotting against Hinata. The evil expression she held on her face had seriously frightened her friends.

"Girls, I know what we're doing tomorrow night."

The other girls had no clue what evil Sakura was planning, but being her friends, or more like her followers, they decided to go along with it. Then, the bell finally rang and everyone headed to their next class.

'You have messed with the wrong girl you little nerd. Don't think you're gonna get with it that easily…'


Oooooo, I LOVE this chapter! It's oozing with fluff and evil! (smiles) Please, please, review and tell me what you think! Adios!